Ok, so there is a dearth of official traveller miniatures, like none at all I can find. So how about using other miniatures for traveler?
If you can find them, there are miniatures for a game called "infinity" by a company called "Corvus belli" that would absolutely rock as traveller miniatures. Check out the "Panoceania machinist" and tell me you wouldn't like him as your ship's engineer. There's some medics and hackers that would be great too, as well as a lot of armed figures that would look OK in traveller, I.E. they have a hard SF look to them.
While most warhammer 40k figs would look obscene and ridiculous in traveller, there are a few that could work. The kroot might make good generic primitive alien miniatures.
Likewise the tau might make outstanding generic advanced alien miniatures. Their stealth suit miniatures would make great warbots or extremely large power armor/mini mechs, and their crisis suits might be useful given their fairly hard SF look. Likewise their drone miniatures would look reasonable in traveller as remote controller/autonomous perimeter monitor robots.
The tau also have some insectoid allies that might make high tech homebrew alien figs.
Void 1.1 has, if you can find it, some minis suitable as traveller figures, mostly armed combat figs.
I've heard warzone and some similar games have traveller useable figs. Anyone want to look them up?
If you can find them, there are miniatures for a game called "infinity" by a company called "Corvus belli" that would absolutely rock as traveller miniatures. Check out the "Panoceania machinist" and tell me you wouldn't like him as your ship's engineer. There's some medics and hackers that would be great too, as well as a lot of armed figures that would look OK in traveller, I.E. they have a hard SF look to them.
While most warhammer 40k figs would look obscene and ridiculous in traveller, there are a few that could work. The kroot might make good generic primitive alien miniatures.
Likewise the tau might make outstanding generic advanced alien miniatures. Their stealth suit miniatures would make great warbots or extremely large power armor/mini mechs, and their crisis suits might be useful given their fairly hard SF look. Likewise their drone miniatures would look reasonable in traveller as remote controller/autonomous perimeter monitor robots.
The tau also have some insectoid allies that might make high tech homebrew alien figs.
Void 1.1 has, if you can find it, some minis suitable as traveller figures, mostly armed combat figs.
I've heard warzone and some similar games have traveller useable figs. Anyone want to look them up?