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Boughene Station Blues (OOC & Etc.) Gamestory


SOC-14 5K
Admin Award 2022
Not quite a PbP, not quite fanfic -- you can help write the continuing story of the crew that found the Annic Nova. (Link is to the gamestory thread that @Spinward Scout started.) (This thread is to keep out-of-character and setting-note suggestion posts from cluttering up the eventual narrative thread.)

How you can help:
1. If you want to participate in the Play-by-Post element of this there are a few crew positions open, or you can play one of the existing characters from the narrative. I'll re-post the list from the prequel gamestory thread here shortly for convenience and to track updates.

2. You can contribute setting details or situations you'd like to see incorporated into the narrative. The current setting is Boughene Station -- Boughene/Regina (SM 1904). (See also the Brainstorming Boughene thread, here.) The party is preparing for a trip to Victoria/Lanth in the Shugushaag-class Distant Merchant Albatross (J5/2G, 600Td) that's theirs on loan because the shipyard at Boughene accidentally blew up Annic Nova's Collector Drive while attempting the annual overhaul (and reverse engineering it). Oops.

3. You can contribute an NPC you'd like to see incorporated into the narrative.

4. You can comment on, or provide criticism of, the ongoing narrative. Or, just say hello. :)

The Situation:
It'll be a couple of weeks before their temporary replacement ship becomes available, and the better part of a year before the shipyard finishes Annic Nova. Meanwhile, these folks are stuck waiting on Boughene Station. Fortunately, it's a big place and there's probably quite a lot to do here.

Did I say "a big place"? I wasn't kidding. 600,000 people (mostly human, a few Vargr, some others) in a 3 million displacement-ton station.

It's located in orbit around the gas giant Komesh at the trailing Lagrange Point (L4) of its outermost satellite, Boughene. (This is slightly at variance with canon, but TravellerWorlds generated the result and I like it.)

The station is a dispersed structure (HG) or an unbraced cluster hull (T5), several kilometers long and composed mostly of standardized 50,000Td modules around a central power and transport core. It's vertical with respect to Komesh due to tidal forces; one side faces the beautiful but inhospitable Earth-sized moon Boughene.

It is the trading hub for this end of the subsector -- and the low law level means that almost anything comes through the docks.

There are several locations/facilities that can provide settings:
- The Loading Docks (outer end)
- The Warehouse District (outer end)
- The Mall (near The Warehouse District and close to the transit core) -- you can get almost anything there. There are other shopping centers as well.
- The Shipyard (middle)
- The General Products Headquarters Offices (inner end)
- General Products R&D offices (near Shipyard)
- The University (adjacent to the GP R&D offices)
- Housing Modules (middle, on either side of the Shipyard and The Mall) Housing varies between large and opulent through small and cramped.
- Agricultural Modules (not sure where they go, actually)
- The Knight's Residence (inner end, Boughene side)
- The Scrapyard, a collection of derelict ships near the station that have been repurposed as cheap living space while awaiting recycling

Please feel free to contribute your own!

In Closing:
The fanfic element of this is that I'll attempt writing a narrative here, with or without audience participation. :) At some point, I'll take whatever comes out of this exercise and clean it up for inclusion into a writeup of Boughene (probably non-canon but hey, folks can borrow it if they want to).

Thanks for reading!
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Reposting the crew roster here for reference.

Crew Roster, Distant Freighter Albatross:
(Characters/positions not designated as NPCs are open for use as PCs, will be NPCs unless and until claimed.)

Captain/Pilot: Tomos Puch (NPC - Grav Moped)
Supernumerary, designated by IISS: Scout Melissa Ketonic (NPC - Grav Moped)
Navigator [name and stats TBD] (PC -- Spinward Flow)
Medic - Annie Oakley (former chief gunner) (Backstory not yet specified)
Chief Engineer: Zazuezdez Doen, Vargr, Priest of COTCO (open, but will need to coordinate with @The Pakkrat about it)
Engineer: Kurt Jones, expat from Feri/Regina (former planetary navy or COACC, not specified yet)
Engineer: Tenya Cardosa, former Belter
Engineer: open crew position (can be Chief Engineer if desired)
Gunner (and the "tank" of the crew): Roland Thompson (backstory not yet specified)
Possible Second Gunner: Open Crew Position
Possible Third Gunner: Open Crew Position

Other Options:
There can be up to two more gunners.
If someone wants to run the medic, I can shift Ms. Oakley back to one of the gunner slots.
If someone wants to run the Chief Engineer but not as the atypical Vargr currently in the role, Chief Doen can stay at Boughene to oversee the rebuilding of Annic Nova.

