Came up with this a while back and decided to post it here.
Below is a proposed Tech 16+ Jump Drive progression. I know MT has something, but I don't have MT and from what I have been able to decypher, they "Broke" the basic assumptions of the Jump Drive by allowing less than 10% fuel for jumps etc.
OK, basic assumptions and discussions, then the table (there is only one).
Basic Jump theory predicts 6 levels of Hyperspace. This theory has lead 3I scientist to coin the phrase "Jump 6 Limit". However, there is one clear violation of current Jump Theory that, do date, cannot be explained: Mis-Jumps.
Somehow, even the weakest and smallest Jump Drive can produce, under rare and dangerous circumstances, a jump of up to 36 parsecs. Damage to the Drive and other internal systems are common for the few instances where people have survived these Mis-Jumps.
At TL 16, scientists finally begin to unscramble the Hyperspace Theory. While the J6 limit is still in place, the ability to produce jumps using much less energy (Hydrogen) becomes a reality. At higher Tech Levels, the fundemental nature of the Mis-Jump (and Jump Space in general) becomes much better understood.
So, here is my proposal for Ultra High TL Jump Drives:
TL 16: Jump 1-6 is possible with only a Jump 1 engine and Jump 1 fuel (10% of ship's volume). Computer requirements are one Model number higher than the jump being attempted. So, Model/7 computers are required for a J6 attempt.
Normal Mis-Jump rules still apply.
TL 17: Jump 1-12 becomes possible, again using a J-1 engine and 10% fuel. Computer Model A is required.
TL-18: Jump 1-36 is possible with a J-1 Engine and 10% fuel. Model D computer is required.
The following Table gives the Volume and Cost for the Tech Levels:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TL Volume Cost/Tn Max Jump Min Computer
16 2% 4.0 6 7
17 1.5% 3.0 12 A
18 1% 2.0 36 D
</pre>[/QUOTE]Model/A+ computers are linear continuations of the existing Computer Tables.
If you are using a LBB1-3 type of game with computer programs. I would control this technology with a special computer program required, in addition to the normal Jump-1 thru Jump-6 program that would allow controlled mis-jumps.
Suggested Programs:
Controlled Mis-Jump/1: Size: 5 Cost: 10MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 6 parsecs. Available at TL 16.
Controlled Mis-Jump/2: Size: 10 Cost: 20MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 12 parsecs. Available at TL 17.
Controlled Mis-Jump/3: Size: 20 Cost: 30MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 36 parsecs. Available at TL 18.
Consequences of this Technology:
1. Massive Retrofit of Ships
Almost immediately, all ships would upgrade their computers and replace their Jump Drives to take advantage of the lower costs and improved internal space. Military ships might still have J-2+ engines installed for redundancy and continued performance following battle damage. Now, a Jump Drive -1 battle damage roll would destroy your Jump capability.
2. Abandoned Worlds
Since basically every ship would be capable of Jump6, many of the backwater and marginal worlds would be abandoned. If the only thing keeping a population on a world was catering to the traders moving through and now those traders could jump right past their system, there is no need for them to exist any more. This would be similar to when the Train was introduced on Earth. Prior to that, many of the main roads had an Inn or such spaced about a days travel on foot apart. When the train came along, most of those Inns died. However, counteracting this would be the fact that jump just became a lot cheaper, so some worlds that might have been isolated by their location could not be profitably exploited.
3. Imperial Research Station
The Third Imperium maintains a Research Station on Retinae, just outside the Darrian Confederation. Lets see, Darrian supposedly achieved TL16 before their fall. Guess what this Research Station is looking into?????
Using these alternate rules does NOT break anything in Classic Traveller. It gives reasonable extensions of current (3I) technology and gives the Referee something to throw at the players. By limiting TL16 to J6, I don't allow the "Galaxy Spanning Drive the Size of a Walnut" to be had just 1 TL above the Imperium. I figure that the Jump Six Limit is very similar to what the TL9 societies had with Jump 1. It took 2 TLs to develop Jump-2. This is a similar paradym shift and advance in technology.
Feel free to use/ignore/abuse as you see fit.
