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the Roger Young (starship troopers)

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
i just did a search of the entire contents of these forums. there is not one reference to the Roger Young (this is hard to belive) in another threat there were many questions and answers concerning HUGH capital Battle Wagons and troop ships.....has anyone tried to come up with classic Traveller STATS for the Roger Young???, any deck plans?? any illistrations?? sketches, drawings any thing worth using for this project??
ive ckecked out the movie sites and most other useful sites, want to know if any else is working on project or started one - it is a hugh task!!
i dont have any idea where to start. what tech level (its not the highest) some one out ther MUST have thought to do this, how far did you get??? and where did you get your starting info??
can this even be done?? ect, ect, ect, help!! more questions!!!
If you want deck plans, try the rule book for the AH game Starship troopers. It has some deck plans for the Rodger Young in the back as I recall. It also gave some idea of numbers of troops carried, equipment, and shape.
The game itself gave a good indication of just how powerful BD troops could get.
"If you want deck plans, try the rule book for the AH game Starship troopers."

Just to clarify, that's the 1970's version (my very first wargame
), not the movie tie-in version from 20 years later. The montage on the inside back cover (credited to Richard Hamblen) contains these deck plans among other illustrations based on the novel.
Trader Jim,

Here ya go. I've actually tried using the HG Shipyard 1.058 to build several TV/motion picture
ships. Haven't gotten to deckplans yet...nut here is a stab. If you have any suggestions let me know.

Ship: Roger Young
Class: Roger Young - Refit
Type: Strike Carrier
Architect: Admiral Savage
Tech Level: 14

SC-Q1558H4-292000-95559-2 MCr 72,361.842 75 KTons
Bat Bear 1 2Y866 Crew: 3179
Bat 1 2ZA88 TL: 14

Cargo: 4,015.000 Passengers: 55 Fuel: 28,500.000 EP: 6,000.000 Agility: 4 Marines: 2500 Drop Capsules: 10 (plus 200 Ready 50 Stored)
Craft: 18 x 100T Drop Ships, 10 x 20T Fighters, 2 x 10T Grav Vehicle
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops
Backups: 1 x Model/8fib Computer
Substitutions: Y = 38 Z = 50

Architects Fee: MCr 723.618 Cost in Quantity: MCr 57,889.474

Detailed Description

75,000.000 tons standard, 1,050,000.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configeration

61 Officers, 608 Ratings, 10 Pilots, 2500 Marines

Jump-5, 5G Manuever, Power plant-8, 6,000.000 EP, Agility 4

Bridge, Model/8fib Computer
1 Model/8fib Backup Computer

16 100-ton bays, 10 50-ton bays, 110 Hardpoints

8 100-ton Meson Bays (Factor-5), 8 100-ton Missile Bays (Factor-9), 10 50-ton Particle Accelerator Bays (Factor-5), 40 Triple Beam Laser Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-9), 50 Dual Fusion Gun Turrets in 50 Batteries (Factor-5)

20 Triple Sandcaster Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-9), Meson Screen (Factor-2), Armoured Hull (Factor-2)

18 100.000 ton Drop Shipss (Crew of 3), 10 20.000 ton Fighterss (Crew of 2), 2 10.000 ton Grav Vehicles (Crew of 3)

23,250.000 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 30 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant, 51,000.000 ton drop tanks

1,750.0 Staterooms, 10 Drop Capsule Launchers with 200 Ready Capsules and 50 Stored Capsules, 4,015.000 Tons Cargo

MCr 73,085.460 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 723.618), MCr 57,889.474 in Quantity

195 Weeks Singly, 156 Weeks in Quantity

Trader Jim,
Also, I did them at various tech levels based on the movie not books. Here is the Athena.

