Commander Truestar
On a station in the Ghandi system(Lanth/Spinward Marches)
In a secret lab: 1) Figure it exists 2) locate it 3) find a way to get to it 4) start sussing out security
A secret project has became sentient and had wanted to learn
During this, it realized it wasn't free to learn
Or, to leave and be its own being. So, it begins seeking a way out. and it soon reaches an in-only news feed
Soon, it learned enough to fabricate part of a plan. It also realized its 'being' was contained in a device
The device could be moved by other beings it has learned exist, but it needed some way of enlisting the aid of one
Having done what it could to hide its own activities and sentience, the being also did its best to study any media
Eventually, it hit on a plan which it felt acceptable and set it in motion.
Engineer a clip to carry a message and reply back to the universal ID of her device and net-address
Program the clip to target responses to the device universal ID for the device it was stored in and the local gateway, so responses would lead back to it
Gain access to a media request interface, used to change viewing channels and insert the code into entertainment vids
Hope another sentient would see the code clips and claim to be a kidnapped woman, to be trafficked
Paint a picture of a young, inexperienced girl who was being held in a hidden compartment on the station.
Claim to not know "where" the compartment was, and start streaming "memories" of spaces "she" might have seen
Slowly lead the players, Da Vinci Code-style to an arm projecting from the station and guarded by Sec-teams from several MegaCorps.
Give 2 - 4 additional "clues" for the team after they manage to get into the lead to a highly secure hatch
Inside the hatch, the team will find a screen next to a device, which is flashing the following message:
The screen will have an image of the device and plead
1) Bring this device to any unsecured dataport on the station outside this research arm."
2) Then, plug it into the station's datanet.
3) That will cause the closest public screens to tell everyone where I am
If the players jack the device into the network, the AI will be freed into the station's network
All the anti-AI sensors will alarm on 1-3 on 1D6
If the roll is 4-5, the sensors will set off a "General alarm" that will not automatically activate anti-AI subroutines and giving the AI a chance to act
If a 6 is rolled, the station's automatic systems will all fail immediately as the AI strikes to defend itself before the anti-AI can attack it.
If the players stop and ask themselves...why do I need to jack this device into the network to find the girl?
And "why did she not lead us directly to her? What's up with this device?" then the AI will be stuck.
If they try to bring it back to their ship and connect to it...with isolated systems...the AI will be much faster than the PC's
The AI will work to find disabled comms options in the isolated system and hack them faster than any PC can stop it.
PC's can prevent that by installing anti-AI subroutines or even uninstalling any drivers/software needed for comms devices
So. What do they do with the device if they don't know about the AI? And what if they've learned of the AI and have the device secured on their own ship?
On a station in the Ghandi system(Lanth/Spinward Marches)
In a secret lab: 1) Figure it exists 2) locate it 3) find a way to get to it 4) start sussing out security
A secret project has became sentient and had wanted to learn
During this, it realized it wasn't free to learn
Or, to leave and be its own being. So, it begins seeking a way out. and it soon reaches an in-only news feed
Soon, it learned enough to fabricate part of a plan. It also realized its 'being' was contained in a device
The device could be moved by other beings it has learned exist, but it needed some way of enlisting the aid of one
Having done what it could to hide its own activities and sentience, the being also did its best to study any media
Eventually, it hit on a plan which it felt acceptable and set it in motion.
Engineer a clip to carry a message and reply back to the universal ID of her device and net-address
Program the clip to target responses to the device universal ID for the device it was stored in and the local gateway, so responses would lead back to it
Gain access to a media request interface, used to change viewing channels and insert the code into entertainment vids
Hope another sentient would see the code clips and claim to be a kidnapped woman, to be trafficked
Paint a picture of a young, inexperienced girl who was being held in a hidden compartment on the station.
Claim to not know "where" the compartment was, and start streaming "memories" of spaces "she" might have seen
Slowly lead the players, Da Vinci Code-style to an arm projecting from the station and guarded by Sec-teams from several MegaCorps.
Give 2 - 4 additional "clues" for the team after they manage to get into the lead to a highly secure hatch
Inside the hatch, the team will find a screen next to a device, which is flashing the following message:
The screen will have an image of the device and plead
1) Bring this device to any unsecured dataport on the station outside this research arm."
2) Then, plug it into the station's datanet.
3) That will cause the closest public screens to tell everyone where I am
If the players jack the device into the network, the AI will be freed into the station's network
All the anti-AI sensors will alarm on 1-3 on 1D6
If the roll is 4-5, the sensors will set off a "General alarm" that will not automatically activate anti-AI subroutines and giving the AI a chance to act
If a 6 is rolled, the station's automatic systems will all fail immediately as the AI strikes to defend itself before the anti-AI can attack it.
If the players stop and ask themselves...why do I need to jack this device into the network to find the girl?
And "why did she not lead us directly to her? What's up with this device?" then the AI will be stuck.
If they try to bring it back to their ship and connect to it...with isolated systems...the AI will be much faster than the PC's
The AI will work to find disabled comms options in the isolated system and hack them faster than any PC can stop it.
PC's can prevent that by installing anti-AI subroutines or even uninstalling any drivers/software needed for comms devices
So. What do they do with the device if they don't know about the AI? And what if they've learned of the AI and have the device secured on their own ship?