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Media in Traveller... What's it Like?

We all know of the TNS and whatnot.. But what of general Entertainment? Are there TV shows? (I often hear Vids mentioned in various texts) what are they like? How about Movies? what are they like? Any thoughts? Do you suppose it follows the terran model of "the news today, is the movie of tomorrow" ? Are there Famous Celebrities? Are they only famous locally? It seems a frivolous question, but I am interested in the day to day life of average folk... A hobby of mine, what?
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
We all know of the TNS and whatnot.. But what of general Entertainment? Are there TV shows? (I often hear Vids mentioned in various texts) what are they like? How about Movies? what are they like? Any thoughts? Do you suppose it follows the terran model of "the news today, is the movie of tomorrow" ? Are there Famous Celebrities? Are they only famous locally? It seems a frivolous question, but I am interested in the day to day life of average folk... A hobby of mine, what?
IMTU Media is a lot like today only more so. The most common form of high tech boob-tube is Holovision charecterized by amazing 3d visuals and 1 dimensional plots. Celebrity will have local, regional, and Imperial levels and because of the wonders of Jump and the communications lag it's quite possible for any particular entertainment, celebrity, or fad to be teribly passe in one subsector while just begining to sweep the commo nets of systems in the next subsector over.

Startowns will be cultural melting pots where audio, video, arts, and crafts of various cultures mingle, recombine, and emerge later in different forms to overthrow the popularity of the original forms. (Think Liverpool in the early 60s importing american R&B and refining it into the sound that the Beatles would use to retake the airwaves from the bland American pretty boy sucessors to Elvis.)

Then IYTU, what is music like? Is it Technological predominately, or has it returned to a more performance based thing? A mix of both?
Are there "superstars" of Great reknown, like gurney halleck in "Dune", for example?

Thank you for your input!
I actually gave this some thought a while back, as the campaign I'm running is essentially the Amazing Race in the Linkworlds Cluster. The characters run around (in teams of 6) from planet to planet hitching rides, doing tasks, and stuff like that. The cameras used are first-person (lapel pin holo-cameras), grav-robot cams similar to the ones in B5, and a regular cameraman who does interviews.

Once the race is complete, the video is uploaded to the Sector Network HQ, edited, and shipped off to subscribing affiliate stations; most shows are premiered within their originating sector. Out-sector shows tend to be second-run or on-demand pay-per-view; communications lag and costs means only news programming really gets to move in a continuous stream from the point of origin.

Oh, and the winners of the Race get a Jump-2 capable merchant ship.
My character in the ISS Ursula campaign, Dmitri Mendeleyev, is a correspondant/field editor for INTERSTEL* magazine. INTERSTEL* is "a magazine by space travellers, for space travellers" and is intended to provide hours of reading, listening, and viewing enjoyment during those long hours in jumpspace. It is a blend of most types of magazines and in its digital format contains plenty of audio/video/stills/holographics. The 'dead tree' version of the text, if printed out, would be about the size of one of those 'Computer Shopper' magazines from the mid-to-late 1990's and surprisingly, many people do get the hard copy (requires no more power to read than a light, after all!). INTERSTEL* is a fortnightly, but its investigative reporting rivals that of the TNS.
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:

Then IYTU, what is music like? Is it Technological predominately, or has it returned to a more performance based thing? A mix of both?
Both. With a very wide range of blends between no electrical/electronic/mechanical devices of any kind allowed all the way to music composed by advanced AIs to be played by entirely synthetic means.

Are there "superstars" of Great reknown, like gurney halleck in "Dune", for example?
I don't use it much over here but whenever I need a bit of flavor text for some starship design or other I fall back on the Spinward Marches Entertainment Group which although it long ago diversified into all manner of industrial and commercial enterprises still maintains a small division devoted to popular entertainments. Among the properties they oversee are near-C Rocks - the Vargr Glam-punk band. near-C Rocks are currently the top rated act in the Marches and are poised to make it to the really big time Imperium-wide any week now.
Thank you for your input!
Your welcome
Spinward Marches Entertainment Group = S.M.E.G.?

You might want to:

a). rethink that name, or

b). sign Dave Lister to a record deal!

Originally posted by Captain Tylor:
b). sign Dave Lister to a record deal!

Are you mad?!?

Sign Lister to a record deal?

Or did you mean a deal where Lister doesn't do any recording?