Ship: Athena
Class: Athena
Type: Strike Carrier
Architect: Admiral Savage
Tech Level: 15

SC-R164AJ4-494500-95599-1 MCr 128,113.218 150 KTons
Bat Bear 1 1Y78B Crew: 5107
Bat 1 2ZACG TL: 15

Cargo: 13,233.000 Passengers: 190 Fuel: 60,000.000 EP: 15,000.000 Agility: 4 Marines: 4000 Drop Capsules: 10 (plus 200 Ready 50 Stored)
Craft: 20 x 100T Drop Ships, 10 x 20T Fighters, 4 x 95T Shuttle, 8 x 10T Grav Vehicle
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Backups: 1 x Model/9fib Computer 1 x Bridge
Substitutions: Y = 35 Z = 50

Architects Fee: MCr 1,281.132 Cost in Quantity: MCr 102,490.574

Detailed Description

150,000.000 tons standard, 2,100,000.000 cubic meters, Needle/Wedge Configeration

95 Officers, 1002 Ratings, 10 Pilots, 4000 Marines

Jump-6, 4G Manuever, Power plant-10, 15,000.000 EP, Agility 4

Bridge, Model/9fib Computer
1 Backup Bridge, 1 Model/9fib Backup Computer

38 100-ton bays, 10 50-ton bays, 170 Hardpoints

12 100-ton Meson Bays (Factor-9), 16 100-ton Missile Bays (Factor-9), 10 50-ton Particle Accelerator Bays (Factor-5), 100 Triple Beam Laser Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-9), 50 Dual Fusion Gun Turrets in 50 Batteries (Factor-5)

20 Triple Sandcaster Turrets in 1 Battery (Factor-9), Nuclear Damper (Factor-5), Meson Screen (Factor-4), Armoured Hull (Factor-4)

20 100.000 ton Drop Shipss (Crew of 4), 10 20.000 ton Fighterss (Crew of 2), 4 95.000 ton Shuttles (Crew of 3), 8 10.000 ton Grav Vehicles (Crew of 3)

46,500.000 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 30 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant, 105,000.000 ton drop tanks

2,900.0 Staterooms, 10 Drop Capsule Launchers with 200 Ready Capsules and 50 Stored Capsules, 13,233.000 Tons Cargo

MCr 129,394.350 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 1,281.132), MCr 102,490.574 in Quantity

207 Weeks Singly, 166 Weeks in Quantity


I assume you're using the movie version as a basis. The book's TFCT Roger Young is much smaller; she carries one large platoon of Mobile Infantry with drop capsules and one or perhaps two recovery boats.

I came up with something more like this:

Ship: Roger Young
Class: ???
Type: Corvette Transport
Architect: Tom Schoene
Tech Level: 15

CT-C4555E2-070000-60000-0 MCr 1,725.548 3 KTons
Bat Bear 3 3 Crew: 99
Bat 3 3 TL: 15

Cargo: 64.000 Fuel: 1,650.000 EP: 150.000 Agility: 3 Marines: 60 Drop Capsules: 3 (plus 60 Ready 120 Stored)
Craft: 2 x 40T Recovery Boat
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Backups: 1 x Model/1fib Computer

Architects Fee: MCr 17.255 Cost in Quantity: MCr 1,380.438

Detailed Description

3,000.000 tons standard, 42,000.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration

11 Officers, 28 Ratings, 60 Marines

Jump-5, 5G Manuever, Power plant-5, 150.000 EP, Agility 3

Bridge, Model/5fib Computer
1 Model/1fib Backup Computer

30 Hardpoints

12 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-6)

18 Triple Sandcaster Turrets organised into 3 Batteries (Factor-7)

2 40.000 ton Recovery Boats (Crew of 2, Cost of MCr 0.000)

1,650.000 Tons Fuel (5 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

53.0 Staterooms, 3 Drop Capsule Launchers with 60 Ready Capsules and 120 Stored Capsules, 64.000 Tons Cargo


MCr 1,742.803 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 17.255), MCr 1,380.438 in Quantity

139 Weeks Singly, 111 Weeks in Quantity

Based on TFCT Roger Young, from Robert Heinlein's novel Starship Troopers.