Below is a proposed Tech 16+ Jump Drive progression. I know MT has something, but I don't have MT and from what I have been able to decypher, they "Broke" the basic assumptions of the Jump Drive by allowing less than 10% fuel for jumps etc.
OK, basic assumptions and discussions, then the table (there is only one).
Basic Jump theory predicts 6 levels of Hyperspace. This theory has lead 3I scientist to coin the phrase "Jump 6 Limit". However, there is one clear violation of current Jump Theory that, do date, cannot be explained: Mis-Jumps.
Somehow, even the weakest and smallest Jump Drive can produce, under rare and dangerous circumstances, a jump of up to 36 parsecs. Damage to the Drive and other internal systems are common for the few instances where people have survived these Mis-Jumps.
At TL 16, scientists finally begin to unscramble the Hyperspace Theory. While the J6 limit is still in place, the ability to produce jumps using much less energy (Hydrogen) becomes a reality. At higher Tech Levels, the fundemental nature of the Mis-Jump (and Jump Space in general) becomes much better understood.
So, here is my proposal for Ultra High TL Jump Drives:
TL 16: Jump 1-6 is possible with only a Jump 1 engine and Jump 1 fuel (10% of ship's volume). Computer requirements are one Model number higher than the jump being attempted. So, Model/7 computers are required for a J6 attempt.
Normal Mis-Jump rules still apply.
TL 17: Jump 1-12 becomes possible, again using a J-1 engine and 10% fuel. Computer Model A is required.
TL-18: Jump 1-36 is possible with a J-1 Engine and 10% fuel. Model D computer is required.
The following Table gives the Volume and Cost for the Tech Levels:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">TL Volume Cost/Tn Max Jump Min Computer
16 2% 4.0 6 7
17 1.5% 3.0 12 A
18 1% 2.0 36 D
</pre>[/QUOTE]Model/A+ computers are linear continuations of the existing Computer Tables.
If you are using a LBB1-3 type of game with computer programs. I would control this technology with a special computer program required, in addition to the normal Jump-1 thru Jump-6 program that would allow controlled mis-jumps.
Suggested Programs:
Controlled Mis-Jump/1: Size: 5 Cost: 10MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 6 parsecs. Available at TL 16.
Controlled Mis-Jump/2: Size: 10 Cost: 20MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 12 parsecs. Available at TL 17.
Controlled Mis-Jump/3: Size: 20 Cost: 30MCR
This program allows the computer to use a Jump-1 field to allow jumps of up to 36 parsecs. Available at TL 18.
Consequences of this Technology:
1. Massive Retrofit of Ships
Almost immediately, all ships would upgrade their computers and replace their Jump Drives to take advantage of the lower costs and improved internal space. Military ships might still have J-2+ engines installed for redundancy and continued performance following battle damage. Now, a Jump Drive -1 battle damage roll would destroy your Jump capability.
2. Abandoned Worlds
Since basically every ship would be capable of Jump6, many of the backwater and marginal worlds would be abandoned. If the only thing keeping a population on a world was catering to the traders moving through and now those traders could jump right past their system, there is no need for them to exist any more. This would be similar to when the Train was introduced on Earth. Prior to that, many of the main roads had an Inn or such spaced about a days travel on foot apart. When the train came along, most of those Inns died. However, counteracting this would be the fact that jump just became a lot cheaper, so some worlds that might have been isolated by their location could not be profitably exploited.
3. Imperial Research Station
The Third Imperium maintains a Research Station on Retinae, just outside the Darrian Confederation. Lets see, Darrian supposedly achieved TL16 before their fall. Guess what this Research Station is looking into?????
Using these alternate rules does NOT break anything in Classic Traveller. It gives reasonable extensions of current (3I) technology and gives the Referee something to throw at the players. By limiting TL16 to J6, I don't allow the "Galaxy Spanning Drive the Size of a Walnut" to be had just 1 TL above the Imperium. I figure that the Jump Six Limit is very similar to what the TL9 societies had with Jump 1. It took 2 TLs to develop Jump-2. This is a similar paradym shift and advance in technology.
Feel free to use/ignore/abuse as you see fit.