And yes I chose the name of my pet Mini-Megacorp with full malice aforthought. The name of the subsidiary tasked with starship design is Spinward Marches Entertainment Group / Heavy Equipment Architecture Division.
The fame of celebrities depends on who they impact, and how widepsread their culture is. After all, there are extremely famous Bollywood (Indian) and Asian celebrities that hare barely heard of in America or Europe.

I believe that there is a "widespread Imperial culture", but only among the wealthy, those who routinely travel the starlanes, long-term Imperial servants (ie: Navy lifers, etc) and noble families (and their blood-servants, and those close to them in the social ladder). This culture tends to be elite, elegant, and requires wealth and 'cultured tastes' to properly enjoy. Usually, there is a *large* amount of specialized social knowledge you are *assumed* to know, in order to appreciate their form of entertainment.

Think of zero-gee ballet, multi-gravity drum orchestras, singing in specialized atmospheres, bioengineering as artwork. THAT is the kind of entertainment the Imperial Elites enjoy.

Social storytelling is reenacted by physical plays, put on by amateur actors - who happen to be upper-clas professionals, related to nobility, etc. (Oratory would have a strong place here, as well.) Note the emphasis is NOT on making a perfect illusion of a fictional or historical situation: any commoner with a TL A+ computer can do *that*. No, the emphasis here is on physical proximity and interaction with the great, the *very* talented, and the powerful - or getting as close to them as you can. *THAT* is how you entertain people in Imperial culture.

To define "Imperial culture", commoners will partly strive to imitate the Imperial upper classes: but as this is very expensive, they will generally look to the nearest high-pop/high-tech (H/H) system. The average citizen of such a world will often think of themselves as living the classically Imperial life, and consider that most *real* Imperial worlds are much like their own world. This is untrue: H/H systems are enormously varied. But, becaus the Imperium depends on these H/H systems for her survival, Imperial policy is geared to favour these wealthy worlds.

So, these worlds tend to be confident of themselves, and see their culture as the best there is. (and local nobles will tend to 'bend' Imperial forms of entertainment to please the tastes of these H/H worlds.)

So, to finally answer your question: the nature of *popular* entertainment for a particular region is defined by the most powerful nearby world. If that world prefers Vilani opera and chanting for popuar music, then their money and influence will make those forms of entertainment dominant, especially among the middle classes.

(The lower classes will make their own culture as always, using their own culture and elements of middle-class entertainment to amuse themselves. In an aristocratic culture like the Imperium, few people will imitate the lower clases, and many will imitate the aristocratic forms of entertainment.)


REASONS: Why is the Imperial social fabric so fragmented?

Note the fragmented nature of the Imperial social frabic, not just because of time-lag issues, but due to

* different Solomani/Vilani mixes: pure Vilani? 80% vilani/20% Arab? One-third Chinese, one-third Mezito, one-third Genoeese? Pure West Indian Solomani?

* different histories: different experiences of the Long Night, political traditions, experiences of slavery, religious shifts, star raiders, vikings, and pirates

* different disasters: political madness, genocides, religious warfare, racial purges, natural disasters, mass migrations, economic collapses, popluation collapses, NBC warfare

* different relationship to the Imperium: willing or forced annexation to the Imperium? Long history of resistance? Ambivelant to the Emperor? Solidly pro-Imperial? Superficial obedience?

* different social enviroments: high, low,
mid-pop? High, low, mid-tech? Long history of political unity, or always fragmented? Culture of violence and aggression, or of peace and gentleness? Different religions, local governments, languages (or dialets of Anglic)?

* different physical environments: Poisionous atmosphere, garden world, desert world, water world, vacumn world? Living underground, on the surface, in space cities, undersea, underice, in artigrav cities? High density living, or low-density? Is the human image banned? Is biotech allowed? Robots? Electricity? Is food and water freely available?

* different languages, different tech levels, different (if any) local non-humans sentinents, different attitudes to family, to God, to local governments, to time, to science, to technology

* different attitudes to the very concept of the Imperial nobility

* different levels of xenophobia/xenophilia

Due to these many differences - and the very limited amount of shared experiences between worlds more distant than, say 6 parsecs - most cultural forms are strictly local in range. Which means that what popular culture calls funny, entertaining, or amusing is a strictly regional matter as well.

