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TA7 - Fighting Ships

I've got a question about this material. Doesn't it seem odd that most of the heavy ships don't seem to have much in the way of armour? The Perisher-class dreadnaught has an AR1, the Tiananmen-class battleship an AR0, and so on. Even most of the cruisers seem a bit on the light side. The way things work out, not only are fighters a credible threat versus most large ships, but the armoured cruisers, say the Atlantic, are effectively tougher ships than the big boys.

Of course, there may be a scaling factor or something I'm missing, or maybe this is an attempt to move the system towards a cruiser/carrier navy. Or maybe this has been discussed already. I miss things like that sometimes, I work for the government.

- Tom
When you are dealing with ships less than TLF you have to make compromises. Powerplants are twice as big for the amount of energy they produce. Below TLE Armor is twice as massive.

More importantly, under T20 starship combat, if you are carrying less than 9 points of armor you are vulnerable to fighter HE missile fire, 12 points Fighter Beam Laser fire, 13 points Fighter Pulse laser fire, 18 Fighter BPL missile fire, 24 Fighter Fusion Gun fire. While some of these hits are going to be few and far between, it is virtually impossible to make your ship impervious to Fighter attacks.

Further Meson bays and Meson Spinals render armor useless and destroy capital ships outright, 27.5% or 52.5% of the time. (100% for the spinals if you allow PMOS (Gunnery).)

If you go look at Supplement 9, you will find that only the Drednaughts have more than 10 points of armor. The Cruisers have comparitively little or no armor. (The Atlantic being the exception, with 10 points of armor.)

Perhaps it represents a shift in Imperial Naval Architecture Theory in the 3I between 993 and 1100.

Remember, in T20, in a stand up fight between a Perisher and an Atlantic from TA7 that the winner is the one that rolls a 10+ to hit first.

Hey, don't just leave it at that.

Post your solution, too.

You need to save a snippet of text describing your fixes to that problem (which you've outlined several times before), so you can just copy and paste it whenever you need it.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:

Hey, don't just leave it at that.

Post your solution, too.

You need to save a snippet of text describing your fixes to that problem (which you've outlined several times before), so you can just copy and paste it whenever you need it.
Actually I usually just point to the post anymore.
But that wasn't part of the question.

But here is my solution. (Or most of it. Still evolving it slightly.)

Sane Starship combat for T20.