This is a realistic interplanetary near future campaign. I envision five power blocs, North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Africa. India throws in with Europe, the Middle East with Africa, Australia with North America, Russia is a part of the European bloc.
Nations still exist, but to avoid talking about them and getting into politics, we'll just refer to the five power blocs North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Africa.
The areas of interplanetary colonization are cis lunar space colonies, the Moon, Mars, the Asteroid Belt, Venus, Mercury, there are outposts on Callisto and Titan, and pretty much this is the extent of human colonization in the Solar System. Let's discuss some of the technologies.
Chemical rockets get spaceships off of Earth, the main reason for this is because chemical rockets have a high thrust to weight ratio. Most Earth to orbit vehicles are two stage affairs, both stages are fully reusable, only two of these worlds require two stages to reach orbit, those would be Earth and Venus, ever other world I mentioned needs only a one-state vehicle to reach orbit from the surface of each planet. The population of the Solar System is around 11 billion, most of that population lives on Earth, most of the population in space is around Earth cis lunar space. Cis lunar space colonies are rotating, wheels, spheres, cylinders, and dumb bell shaped objects, these provide 1 full Earth gravity for the human residents.
Robots and computers have a level of intelligence comparable to animals, in their specialties, they approach a human level of understanding but lack Initiative and common sense, they lack a sense of self, they could serve you a drink, prepare a meal, and clean your house, but they do not defend themselves if attacked, can be commanded to do things that would be self-destructive, and possess no sense of self, have no fear because of that lack of self, they just do what they are programmed to do, and their programming parameters are rather narrow. And they don't deal with unexpected situations that they are not programmed for very well.
Fusion reactors exist, where ever you see a nuclear fission plant today is where you might find a fusion reactor being used, interplanetary spaceships often use fusion power plants either for direct propulsion or to power some electric drive, such as an ion or plasma drive. Fusion powered drives are not practical for getting off a planet's surface, typical acceleration rates are measured in centimeters per second squared, but over time high velocities can be reached, fission drives can accelerate as high as 1 meters per second squared., only chemical rockets can accelerate at multiple Gs.
Nations still exist, but to avoid talking about them and getting into politics, we'll just refer to the five power blocs North America, South America, Europe, East Asia, and Africa.
The areas of interplanetary colonization are cis lunar space colonies, the Moon, Mars, the Asteroid Belt, Venus, Mercury, there are outposts on Callisto and Titan, and pretty much this is the extent of human colonization in the Solar System. Let's discuss some of the technologies.
Chemical rockets get spaceships off of Earth, the main reason for this is because chemical rockets have a high thrust to weight ratio. Most Earth to orbit vehicles are two stage affairs, both stages are fully reusable, only two of these worlds require two stages to reach orbit, those would be Earth and Venus, ever other world I mentioned needs only a one-state vehicle to reach orbit from the surface of each planet. The population of the Solar System is around 11 billion, most of that population lives on Earth, most of the population in space is around Earth cis lunar space. Cis lunar space colonies are rotating, wheels, spheres, cylinders, and dumb bell shaped objects, these provide 1 full Earth gravity for the human residents.
Robots and computers have a level of intelligence comparable to animals, in their specialties, they approach a human level of understanding but lack Initiative and common sense, they lack a sense of self, they could serve you a drink, prepare a meal, and clean your house, but they do not defend themselves if attacked, can be commanded to do things that would be self-destructive, and possess no sense of self, have no fear because of that lack of self, they just do what they are programmed to do, and their programming parameters are rather narrow. And they don't deal with unexpected situations that they are not programmed for very well.
Fusion reactors exist, where ever you see a nuclear fission plant today is where you might find a fusion reactor being used, interplanetary spaceships often use fusion power plants either for direct propulsion or to power some electric drive, such as an ion or plasma drive. Fusion powered drives are not practical for getting off a planet's surface, typical acceleration rates are measured in centimeters per second squared, but over time high velocities can be reached, fission drives can accelerate as high as 1 meters per second squared., only chemical rockets can accelerate at multiple Gs.