We on this world are rather closely linked, as
* are all of the same species
* live on the same planet, on land, in a 1G gravity field, under a breathable atmosphere
* were almost all were farmers to about 200 years ago, living under monarchies
* are all from patriarchal cultures
* have the same maximum lifespan
* have rather similar tech levels
* can communiate almost instantaniously with each other
* all are linked by being ruled/dominated/shaped by the EuroAmerican superculture (or ourselves
are of white European descent)
* the vast majority of us are ruled by cultures strongly shaped by Christianity (or her relatives, communism, secular humanism, or Islam)
* share a lot of recent history (the European expansion into the Third World, the Revolutionary Age, modernity, increased statism, secularism, socalism, the World Wars, the Cold Wars, paper money (not gold or barter), industrialization (not agriculturalism or robotic factories), cars and planes (not air/rafts, starships, horses, or swimming)

The above points simply are not true for Imperials. As they have very few comon poitns of reference - race (soloman and/or Vilani human), Imperial noble government, some regional history (Frontier Wars, Solomani Wars), and a language (Anglic) - there is little to tie them together.


TIES THAT BIND: other culturea ties besides 'Local' and 'Imperial'

According to canon, there is also a distinctive layer of multi-subsector cultures in various regions of the Imperium - Illeish, Marches, Sylean, Antarean, etc. There is also two real and powerful "human supercultures": Vilani and Solomani. These two supercultres should be seen as the two fundamental historical foundations that most local human cultures are based on. (Note that the Solomani stress shared genetic purity and racial supremacy, while the Vilani stress collective, unchanging cultural mores and habits of mind. *Both* peoples have a history of being powerful winners, and suffering bitter losses.)
Kudos and Kowabunga!
or for the not so Ninja turtle minded-
"yeah, what he wrote"!

Very nice summation sir.
Excellent! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
The netherworld must be in the deeps of winter, as I find myself in full agreement with Lord Devlin! The Universe indeed holds many wonders...

Travalv, you routinely post replies of great thought and herculean frankness... On behalf of myself and a most grateful Moot, I salute you!!

(bows at waist, arms outstretched in Sidur Haskian gesture of respect)

Travalv types out a note:
[abridged lengthy discourse]

Wow, I am awed. [deep bow]

I have little to add. I have toyed with adding some news media organizations, like the Imperial Broadcast Company [IBC], a nock off of the BBC, and the Cosmic Broadcast Company, from "Cowboy Bebop". I have'nt really considered popular culture that much, so this topic is going to be interesting to read.
On a less jolly note one must not forget that arm of the Interior Ministry the IBPM (Imperial Bureau of Public Morals).

The IBPM is a sub-department answering to the Minister of State for Information a junior minister at the interior.

Travalv takes a Big Bow...

Liam, Baron Saarthuran, plop01, Jame: Yes, I take this imaginary universe *FAR* too seriously
But for me, it isn't really work, but part of the delight of the game, to take what is known and apply it to a fantastic new situation.

But my mini-article is, in the end, just a resource. What we really need are adventures, who will put this to use in a campaign! So, how do we show the compexity of the Imperium to our fellow players?

Trav GM's don't really want to just TELL people that "57th century cultures are really amazing", we want to SHOW them!

Any ideals?
Types of entertainment have a tendency to evolve. What was marginalied in the past becomes common today and bland in the future.

Consider the high class entertainment of the 1800s. You had to understand Italien to listen to opera, nomatter what country you were in. Opera had a ranking system based on the language of the singing. Italien, German, Spanish, then English.
Now high class entertainment ncludes "performance art"

Some things will remain constant.
Small populations will enjoy home made music made by everyone.
Medium populations will be influenced by the local religions.
High populations will be influenced by what was the nobels entertainments of years past and what the underclasses have been creating.
Hey - I ignored a *major* part of Baron Saarthuran's question: what kinds of media vectors are available in Traveller?

Well, because the range of communication is HUGE for a technologically advanced civilization, I'm going to restrict myself to mass communication media.

*** "In the Flesh" - actual human messangers, carrying (or *BEING*) a message sent from one place to another.

This covers travelling artists and singers, dedicated people with the message on their person (from microchips to encrypted dreams), etc. Because of the importance of Family, I feel that Noble family members would often be used to convey messages. The grandest demonstration of this is in GURPS Traveller, where the Imperial Family splits up to check out different regions of the Imperium, and - partly by listening, partly by spreading the message, "The Imperium must/should remain united!"

