...and if a car has gull-wing doors that means it can fly, right?
Well, that's what it reminds me of. When I was a kid, all my toy cars with gullwing doors could fly. The reality is that it's just not that simple. There is a world of difference between an open gullwing door and a genuine aerodynamic control surface. In the same way, I can't believe there aren't equally alien differences between operating in a vaccuum and operating under water. It's not just simply a matter of being air-tight.
Having said all this, I don't actually have a problem with a Starship being able to act as a boat or a submarine as long as they are purposefully designed to do so. Canon ships aren't, in my opinion. I've seen pictures of a 'wedgie' Type-S in-elegantly 'plonked' in water. It just looks wrong. When I did broach this subject on the TML, someone said that they'd actually built a scout model and it did float more or less horizontally. Despite the fact that the model probably didn't accurately represent the weight, displacements and distribution of the real thing, I still had to say, 'fair enough'. However, he went on to say that the water came up just over the cockpit. Bad Design!
A Beowulf might just get away with it, but again, it's clearly not intended to undertake water landings, the fact that it has a slightly curved under-hull is just happy coincidence.
I'd actually love to see a Traveller Starship design that did fit this criteria. I imagine something starship-looking but with an under-hull similar to that of a boat plane or a Sea-King helicopter. Vaguely boatlike but aerodynamic. Intakes, afterburners, airlocks and cargo bay doors that sit above the waterline when fully laden but can also be accessed easily in a standard starport. Some sort of water-specific propulsion system - unless maneuvre plates work under water aswell as in a vaccuum. So on and so forth.
I actually started sketching something like this up (in the region of 200-300 tons) when I had this conversation on TML, however wether it will ever see the light of day is another matter. Still it's in my list of a million and one things to do before I die!