In 1st Edition LBB2 and Mongoose, there is no additional energy requirement during the time in Jumpspace, so the idea doesn't break that specific part of the rules. LBB2'77 doesn't, technically speaking, even require a power plant (see the original XBoat). Mongoose only needs a power plant that covers baseline (starship or nonstarship) power usage, and nothing extra for the Jump Drive after Jump initiation.That very much depends on the edition of the game you are using.
In CT to enter jump you need
a jump drive and fuel
the correct computer programs
distance from large objects
Not a lot of rules to change at all
Ships would have more room for other stuff without jump drive and fuel - more passengers, cargo, etc.
Not exactly game changing.
Second Edition LBB2 and High Guard require Pn=Jn fuel burn (and presumably also the associated energy output) during Jump, because non-starships have the same fuel consumption rate as starships -- starships don't get to reduce their power plant fuel burn because they spend a week in jump*. Thus, in order for that idea to work in accordance with the rest of the rules, ships would still need a jump drive and power plant of Pn=Jn, and at least a week-plus-10% supply of power plant fuel to establish and sustain the jump bubble/field during the Jump transit. Which means you can accomplish the same objective as the proposed jump gate just by using drop tanks...
*It's not clear whether you can throttle back the power plant for jumps of lower than the rated maximum Jn using the TCS/JTAS#14 power-down rule (either directly by staying at the lower Pn for a whole month, or breaking fuel consumption down to a weekly basis).
[Example without pro-rating by weeks: LBB2 Type T Patrol cruiser (J3/4G) needs 40Td fuel for 1 month, but if it never went over 3G during that month (and thus, never over Pn-3) it could stretch out its 30 days of power plant fuel to 40 days even if it did a Jump-3 somewhere in there, using the power-down rule.] I'd allow it, though in most cases it wouldn't matter that much. The edge cases where it would, are going to generate a lot of argument!