Originally posted by Antares Administration:
So here we go... In the 993 Gateway setting, what would you like to see in a T20 adventure? It can be characters, places, systems, plot twists, government, corporations, agencies, environments, pretty much anything.
Paul Nemeth
Well Paul, my first comment would be to define what is unique about the Gateway setting in 993. I mean, if it isn't different in some way from say the Spinward Marches of 1105, then your adventure will just be a generic Traveller adventure.
My guess is that you aren't looking for generic, but rather something that builds on the Gateway sourcebook soon to be released. Further, I'll guess that you have some background info on this sourcebook as a contributor. If so, then you have the majority of us at a disadvantage.
But I'll take a stab anyway. What I see as being unique about Gateway, and therefore things that would make for interesting adventures, is the fact that most of the Gateway Domain isn't in the Imperium. Now many will quickly point out that this is similar to the Spinward Marches, which is also a border region, but Gateway DOESN'T have a large, unified, relatively alien society 'just over the border' (the Zhodani).
In working on the Starfall book (again, inside information others won't have), what struck me as new and novel was the grittiness of the region. No Imperial Navy just waiting to pounce on Merchants just considering illegal activities (quite the opposite). No vast Jump-1 chains of Class A starports and high population worlds where anyone can get by just doing their job.
Instead it was much more of a frontier without being backwater. People have to be independent and capable because there isn't some benevolent (IMTU the Imperium is a benevolent dictatorship, YMMV) social order to help old ladies across the street. This is great because it means the PC's will get to do what they want without having their elbow jogged by the authorities - of course it means the bad-guys (assuming the PC's aren't the bad guys) have the same advantage. It also means the PC's are likely to become important movers-and-shakers in their little piece of space.
So what does it mean to live 'over the border'. What does it mean to live just inside the border? What kind of jobs would one have? Is smuggling a big deal? If so, then is anti-smuggling a big deal too.
Does the Emperor care about the border? Without a cohesive threat like the Zho's, does anyone pay attention in Core? How do the local nobles feel about that? Further more, how do the non-Imperials politicos react to this?
I am sure the sourcebook has many of these answers. Pick a few, and you can base an entire campaign around them.
But the key is to make the PC's part of the picture, not just working against a backdrop. Let them be larger than life. Let them become part of the Gateway domain so it becomes something they uniquely own and can brag about their adventures the Lone Star Tavern. Look at all the grognard posts longing for the good ol' CT days in the Spinward Marches of 1105. I see Gateway as the first real step to generate that same nostalgia amongst a new generation of Travellers. The adventures for Gateway need to have this as their focus.
Sorry for the long post - once I have read the Gateway Book, I'll be more than happy to make more specific suggestions.