If you don't want a big commitment, you can portray a character that will remain at Boughene Station that's just a contact or ally.
The party is preparing for a trip to Victoria/Lanth in the Shugushaag-class Distant Merchant Albatross (J5/2G, 600Td) that's theirs on loan
Well, as the prospective navigator 🧭 for this trip ... let's have a look at the map.

Safest fast route from Boughene/Regina to Victoria/Lanth is going to be like so:
  1. Boughene/Regina (A starport) ... jump-3 ... Alell/Regina (B starport, amber zone)
  2. Alell/Regina (B starport) ... jump-5 ... Extolay/Lanth (B starport)
  3. Extolay/Lanth (B starport) ... jump-5 ... Ghandi/Lanth (B starport)
  4. Ghandi/Lanth (B starport) ... jump-2 ... Victoria/Lanth (D starport, red zone)
That route avoids any C- starports, ensuring that refined fuel can be obtained (assuming the Albatross isn't refitted to have a fuel purification plant installed in it).

It will also probably be best to obtain any survey/exploration gear for use on Victoria (and/or its interdicted moon) here at Boughene.

Just laying cards on the table to make life easier for the Referee ... :whistle:
Or as I like to tell people ... "surprises are good for birthdays, but they're bad for business." ;)
Well, as the prospective navigator 🧭 for this trip ... let's have a look at the map.

Safest fast route from Boughene/Regina to Victoria/Lanth is going to be like so:
  1. Boughene/Regina (A starport) ... jump-3 ... Alell/Regina (B starport, amber zone)
  2. Alell/Regina (B starport) ... jump-5 ... Extolay/Lanth (B starport)
  3. Extolay/Lanth (B starport) ... jump-5 ... Ghandi/Lanth (B starport)
  4. Ghandi/Lanth (B starport) ... jump-2 ... Victoria/Lanth (D starport, red zone)
That route avoids any C- starports, ensuring that refined fuel can be obtained (assuming the Albatross isn't refitted to have a fuel purification plant installed in it).

It will also probably be best to obtain any survey/exploration gear for use on Victoria (and/or its interdicted moon) here at Boughene.

Just laying cards on the table to make life easier for the Referee ... :whistle:
Or as I like to tell people ... "surprises are good for birthdays, but they're bad for business." ;)
Good call. Ylaven/Lanth is also on the itinerary; there was a sudden but brief outbreak of something like "Annic Nova Plague" there a few years ago, coinciding with a surprise earthquake -- Doc Martin found the disease outbreak in medical archives, and suggests checking that out. Since he was detailed to the ship to monitor for any recurrence of that disease, but what's left of the ship is floating in the "dead line" over by the shipyard, he's going to brief Annie (the medic/gunner) on testing and treatment procedures and go back to Scout Base Feri until the rebuild is done.

I like the proposed character, and made a few suggestions in my reply.
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If I wanted to join your assembled cast as a second gunner... do you provide a character or do I provide my own? If I provide my own what books can I use? - signed - intrigued, and warming up some dice.
As I'd discussed in a sidebar conversation with @Spinward Flow , any chargen system should work -- I "think" in Classic but since I'm dragging in some MgT2 and T5 resolution mechanics, any Traveller chargen system (LBB2, LBB4-7, S4, MgT, T5) would work -- I'll negotiate skills and skill levels as needed if you're using LBB2 chargen.

The two gunner-qualified characters already on the roster are largely undefined in RPG terms (Annie Oakley transferred to the Medic slot because the Albatross has just one turret right now; the other is Roland Thompson). Roll up a character that can serve as a ship's gunner with a sideline in either medic (Annie) or gunslinger (Roland), and you can have your choice of the two. I'll go back through the "day in the life" thread here shortly and list what little of each character's stats were established in the narrative.

