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Systems of Gateway Domain: Odds 'n Sods


SOC-14 1K
Here's a bunch of systems I sort of wrote up as my game hurtled past at J2, mostly during various QLI adventures. They're not that deep, but they might be useful to somebody running the same adventures...

1633 Guarda Outreaumer/Ley (Imperial)
Guarda 1633 D000566-8 As 414 Im G3 V A6 D

Big strikes n years back showed the second belt system to be potentially very rich. Guarda is now run by the Imperial military after a claim war blew up between various independent miners and a megacorp or two. There were lots of IN stationed here, but they were replaced by subsector/reserve navy types due to Solomani war. Most of the marines are gone now, and the army reservist types who replaced them are unhappy in zero-g. With trade reduced lately, the tech level (goods generally available) has dipped.

Resentment still simmers between the prospectors and the megacorps. Some of the reservist (i.e. local) forces have sympathies with various belter groups.

1832 Egran Diamond-Prince/Ley (Imperial)
Egran 1832 C256555-8 Ag Ni 600 Im K3 V

They grow some lichen that produces a cooking spice here. It’s quite a pleasant world, except for the air. Egran is run by the spice export board, for historical reasons, but the peasants are thinking about revolting.

945-755 (3139 Ley)
945-755 3139 A8C2756-9 103 Xx M1 V K6 D

Starport is orbital. Insidious atmosphere is close to sea level only (the seas are very nasty). The people live on high ground. The system has a fairly normal mixed economy, plus some bold souls extracting nasty chemicals from the seas for export. The starport builds J1 ships for sale around the cluster. The atmosphere testing and health and safety departments of the civil service largely run the government.

Gikii (2940 Ley)
Gikii 2940 B739454-A 502 Xx M2 V

Gikii is a giant quarry or strip mine, producing a unique and valuable decorative blue stone. The population mostly comprises quarry workers and their hangers-on, except for a shipyard that assembles specialist shuttles that can grab a single 50-dton block of stone and lift it to orbit. Some of these shuttles are used locally; others are exported as freight in larger merchant ships.

Kaalan (2935 Ley)
Kaalan 2935 BA99242-9 213 Xx K3 V G1 D

Kaalan is home to considerable native plant life and a fair number of marine animals. All of them, however, are based on wrong-handed (from the human point of view) amino acids, so they hold no nutritional value. The 200 inhabitants are starport workers and fish-trackers, the first wave of a huge development project backed by the megacorporation Zirunkariish to export a particularly tasty fish as diet food. If the market really exists, the population should rise to ten thousand over the next few years.

241-281 (2934 Ley)
241-281 2934 C9D6320-A 412 Xx K5 V A8 D

This system is pretty much an artists’ colony. To make the dense atmosphere breathable, 400 people live at high altitude where they paint pictures of the rugged mountains in the twin sunset. There is the usual array of agents, flunkies, wannabes etc. The small starport is nestled in a high valley. It has good facilities for a world of this size, to accommodate the wealthy yachts that pass by. Gliding is a popular sport in the dense atmosphere and strong up-draughts, despite the risk of plunging to unbreathable altitudes – most gliders have an emergency grav system.

[When my game came through, about the only spec cargo was several dtons of fruit. I said it was rotting plumns, which had been dumped by a passing trading magnate in a 1000 dton freighter to make room for a sculpture that he'd fallen in love with.]

Sham (2832 Ley)
Sham 2832 A85977A-D 210 Xx F7 V A1 D

Sham is a reasonably clement world, although the air is thin and the surface mostly underwater, and it occupies a moderately strategic position at the end of a thirteen-world cluster/main. Population has risen to twenty million, at least partly driven by emigration from the adjacent Qaran system (which is similarly wet and unbreathable but far more crowded). The starport, with ground and orbital components, is a major high-tech shipbuilder and one of the few facilities in the area that can build J4 ships in volume.
2631 502-740 aka Gasser's Nuts
502-740 2631 B8C2443-8 824 IC M9 V A5 D

Although the nominal mainworld of 502-740 is the hostile planet known as “Gasser’s Rock”, 90% of sophs in the system are prospecting belters. The Imperium effectively bought influence here by leasing a patch of vacuum and building the orbital starport, which is a swish TL11 double-ring affair, and providing facilities to the belters. It gained them a toehold in the Malix Cluster right next door to the Khuur League. The Imperium works in close cooperation with Sternmetal IG, who don’t usually get on with belters at all.

Naval forces and not-a-few scouts pass through regularly, including plenty of small fast couriers. Detached scouts can get free fuel and maintenance here if they’re on the right (i.e. “inquisitive”) sort of detached duty, even though it’s not officially a scout base.

With the recent switching of the domain capital to Annapabar, 8 parsecs away and alarmingly close to the border, the Imperium is doubly keen to get a few eyes in place in this neck of stars. Some nearby polities have worked that out, and not all of them like it, especially the Khuur League. Security is tight on “Gasser’s Nuts” (as the orbital is known), despite the low overall law rating for the system. But “nomadic belter” is an excellent cover for a hostile infiltrator…

[note: I *think* it's the Malix cluster, but GtD isn't entirely clear on this one.]
Morte - if most of the inhabitants live and work at the belt (presumably the starport is nearby), why is the mainworld an atm C world that presumably is nowhere near the belt and much harder to live at?

Shouldn't this description be classed as a 000 (asteroid belt) system?

Or are you thinking that the miners are mining a ring system around the atm C world, and the station is in orbit around the planet too (this would work)?
Originally posted by Malenfant:
Morte - if most of the inhabitants live and work at the belt (presumably the starport is nearby), why is the mainworld an atm C world that presumably is nowhere near the belt and much harder to live at?

Shouldn't this description be classed as a 000 (asteroid belt) system?

Or are you thinking that the miners are mining a ring system around the atm C world, and the station is in orbit around the planet too (this would work)?
The mainworld is nominally the world with the starport, which is the orbital around the planet.

[Or: I needed a reason for 8000 people and a type C atmosphere, with an Imperial Client allegiance code. The imperially-funded starport fit -- it takes the people off the planet whilst leaving the planet as the nominal mainworld for UWP purposes. Space stations are handy that way. And it explains the World Allegiance Code, and gives me a nifty Impie spy base outside the border.]

p.s. the "belt around the planet" thing is neat. I'll put that one in the toolbox.
The ring system idea would cover all this. The mainworld could still be listed as the one with the C atm since that's that the ring system orbits - listing it as an asteroid belt would be incorrect because it's not just asteroids there...