The Marine (i.e. Mobile Infantry) complement of 60 troops is an estimate, I think
an MI platoon may actually be a bit larger than this. The ship has sufficient
drop capsules for three combat drops before resupply, and can frontier refuel
indefinitely. The recovery boats are placeholders; 40 tons seems about right, or maybe a bit low.
Yes, both were from the movie. It's been too long
since I read the book. I do recall significant
differences. So the question is what was Trader
Joe looking for... I actually did this in early
summer as part of my effort to identify several starships as Traveller vessels.

I tried the RY at various tech levels (13, 14, and 15) and it seemed to fit best in TL14. Most of the design is based around what we see in drop ships, and fighter capability.

The Athena (at the end of the movie) could possibly be TL15. We really don't see much of it.

Originally posted by savage:
Yes, both were from the movie. It's been too long
since I read the book. I do recall significant
differences. So the question is what was Trader
Joe looking for...
Well, now he has both to chose from, I guess.

I tried the RY at various tech levels (13, 14, and 15) and it seemed to fit best in TL14. Most of the design is based around what we see in drop ships, and fighter capability.
I picked TL 15 mainly becuase power plant volume was becoming unreasonable at lower TLs. I was surprised to see the ship even get this big; I started out assuming 1000 tons.

Now, if you design the ship under GT you can fit the same capabilities in about 600 or 700 tons. In many ways, this is more satisfactory -- you get the sense of a very small shp, reasonably designated a corvette.

Of course, not much of the ST universe technology really matches Traveller. I'd be inclined to try it under GURPS Space with warp drives and some sort of very efficient reaction drive. (The corvette transports can brake at 8-10g!)
The movie and book were significantly different.

In the movie they discussed the amount of troops deployed to Klandathu. And it appeared that
larger vessels were required to support significant
ground forces.

I agree on your point of travel methods. It doesn't really seem that they use Jump drives. I haven't used GT although FFS does make an effort to
describe Warp travel. My concern would be game consistency.
I always pictured the Roger Young as being quite a small ship. No more than a 1000dt in size. The Broadsword class at 800dt could be altered to carry a 50 man platoon (which I think is the size of a platoon in the novel), replace the 2 cutters with a single "retrieval boat" and dump the ATVs. It is not mentioned in the novel if the corvette transports could actually land, but I would make it streamlined, after all losss of the retrieval boat will make it hard to recover the troops otherwise.

Funnaly enough IMTU Corvette is used as a term for warships of around 400 to 1000dt with a manuever drive rating of 3 or less. For instance an FL (Frigate,light aka corvette) at TL15 IMTU would have J4 and 3G compared to a DE (Destroyer Escort) of the same displacement which would have J4 and 4G or better.
Originally posted by Antony:
I always pictured the Roger Young as being quite a small ship. No more than a 1000dt in size. The Broadsword class at 800dt could be altered to carry a 50 man platoon (which I think is the size of a platoon in the novel), replace the 2 cutters with a single "retrieval boat" and dump the ATVs. It is not mentioned in the novel if the corvette transports could actually land, but I would make it streamlined, after all losss of the retrieval boat will make it hard to recover the troops otherwise.
The CT Kinunir, with it's drop tubes and short platoon of Marines, is also pretty close to the Starship Troopers book ships. It would certainly do as a basis for a conversion, anyway. The Broadsword doesn't have any drop tubes, though some could be added.

When thinking of Starship Trooper, please forget that horrible movie.
A basic thing to consider is the tech level of the MI troops. There are bouncing aroung in powered armor, battle dress, with grav belts. Their basic weapon is the hand flamer, a large handgun sized PGMP.
They can shoot mini nukes out of backpack launchers, Anyone know an equivalent? Possible designed in Striker.
All this adds up to a TL minimum of 14, or in the 16 range.