To be honest, almost none of the existing characters came out of normal chargen with the exception of the Vargr Chief Engineer (he's from T5). @Spinward Scout and I gave the rest skills and stats that "felt fair" (and didn't define the attributes that didn't come up in the narrative) because I started this as a writing exercise rather than an RPG.
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I like the proposed character, and made a few suggestions in my reply.
Also, S4 chargen uses the LBB2 paradigm, so that Nav skill gets bumped up a bit when interacting with MgT game mechanics (and the others get a broad interpretation of applicability).
If I wanted to join your assembled cast as a second gunner... do you provide a character or do I provide my own? If I provide my own what books can I use? - signed - intrigued, and warming up some dice.

I'll go back through the "day in the life" thread here shortly and list what little of each character's stats were established in the narrative.
From Post #53, Annie Oakley has Gunnery-2 (under LBB2/S4 generation; probably something higher under MgT/T5 rules). The latter systems might also have Remotely-piloted Vehicle Operations as a separate skill, in which case that post suggests that she's probably got a point or two in that as well. I have her tagged as an anachronistic goth, but other than Gunnery skill (and implied RPV Ops) the narrative says nothing about her stats or what other skills she might have. I mentioned that she has medic (level not stated) skill in a commentary post.

I have Roland Thompson involved in a firefight that somehow we never actually described, so we don't know what his gun combat skill level is, or any of his stats. His favored weapon is a submachine gun with a drum magazine (with a name like that, is this a surprise?) He's got Gunnery-1 (LBB2/S4 type chargen) according to Post #133, but it could be up to 2 (LBB2/S4) without disrupting the narrative*. He'd also have RPV Ops on the same basis as Annie's skill at it.

Again, these are the minimums established so far, and both characters might have a variety of other skills that just didn't come up in the narrative.

* Basically, Annie's Gunnery skill is equal to or higher than Roland's since she's the chief gunner. In the gamestory so far, the writing assumed LBB2/S4 skill levels, so they both would have higher Gunnery levels under MgT or T5.
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You know, I probably ought to write up a "The Story So Far" post for this thread, since the gamestory thread makes for awkward reading.

Believe it or not, this is the short version:
An 8-person party of PCs in a Detached Duty Type S achieves complete victory conditions in Double Adventure 1: Annic Nova, with the loss of one character. (That is, they get the ship intact and mostly figure it out.)
They take the ship to the Scout Base at Feri/Regina and get it decontaminated.
Scouts direct them to the Naval Base at Efate/Regina for inspection (and registration if returned).
The PC with the Scout Ship leaves it at the Scout Base, will get it back if the PCs don't get to keep the Annic Nova.
They get to keep the Annic Nova.
The PC party hires on two gunners at Efate, proceeds to Feri/Regina.
On arrival at Feri, the chief engineer quits.
They hire on a local as a replacement engineer.

At this point, the gamestory thread starts.

Just prior to departure, two crewmen (one is the Type S pilot, the other the local engineer) are injured in a terrorist attack, and hide.
Locals can't recover them, so captain and one gunner take the other pinnace down from the 100D limit to rescue them.
On the way in, they find out from a suspiciously-hasty outbound Far Trader that the terrorists had used that ship to smuggle in the weapons for the attack (and are provided IDs and incriminating info on the terrorists).
Rescue attempt succeeds, but wrecks a borrowed air/raft.
Planetary Gov't authorities order PCs to cover up matters relating to terrorist attack.
Local new-hire engineer and gunner take first pinnace back to Annic Nova at the 100D limit, encounter inbound Type Y and its Ship's Boat.
It's the Dame (knight) from Boughene, where the Far Trader with the smuggled weapons originated. PCs brief her on the terrorist attack (without covering anything up -- she's a Knight, of course she has need-to-know!) and the info from the outbound Far Trader earlier.
She's been summoned there to discuss arms trafficking from Boughene.
Planetary Gov't turns out to have lied to the Imperial nobles there about who the terrorists were (claimed they were offworlders from Boughene, were really locals trying to provoke Gov't retaliation) to get them to really pressure the Knight to crack down on smuggling. Now she knows better.
This really irritated local Gov't, kind of annoyed Imperial nobles here.
Yacht gets impounded (and crew held hostage) by local gov't at the highport, Dame requests PCs transport her and her ship's boat out of here; they agree.
The PCs are also transporting a spooky prisoner and her guard, they head back up with them in the second pinnace.
Ship's boat and the PCs' pinnace attacked by System Defense Boat as they leave, minor damage to pinnace.
System Defense Boat makes a strafing run on Annic Nova but is led astray by decoys, mostly misses entirely but AN shoots down the two missiles that could have hit them.
The SDB overshoots, can't get back into firing range for a couple of hours.
Small craft arrive, everyone settles in. Spooky prisoner (now an IISS spy, and ally -- yeah, it's weird) sees a ghost.
Everyone else trash-talks to the local nobles by radio for being duped by planetary government. It's not clear if they get the hint though.
Meanwhile, the Scouts sent a Type S to rescue the Yacht's crew from the highport.
Everyone leaves for Boughene, [end of 24 hour scenario scope] and gets there ok [epilogue].
Feri's Imperial nobles appear to have apologized, so PCs and the Knight don't drop the dime to the Duke at Regina about how the Feri nobles have lost control of the local gov't. (One hopes they got the hint and are taking action.)