"In the Flesh" is also very impresive to all cultures. Sending out a message by x-boat is (comparatively) dirt cheap, but if a messanger In The Flesh is sent, then obviously this means that the message is of Crucial Importance. This is especially true if a member of Nobility is sent.

Artists can charge the maximum money for performances In The Flesh. You need to be in pretty good demand to make a physical tour of worlds worthwhile: the greater the demand, the more money you can make and the more worlds you can tour. People attending a concert expect an *incredible* experience, and you had better be prepared to deliver! On the other hand, you can get away with charging *incredible* admission fees... ;>

The greatest artists can be commanded by the Emperor to deliver a Command Performance at Capital. This is the greatest honour an Imperial artist can aspire to. (IMTU: If you are a poet, you can also aspire to be the Poet Laureate; a writer can aim for the Letters Laureate position.)

Note that In the Flesh messangers impresses *both* high-tech and low-tech cultures.

*** "Hard Media" - this refers to sculptures and direct physical representation. The Roman Empire used sculptures and coins to propagate the greatness of the Divine Emperor, and the modern Imperium does the same for her non-divine - but FAR more powerful - Emperor. No-tech to Medieval-tech worlds can expect to have various statues and busts of the more important nobles, made with laser precision.

Classically-minded nobles might keep a few busts in stone or metal (the most highly-valued busts use marble imported from Italy, naturally). But usually, "Hard media" uses specialized robots when possible, or highly specialized plastics and cremaric materials when not, to give as much a lifelike, powerful aura as possible. (Be aware that many Imperial societies - high- and low-tech alike - dislike robotics...)

Clones and actors have sometimes been used for this purpose: the most famous incident, of course, relating to the murder of the man acting as Emperor Strephon in the Offical Timeline. Everyone thought that the *Emperor* had actually been assasinated, instead of an actor, and the tragic Rebellion was started.

*** "Letters" - Written, typed, and printed physical material (books, letters et al.) The most common method of communication for non-electronic societies. Often, in these societies only the elite can read, so it is not beneath even the Emperor to send out a 'paper' message. Hand-written letters from Nobility have the most prestige: a form letter from a noble office is of some worth, but only to the issue it is addressing.

[As an example, a world [or a Corporation, or a Noble House...] may treat a special, hand-written letter from the Emperor the same treatment that Americans give the Declaration of Independence, complete with special housing for the document, dedicated personnel to care for the letter, etc.]

Even the high-tech societies publish books - for different values for the word 'book'. Most TL 9+ cultures use smart paper, electronic tablets, or Trek-style PADDs, with dynamic and holographic displays and controls available depending on the tech level. Genuine *paper* (organic plant material) is quite uncommon, except for local use on low-tech worlds.

Specialized and exotic books (made from animal skins, say) are actually an art form, and not a from of mass media.

A crucial note: complex ideals are easiest to communicate using Letters, difficult to do using audio media (too time-consuming, dependant on clear pronunciation, and with poor search features and indexes), and near-impossible using visuals or "Hard Media". So, even in the Imperium, there is a strong "noble/expert" aura around serious books and professional magazines.

*** "2-D still graphics" - basically, painting, printed graphics and photography. This is of some importance to even a high-tech society, but only as an art form, not as a means of mass communication. This *is* a real force for low-tech societies, but you have to work with some restrictions: putting the painting at a place where everyone can see it, but no-one can damage or steal it (think "Sistine Chapel"). If you have printing technology, you can print off massive amounts of cheap copies for the masses, spreading your message across the world (think "printed Bibles", or the role of spreadsheets in Early Modern Europe and America.)

Assuming that they can read, or that you have very easy-to-understand graphics.

*** "Audio" - this is mainly an artisitc medium in any culture that has video technology. It is possible to have audio and no video - in these cultures, the spoken word is of *major* importance. Oration, stories and songs are the ways the masses express themselves, and much less emphasis is placed on how a man looks (see how the American President Franklin Roosevelt was able to hide his polio, and recall the imporance of the speeches of FDR, Churchill, and Hitler in motivating their nations.)

For these cultures, corporations want to make sure that they have excellent jingles and songs, Nobles want to develop that Deep, Rich, Trustworthy voice, and reporters need to be able to _verbally describe_ what they see. Imagine a 1930's-tech reporter describing a TL E orbiting city to the folks back home...