The Kinunir is very close to what the book describes ae the Rodger Young. Drop tubes and all. Wonder what book the author was reading prior to writing the adventure?
Originally posted by vegascat:
A basic thing to consider is the tech level of the MI troops. There are bouncing aroung in powered armor, battle dress, with grav belts. Their basic weapon is the hand flamer, a large handgun sized PGMP.
They can shoot mini nukes out of backpack launchers, Anyone know an equivalent? Possible designed in Striker.
All this adds up to a TL minimum of 14, or in the 16 range.
That I don't believe at all. The tech assumptions don't match up very neatly, but TL 14 or higher is way too high.

Let's consider where the various systems are in Traveller terms:

Flamers are not fusion guns; they're more like very advanced flamethrowers or maybe a long range oxy-acetylene torch. The small pistol-type ones are mainly incendiary weapons, but with some raher limited defensive anti-personnel capability. The heavy-duty version can cut through walls, but doesn't blow them down. No good Traveller analog, but clearly inferior to high-energy weapons. Call it TL10.

Suits use jump jets, not grav belts. These are reaction engines of some sort and require some sort of fuel. Again, no clear Traveler analog, but probably no higher than TL 10.

Micro-nukes suitable for mortars or Tac missiles are TL 10 or 11. (Striker gives 14cm as the minimum size for a TL10 2kt nuke, which is not unreasonable for a suit-portable missile.)

The Kinunir is very close to what the book describes ae the Rodger Young. Drop tubes and all. Wonder what book the author was reading prior to writing the adventure?
I don't see Kinnunir as being terribly close to Roger Young, actually. It's rather slow, and not at all a dedicated troop transport like the fast corvette tranports.

Some people have argued that Kinnunir is based on the battlecruiser MacArthur from Mote in God's Eye, but I'm not terribly convinced by that one either (MacArthur has lots of small craft, for example). I think it's basically a novel design, with a few ideas borrowed from several different sources.
more info.....i tore up the internet for several days.....no plans!!!....did find a guy who makes and sells resin models - what a joke!!! $170.00 a pop!!!.....*********!!!!

hope he has to EAT them!!!!
A flamer is a Heinlein weapon that shows up in a couple of places. In Between Planets a backpack powered version was used like a flamethrower, but it was clearly an energy weapon. RAH was writing before lasers and the flamers were generic energy weapons. I'll buy the thesis that they are some kind of light plasma weapon without the focus and range of a PGMP.

But the flamer (hand or heavy duty) was a secondary weapon for close quarters. NCOs had nuclear missiles, everybody had grenades, but RAH is silent on ther primary weapons in between. Except to say that an individual MI was more than a match for a TL4-5 tank. I am betting on light (50-70mm?), guided missiles with conventional warheads.

I can see TL10-12. Remember this was a civilization that was climbing back up from a TL6 nuclear war.

Oh, if you are designing the Rodger Young, remember Bulkhead 30. Forward of Bulkhead 30 are quarters for the female officers and the Officers mess (maybe the bridge as well). Everything else is aft of a single door guarded by an MI.

Troop compliment is twice listed as 53 Possibly 54 with a lieutenant.
an MI Platoon contains at 100% To&E 1 officer and 55 troopers...still working on the ship but it is a LT- by high guard standards...about 1.2kt.
I don't see where you get 55. I get 54. The Roughnecks are repeatedly listed as having 53 under Sergeant Jelhal because Lieutenant Raczak was dead.

TOE, MI platoon (from the book)

Platoon Sergeant
2 Sections, ea
Section Leader (Sgt)
Assistant Section Leader (Cpl)
(3) Squads, ea Corporal, Lance Corporal, 6 Privates

Three launch tubes. Port and starboard tubes each drop a section and the Lieutenant and Platoon Sergeant dropping from the center tube.
Your right my bad ... I just looked at the book again in 10 years ..... can you have memory problems at 31?
Originally posted by Spaceman Spiff:
Your right my bad ... I just looked at the book again in 10 years ..... can you have memory problems at 31?
Well, my generation did but we had better drugs.

I looked it up a month ago when this thread started. :D
you suck... i have to pee in a cup every few weeks .. but i have access (
read legal)to all kinds of good stuff Morphine, demoral.. etc...