Starport shipyard offers to do an annual overhaul on Annic Nova for free (mostly to reverse-engineer and copy the tech).
They accidentally blow up the ship's collector drive in the process. The two 40Td, 5G pinnaces escape damage.
Insurance pays for a temporary replacement, which turns out to be the Albatross.
It needs an annual overhaul (presumably they won't accidentally blow that up as well since it's not an alien design), which will take a couple of weeks.
The Scout with the Type S he left on Feri decides to go back for it and get on with his life.
The Scout-assigned pandemic-control doctor also goes back to Feri, since the ship he's monitoring ain't going anywhere soon.
Now the PCs are short a navigator, plus the Albatross needs one more engineer than the Nova did.
Then there's the surplus gunner issue, and a slightly spooky Scout that's now along for the ride because she wants to find the ghost's daddy and the Scouts said to take her along.

... and we're caught up.

@Spinward Scout : Dayum, we wrote all that?
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I post one little navigator's plot to a destination and within 5 hours the thread blows up with another 8 posts, quadrupling the post count from before I posted. :oops:

I'm a bad influence on you people. :ROFLMAO:
@Spinward Scout : Dayum, we wrote all that?
In theory ... :geek: ... yes?

And that's not including all the brainstorming about Boughene Station as a setting ... :whistle:
Good call. Ylaven/Lanth is also on the itinerary
If the Albatross does not have a fuel purification plant aboard, the smart play is to use Ghandi/Lanth as a refueling base for operations.
  • Refined fuel at Ghandi ... jump-2 to Victoria ... long loiter time available ... jump-2 back to Ghandi.
  • Refined fuel at Ghandi ... Jump-1 to Ylaven ... REALLY LONG loiter time available(!) ... jump-1 back to Ghandi.
If the Albatross does have a fuel purification plant retrofitted aboard, then gas giant refueling at Victoria and Ylaven are possible, at which point the primary constraint on loiter time is going to be life support endurance. Probably best to spend a cargo ton (or few) on life support reserves (just in case) to sustain a longer survey/exploration mission. Along the planned route to Victoria, the "best" place to obtain extra life support reserves is probably going to be Alell (a rich world, but with a law level: C, so watch your step when negotiating) rather than at Boughene (where life support reserves are more "valuable" due to the lack of planetary biosphere).

Also, what sort of planetary vehicles will need to be used (and transported to the surfaces) of Victoria and Ylaven to conduct this survey/exploration? I mean, it's not like people are going to be satisfied with just making orbital scans and then going home, right?
If the Albatross does not have a fuel purification plant aboard, the smart play is to use Ghandi/Lanth as a refueling base for operations.
  • Refined fuel at Ghandi ... jump-2 to Victoria ... long loiter time available ... jump-2 back to Ghandi.
  • Refined fuel at Ghandi ... Jump-1 to Ylaven ... REALLY LONG loiter time available(!) ... jump-1 back to Ghandi.
If the Albatross does have a fuel purification plant retrofitted aboard, then gas giant refueling at Victoria and Ylaven are possible, at which point the primary constraint on loiter time is going to be life support endurance. Probably best to spend a cargo ton (or few) on life support reserves (just in case) to sustain a longer survey/exploration mission. Along the planned route to Victoria, the "best" place to obtain extra life support reserves is probably going to be Alell (a rich world, but with a law level: C, so watch your step when negotiating) rather than at Boughene (where life support reserves are more "valuable" due to the lack of planetary biosphere).