"Audio-video books" are quite doable, but remain a minority taste when it comes to the masses. At certain worlds and certain times, this combination can be quite popular, so it shoudn't be totally ignored.

*** "2-D Video" - this covers television, movies, and videotape technology.

There are two phases to this technology: analog and digital. Analogue is the most valuable for mass communication, as only a few people can afford to send these powerful messages, and there is an element of trust in these pictures. "I can see it with my own eyes!" This is the era where propaganda and advertizing has the greatest impact on the masses.

With Digital 2-D Vieo tech, you can show almost anything - but, since you can also fake anything, there is less and less trust in what the viewer is seeing, and your message has less and less impact.

Also, with digital 2-D video - and assuming widespread access to computers - it becomes more andmore easier to produce high-quality work, and so the range of messages grows massively. It becomes harder for any single message to stand out.

The Ziru Sirka never got past Digital 2-D technology, so they developed this media to an incredible degree. Important messages - from speeches to executions - would be videotaped, and the tapes copied and distributed actoss the Imperium. Special, use-once videotape would be used to record legal procedings. The "language of Vilani cinema" reached an amazing level of complexity and subtly. Some forms of film was designed to be stable and usable for centuries, while certain graphics programs have never been surpassed in their versatility, and remain in use, millennia after the fall of the First Imperium.

Following Vilani tradition, much of the formal life of the Third Imperium is still ceremonially recorded with 2-D equipment (as well as with modern 3-D video cameras, of course). However, most of the media images sent to the low-tech worlds were originally recorded in 3-D holographic media, and only later transferred to the 2-D format.

Because 2-D Video requires less space than 3-D media, 2-D Video is still in common use across the Imperium, especially on space-restricted areas like starships and hostile-environment habitats. Also, the number of societies that have *just* 2-D video tech is noticably greater than the cultures who have *just* 3-D video tech, so 2-D video remains the preferred format for mass messages. Finally - for those cultures with poor computing power - 2-D images takes far less processing power and storage space than 3-D images do.

The "film language" (Body language, story plots, visual cliches, etc) of the Solomani continue to interact with long-established Vilani norms, sometimes reinforcing each other, sometimes clashing spectacularily. Imperial and Corporate propaganda have to take all this in consideration when crafting their messages, on top of the usual local considerations.

Note that - while it eventually becomes possible to project images on a very tiny screen - most 2-D images are best seen with a large screen. The bigger the screen and the higher the resolution, the better the image is to the human eye. Mass media likes to have crows of people watching hte same screen, as it's easier to gauge the audience and control the experience for maximum impact.

*** "Dynamic technology" - here, the user can easily redesign certain surfaces to have different surface characteristics: the stereotypical example is reconfiguring the keyboard to have a different layout, key setup, etc. Certain materials can become "silly putty" for reconfiguring, then resolidify to the new configuration.

This has only a minor effect for most humans, as they communicate visually and vocally. But, for those human societies who use tactile means of communication (The Braille language comes to mind), dynamic technology is a wonderful boon. And even for regular humans, dynamic tech makes communicating with computers sigificantly easier, compared to old-style, 'rigid' keyboards.

This technology does give rise to a few minor schools of art, but does not affect communication to *most* of the human masses.

*** "3-D Video and Stills" - Holographic stills are, again, mainly a form of artwork, not mass communication. (Athough, as is also true of 2-D stills, some images become ionic and *extremely* famous among the masses)

Holographic video is the current state-of-the-art, so far as mass communication is concerned. Like 2-D Digital works, it is not trusted, but can produce more compelling, 'photorealistic' images better than 2-D photography can. The "You Are There" feel is excellent, and the quality of TL E+ holographic images is impossible to distinguish *visually* from Real Life. Modern dramas for the masses are done in 3-D, and all Imperial ceremonial and public occasions are covered with holographic cameras (usually mounted on antigrav robots, or grav-belted cameramen in a pinch).

For private communication, Traveller canon mentions that Nobles do send holographic representations of themselves to each other, with programming that imitates (to a useful degree, but not perfectly) their speech styles, reasoning, and knowledge base.

For the masses, 3-D videos of large, moving objects - like human beings in a drama, say - are best seen with a decent amount of 3-D room for the images. (You can reduce the side of the people to fit a tabletop, but that leaves a poor impression on the viewer.) Using this much space for a 3-D projection is expensive for the middle-clases: to a far stonger extent than for 2-D video, 3-D holographic dramas are best seen in a theater. And, as previously noted, situations where space is at a premium simply don't use large holographic images, except where it is absolutely necessary for work or survival. (Or they can book some unused space for a time.)

