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Sensors and Sizes - help!


I thought that I understood them, now I think I don't!! Looked through past posts, but can't see any discussion of this.

The description of T/Sensor skill on p97 gives modifiers to skill:


depending on sensor target size, with a base DC of 10.

But, the description on p144 gives:


for the same sizes, with a base DC of 20.

So there appear to be two sets of modifiers and DC for Sensor usage. I'm completely confused by this now, am I just missing the bleedin' obvious?

Can anyone explain what modifers/DC get used when and how? Examples would help as well!!!

As an extra question, the table on p148 gives the following sizes for Attack bonus and AC mod depending on size:

  • Large <1 ton -1</font>
  • Huge 1-9 tons -2</font>
  • Gargantuan 10-99 tons -4</font>
  • Colossal 100-999 tons -8</font>
  • Enormous 1000-9999 tons -10</font>
etc, whereas the errata has Large being 1000-9999 tons, Huge as 10000-99,999 tons etc for the same modifiers. Incidentally on p 148 "Gargantuan", but on p 144 "Gigantic".

So a 5000dt ship would get -1 to AC and "to hit" rolls, rather than -10 as from the original table?

Presumably these sizes divisions are the same as those used for the sensor modifiers above? I can't find any other table definitively saying what size a ship is according to displacement. Maybe there should be one in the Design section?


Originally posted by Mark B.:
The description of T/Sensor skill on p97 gives modifiers to skill:

From the Errata:
Page 97) Ship Detection
The rules for Spotting Other Vessels on page 144 should be used instead of the T/Sensor check data found at the bottom of this section.

As an extra question, the table on p148 gives the following sizes for Attack bonus and AC mod depending on size:

Large <1 ton -1
Huge 1-9 tons -2
Gargantuan 10-99 tons -4
Colossal 100-999 tons -8
Enormous 1000-9999 tons -10

etc, whereas the errata has Large being 1000-9999 tons, Huge as 10000-99,999 tons etc for the same modifiers. Incidentally on p 148 "Gargantuan", but on p 144 "Gigantic".
I don't have the PHB handy right now, but I guess they're difference between personal/Vehicular and Ship combat. Will have to check that up.
Check the errata, that table on p148 is off. the Starship tonnage column should be slid up so that 1 starship ton is Diminutive size, and the others go from there to Tiny, Small, etc.