Also, what sort of planetary vehicles will need to be used (and transported to the surfaces) of Victoria and Ylaven to conduct this survey/exploration? I mean, it's not like people are going to be satisfied with just making orbital scans and then going home, right?
Albatross was built at Collace/District 268, which does not actually have a Class A Starport that can build starships.

"A planetary navy may procure ships at at any shipyard within the borders of its subsector; alternatively, a planetary navy may construct ships on its planet, using local resources, even if a shipyard is not present." (High Guard '80, p. 20)

"Military and quasi-military starships often use unrefined fuel because it is more available, and because their drives are specially built to use it." (LBB2 '81, p. 6)

It doesn't have a fuel purification plant. It doesn't need one. :)

The Albatross has 41Td of cargo space. I'd recommend at least one air/raft (probably enclosed). If you need a small craft, consider the Dory (10Td, 3G) from the Distant Scout variant of the ship -- it's pretty small.

While both of Annic Nova's pinnaces were stored separately and escaped damage in the Collector overhaul mishap, they aren't going to fit into the cargo bay.

In addition to the extra life support supplies for the crew, consider how you'd go about bringing back any survivors or salvage you might find.
The Albatross has 41Td of cargo space. I'd recommend at least one air/raft (probably enclosed). If you need a small craft, consider the Dory (10Td, 3G) from the Distant Scout variant of the ship -- it's pretty small.

While both of Annic Nova's pinnaces were stored separately and escaped damage in the Collector overhaul mishap, they aren't going to fit into the cargo bay.

In addition to the extra life support supplies for the crew, consider how you'd go about bringing back any survivors or salvage you might find.
Assume that the air/raft is going to need to be aboard the small craft and that the small craft is going to have to do all the shuttling between orbit and surface. Likewise, assume that due to interdiction restrictions at Victoria and Ylaven, the main ship is going to have to stay in orbit.

At that point, you're probably looking at some kind of TL=9 40 ton 5G pinnace loaded with survey crew plus vehicle for surface expeditions and 1 ton of reserve life support supplies.

Alternatively, you could use a TL=9 30 ton 6G ship's boat reconfigured for purpose. According to LBB S7, p39-40:
Once the basic requirements for drive, fuel, and bridge are met, the ship's boat has 13.7 tons remaining for other purposes.
  • 4 tons for an air/raft berth (air/raft has 4 ton cargo lift capacity)
  • 4 tons for cargo (that the air/raft can transport back to the ship's boat)
  • 4 tons for 2 small craft staterooms (Crew=2 single occupancy or with Passengers=2 double occupancy)
  • 1 ton extra fuel
  • 0.7 tons additional reserve life support (for longer duration survey/exploration)
Ought to be easy enough to acquire a ship's boat to those specs almost anywhere before departure from Ghandi.
A 30 ton ship's boat also leaves 11 tons of cargo space remaining aboard the ship for even more life support consumables for an extended stay.
Assume that the air/raft is going to need to be aboard the small craft and that the small craft is going to have to do all the shuttling between orbit and surface. Likewise, assume that due to interdiction restrictions at Victoria and Ylaven, the main ship is going to have to stay in orbit.

At that point, you're probably looking at some kind of TL=9 40 ton 5G pinnace loaded with survey crew plus vehicle for surface expeditions and 1 ton of reserve life support supplies.

Alternatively, you could use a TL=9 30 ton 6G ship's boat reconfigured for purpose. According to LBB S7, p39-40:

  • 4 tons for an air/raft berth (air/raft has 4 ton cargo lift capacity)
  • 4 tons for cargo (that the air/raft can transport back to the ship's boat)
  • 4 tons for 2 small craft staterooms (Crew=2 single occupancy or with Passengers=2 double occupancy)
  • 1 ton extra fuel
  • 0.7 tons additional reserve life support (for longer duration survey/exploration)
Ought to be easy enough to acquire a ship's boat to those specs almost anywhere before departure from Ghandi.
A 30 ton ship's boat also leaves 11 tons of cargo space remaining aboard the ship for even more life support consumables for an extended stay.
Look at the deck plans of the cargo hold -- especially the longitudinal section view -- to help visualize the space. What would realistically fit?