*** Full-spectrum recording - A TL C+ technology, but only with TL F+ does this technology fully blossom in it's own, becominmg cheap enough for both recording by commercial concerns for transmission to the masses. Basically, this equipment records not just 3-D visuals and sound, but smell/taste, local winds, gravity, heat, air pressure, humidity, and textures/touch as well. 'Viewers' use light full-body suits, with a special appliance for the nose (to transmit smell/taste), to recieve the transmission. Recording is still a mite expensive and complicated, so the Imperium reserves it for certain State and historically important occasions (think of the use of colour photgraphy during World War II as a model). Robots - ranging from about fist-sized balls to tinybots the size of a large flea - are crucial to a successful recording.

Side Note One: Nanotech never really worked out in the Offical Traveller Universe - at least not by TL F - and true artifical intelligence is a strict impossibility. However, at TL F there has been some major breakthroughs regarding smallbots (ant-sized) to tinybots (flea-sized). TL G takes these discoveries to the Next Level...

Side Note Two: I have focused on political and corporate usage, but if you feel comfortable adressing religions in a game, similar points can be made there as well. I would suggest that Solomani religions would pay special attention to the "In the Flesh", "Hard Media", and "Letters"; while Vilani religions focus on "Letters", "Audio", and "2-D Media" for mass communication.

Side Note Three: Another thing I did not address is in-system mass communication. While something like the Internet would be impossible on an interstellar scale - the time gaps are too huge - it *is* possible to set one up within an system (I would guess that the distance to the Moon is only about 2.5 light seconds, and the greatest delay - to the gas giants - is a few light-hours.)

Side Note Four: In a Traveller's Digest on Capital - just before the Assassination - there was an article on the Imperial Palace, where most of the Emperor's personal servants are holograms - one of whom hands him a sheet of paper before simply vanishing. This I find *very* alien, and implies a VERY strange Imperial Noble culture at the capital world. It also suggests an odd - if not psychologically disturbed - state of mind for the Emperor. Naturally, I ignore all this in MY Traveller Universe!

[ I can see it now: "The Emperor who Lived in a Haunted Palace", an old Vilani folk tale come to life...

But if you like to stress the fundamentally "not-Western" nature of the Imperium, this is a great place to start. As to the puzzle of how a hologram can hand a paper to Strephon: I suggest careful control of air flows, or the 'paper' has a limited antigrav mobility. Just the thing for the most wealthiest and powerful man in the universe... ]

Moreover, in the same issue there is a hall where the holograms of previous Emperors are kept, complete with highly accurate recordings of their thought patterns and personalities. The thought-models of the previous Emperors are accurate enough, that it is worth Strephon's time to ask these holograms for advise on Imperial matters. (!!)

[ "Vilani ancestor worshippers", anyone? And don't forget, all this stuff about the Emperor's holograms is *canon*! ]

What are the implications for mass media? You can basically "live your own movies", not just in the cheapo version any TL A+ home computer, but with holograms of famous personages surrounding you in real life (their images projected by small artigrav robots). Not "Star Trek" holograms: real holograms are just 3-D projected light patterns, and are not made with real 'stuff'. But TL E+ holograms can make those image pretty opaque, so it's quite difficult to actually see thru them, and manipulate the images so they look as if they actually *weight* something.
Paulo's Teeth!! I'm going to go ahead and venture a guess... Travalv IS Marc Miller?

Ps: You speak of "in your Traveller Universe" where by All the Saints of Sylea do I sign up?

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran:
Paulo's Teeth!! I'm going to go ahead and venture a guess... Travalv IS Marc Miller?
Well... not exactly. I have been running around the Trav universe for about eleven years, but never in a formal capasity.

Ps: You speak of "in your Traveller Universe" where by All the Saints of Sylea do I sign up?

Sadly, I have time-issues on this... but as you asked, I might slap together a one-shot adventure, just for kicks. You might look around the "Recruiting" section, sometime in mid-April...

I like to think of myself as a resource, someone who provides GM's (and interested players) with lot's of tools to use, and point's out just how AWESOME the Traveller universe really is.

One day, I should to draw up a post, doing a quick-run of all the things about Trav that I 'improved ' on. One day...