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How many sectors are there starmaps for?

I am only familliar with the maps that are online, and the Spinward Marches (3rd Imperium). Since I am considering mapping my own sector, I would like to know which ones I can map without interrupting with cannon.

For lack of any other device, I can always put a sector above or below the galactic equator. It would still be nice to know, however.
There are sectors for which maps are available where you can avoid clashing with canon. However, I would suggest Foreven sector (spinward of the Marches), as not only is there no solid canon on the sector (though there are some fan-produced materials), it has been explicitly declared a GMs preserve, and therefore no canon will be produced for the sector.

The basically canonical sectors are the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim.
The 5x7 rectangle of sectors which contains the Imperium is based on data files released by GDW; don't expect significant changes. Gvurrdon sector should also be considered semi-canonical, as should the Beyond. Other than the positions of the major states, maps of other sectors should be considered non-canon.
Originally posted by Anthony:

The basically canonical sectors are the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim.
The 5x7 rectangle of sectors which contains the Imperium is based on data files released by GDW; don't expect significant changes. Gvurrdon sector should also be considered semi-canonical, as should the Beyond. Other than the positions of the major states, maps of other sectors should be considered non-canon.
Dont forget the Hinterworlds from GDW's Challenge magazine, and GDW's Astrogators Handbook for Diaspora (?), and several subsectors from their published Adventures. There are also 5 or 6 sectors detailed in TDigest, but these are "Forbiddent Canon" at this point (but I use them, with 1116 data, rather than 1120)
Did they once release the 2nd Imperial Sursey of all
the worlds in the 3rd Imperium and they are reprinting it either now or in the future. An I willnot worry too much about being cannon in not changeing then. If you want to change something to suit your universe and camp go head and make the change.
Originally posted by dougmedic:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Anthony:

The basically canonical sectors are the Spinward Marches and the Solomani Rim.
The 5x7 rectangle of sectors which contains the Imperium is based on data files released by GDW; don't expect significant changes. Gvurrdon sector should also be considered semi-canonical, as should the Beyond. Other than the positions of the major states, maps of other sectors should be considered non-canon.
Dont forget the Hinterworlds from GDW's Challenge magazine, and GDW's Astrogators Handbook for Diaspora (?), and several subsectors from their published Adventures. There are also 5 or 6 sectors detailed in TDigest, but these are "Forbiddent Canon" at this point (but I use them, with 1116 data, rather than 1120) </font>[/QUOTE]Oops.... I forgot the Massilia sector, detailed in GDW's Knightfall MT adventure...
If you are using Jim V's program Galactic, there are about a hundred and twenty sectors that have maps for them. Some are mearly plotted for star position and main world physical data, but no political or social data (ie X567000-0) so you could put pocket empires very easily into one.
I know of several places that post the data this program uses, many in the standardized .SEC or genii text formats, that can be used by other programs (including CC) or just put on a piece of paper and used...
My own Traveller known universe map has every sector mapped in a Big rectangle from Sidiadl (core and spinward of the Spinward Marches) to Muarne (rim and trailing of Solomani Rim)...
Since the trailing side of the Charted Space map seems to be all the rage, now-a-days, does anyone know if there exists a map for the Leonidae sector? I've looked in all the usual places and come up with nothing.
I have one I've been working on...It still needs some fine tuning. There are 5 alien client states in it, and I got lazy on naming some of the worlds...(Actually, I wandered off into the Vargr Extents after I realized Hiver Thex was working on the area.) It was one of my first sectors, and I realized that there is a LOT of work involved in planning and plotting worlds in a sector...(sorry, I don't believe in just hitting the generate now button in a program...)
Give me a chance to find it, maybe we can talk someone into posting it for download...
Well, thank you kindly Mr. MADDog.
I hear what you’re saying about sectors. The level of work to make a sector even minimally coherent is daunting. My question is motivated by work on the Hinterworlds. I’ve collected what I think is most of the canon, shoved the info into a database, and made a big, lovely map which I hope to share with the world. But I can only do that after I’ve gone through it and ironed out the obvious UWP non-starters. I can accept that the physical features as being close to random and tend to leave them alone. What is not random is the patterns of migration and development by sentient creatures. You can write around some random dice rolls, but others richly deserve the red pen. (That said, there’s also the opposite danger of things coming off too contrived, so some random generation has its place.)
Anyway, while working on the Hinters, it occurred to me that it be helpful to see the adjacent sectors when working on the edge of my map. I’ve got maps for all of them except Leonidae and Phlask. Phlask can probably live without, but missing Leonidae is a big hole.
I’d be interested in whatever the mysterious Hiver Thex has but together.
Thanks again.
Phlask exists...

I'm not sure what the problem with Leonidae is/was...I do know how difficult making sectors is tough...When I do it, I use Galactic and generate the sector using all the info I need, and using the homebrew rules. This just adds a native life code, and a couple of trade numbers. Then I have to move stars into the places they are supposed to be, placing the better ports in the obvious mains. Then I go through and adjust all the stupid UPPs that crop up (I'm sorry, but there is no way I'm having a Class A on a world with a population of 20 and an atm of 1 and a TL of 4. They have to make SOME sense) I'll randomly roll, but mostly its adjusting pop, gov, and popX numbers...Then, using the Life # earlier, I can ID Droyne/Chirper worlds, and any Native Minor Aliens...(Of course, then you have to come up with those native aliens...and a language to name thier stuff...) In the Vargr Extents, its even worse, because I have to adjust gov, and redo all the navy, scout bases...So yeah, I've found that just INITIAL sector generation requires a week or more of hard work...
I know Andy Akins was working on a web page for Leonidae, but don't think there is much there...
Hiver's got 2 web pages...

There's quite a bit of info to wade through, but since LeRoy's been around since the beginning of Traveller, and he's been the Q4 Editor for HIWG, he's good...

Yeah TJ, (since you missed my earlier message) I have maps for 120 sectors. There are 230 named sectors in 'charted space'. These numbers don't include the numerous sectors invovled in the Zhodani Core Route exploration, or General Turokan's Rim Expedition...
I don't feel like counting those, because not many players have ever been down those tunnels...
Hello Maddog.
I have only got 80 sectors so could you zip up the sec files and send them to me (all to save time)at mponeill@bigpond.com
If you dont have them as Gal24 i also use H&E and its not that hard to convert.
Yes i know this will probably add up to 15Meg but just send several mail messages please.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Hello Maddog.
I have only got 80 sectors so could you zip up the sec files and send them to me (all to save time)at mponeill@bigpond.com
If you dont have them as Gal24 i also use H&E and its not that hard to convert.
Yes i know this will probably add up to 15Meg but just send several mail messages please.
Why not just the 40 you don't have?

Just list the one's you want...