(Ok, something else for the to-do list: Isometric drawing of the cargo hold...)
Look at the deck plans of the cargo hold -- especially the longitudinal section view -- to help visualize the space. What would realistically fit?

(Ok, something else for the to-do list: Isometric drawing of the cargo hold...)
Dunno ... but then again, the Albatross is going in for an annual overhaul maintenance, so if any modifications need to be made to the ship for the voyage to Victoria and Ylaven, now would be the time to make them ... :rolleyes:
Dunno ... but then again, the Albatross is going in for an annual overhaul maintenance, so if any modifications need to be made to the ship for the voyage to Victoria and Ylaven, now would be the time to make them ... :rolleyes:
You're proposing reshaping almost the entire cargo capacity to hold a single small craft.

That's a minor-change refit (TCS, p. 34) that takes 10% of the ship's normal build time: 2.4 months (call it 9 weeks).

20Td as a single small craft is about all that'll fit lengthwise, and even that needs to be slung from the ceiling centerline to clear the cargo bay doors.

It's not built to carry small craft, and with its mere 45Td payload capacity* it just doesn't have room. Even the Yacht variant only gets a luxury G-Carrier ("grav limo"), not a small craft. Those 350 ton fuel tanks make for cruel tradeoffs.

The main virtue of the Dory design is that it's a mini-Cutter: use it to shuffle the modular staterooms (modular base) to a world's surface, then go back for the air/raft, then go back for the people to staff the base you just set up. Or just leave the staterooms in if you're planning an extended voyage. It's other virtue is that it's about the smallest practical small craft at TL-13.

At 20Td, there's the 6G Suite Gig from one of my yacht proposals. Downgrade to TL-13, ditch the staterooms, and it's useful.

*This includes the 4 tons of low berths, but not the 2 spare gunner staterooms (which would bring it to 53Td -- 55 if you turned the reserved space at the other two hardpoints into fuel tankage).
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At 20Td, there's the 6G Suite Gig from one of my yacht proposals. Downgrade to TL-13, ditch the staterooms, and it's useful.
Let me look into some 20 ton gig counter-proposal options if you're going to be a stickler on dimensions.
Hope you don't mind if I break out some LBB here for some of this to try and use already existing standards.

LBB S9, p27
Gig   GL-0205501-000000-00000-0   MCr7.8982   20 tons
Crew=1.   TL=13.
Passengers=2. Low=0. Cargo=8.7. Fuel=1. EP=1. Agility=5. Troops=0.
So let's see here ... LBB5.80 ... carry the 2 ... add some Type-R Rice Factor and recut the maneuver drive for a hot rod Boughene special blockade runner that needs to RUN rather than be able to shoot at stuff and ...

Hull: 20 tons, configuration: 2 (streamlined) = MCr2.2
Fuel Scoops: integral (no extra cost)
Armor: 0
Maneuver: 6 (3.4 tons, MCr1.7)
Power Plant: 6 (2.4 tons, MCr7.2, EP=1.2)
Fuel: 1.2 tons (4 weeks power plant = 1.2 ton)
Bridge (4 tons, MCr0.1, acceleration couches for 2 crew)
Computer: none
Passengers: 2 (1 ton, MCr0.05, 2 acceleration couches)
Cargo: 8 tons
Total cost: MCr11.25 (singly), MCr9 (volume production)
Blockade Runner   GF-0206601-000000-00000-0   MCr9   20 tons
TL=13. Crew=1. Bridge.
Passengers=2. Low=0. Cargo=8. Fuel=1.2. EP=1.2. Agility=6.

So what you've got is a 4 seat small craft with enough cargo capacity to carry an air/raft (which also seats 4) plus 4 tons of cargo brought in by the air/raft as a surface to orbit "blockade runner" thanks to the 6G maneuver drive (useful for quick dashes while beyond the horizon behind a planet).

Yes ... there's a lot of interesting adventure mischief you could get into with such a speedy small craft ... :ninja: