As promised (if a day late

) here's the version of the Patrol Cruiser I came up with. I also added a couple notes to the classic version posted above.
The Type TV (V for Variant) 400dT Modular Cruiser by Journeyman Design Bureau was designed to replace the limited function standard Type T Patrol Cruiser. It improves on the standard in several ways including:
First it meets Navy IDP of Jump 4* allowing it to be functionally integrated with fleets in times of war.
*Must be outfitted with the collapsible fuel module or utilize drop tanks for J4 range, internal tanks limit operations to J3.
Second it is lightly armored to better withstand both combat damage and incidental danger during SAR operations.
Third the module bay is hardened and built to accept either a standard 50dT Bay Weapon of compatible design or any number of utility modules or small craft allowing the Type TV to be quickly customized for a variety of roles.
While more expensive per unit than the standard version the modular feature allows one ship to serve a variety of roles by having the desired modules ready to load at the base. This makes the package both cheaper to buy and with a reduced crew and hanger requirement it is also cheaper to operate. Along with the moderate TL of the design this system should prove the best choice for smaller starports and subsector fleets. While designed primarily for the IN and SPA the design should also serve well for private mercenary and escort concerns.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Type TV Modular Cruiser - TL13
+400.0dT Hull - Wdg - FS 48.000
-24.0dT Armor F2 5.100
-20.0dT Bridge - std 2.000
-4.0dT Computer m/4 -2.0EP 32.000
-20.0dT Jump Drive 4P -16.0EP 80.000
-120.0dT Fuel x1J3
-44.0dT Maneuver 4G -16.0EP 22.000
Agility +0
-18.0dT Fusion 13 +18.0EP 54.000
-18.0dT Fuel x4wks
-16.0dT Fusion 13 +16.0EP 48.000
-4.0dT Fuel x1wks
Fuel Scoops 0.400
-5.0dT Fuel Purf x1 0.030
-4.0dT Hardpoints x2 0.200
-50.0dT Module Bay 0.600
-40.0dT Staterooms x10 5.000
-8.0dT Sickbay x1 5.000
-5.0dT Secure Hold 0.500
-------- ------
+0.0dT totals MCr302.830
Discounted cost MCr242.264 not including extras.</pre>[/QUOTE]Standard crew is Pilot, Astrogator, 3 Engineers, 2 Gunners, and a Medic. The other two staterooms are used by the crew of the specific module or craft carried or for guests.
The secure hold meets mail contract requirements allowing the Type TV to serve as a courier. Alternatively it can be used as an improvised cell for detention or transport of criminals or even as a safe magazine for additional missiles.
The design uses the optional half hardpoint sacrifice for bay weapon rule.
The secondary powerplant has 1 week of fuel but is only used for weapons and/or agility and is powered down during jump and routine operations.
The hardpoint reserve allows either 2 light turrets and integral magazines or 2 medium turrets. Optionally the owner could install 2 light popup turrets. Power feeds are rated for 8EP per turret allowing overcharging* of energy weapons. Typical armament of a light turret is 2 beam lasers and one launcher (missile or sand) while medium turrets are usually single plasma or fusion guns.
* imtu overcharging is allowed if extra energy is available, each extra level of power applied adds one to the weapons USP value with some risk of overloading, for example a laser battery of 2EP can gain one USP per 2EP extra applied.
The module bay is plumbed for fuel and may use a collapsible hard fuel tank module (40dT fuel and 10dT tankage) which allows direct use of fuel for jump and then provides 40dT of open space. Optionally a fuel bladder liner may be used for 50dT of fuel but the fuel must be pumped from the bay to internal tankage before being usable.
Power feeds to the module bay are rated for 10EP and typically limit the use to either a missile bay, a plasma cannon, or possibly a factor 1 nuclear damper.
Other bay usage may include cargo, passengers or vehicles but is limited only to the owners budget, imagination and the available 50dT of volume.
Bridge allocation using mtu guidelines - 4 ship's lockers (4dT) allowing double repair and maintenance supplies, 2 airlocks (6dT) including 10 vac suits, 10 crew workstations (10dT) assigned as Pilot, Astrogator, Gunners x2*, Engineers x3, Bay x2, and Auxiliary
*for remote operation, turrets include local stations which allow operation at a -1 to hit.