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Stellar Reaches -- RNA Article


SOC-14 1K
Liam, I enjoyed your RNA Article and am in the process of re-reading it (tonight).

RNA Skills/memories occur at TTL-12 which is fine. You briefly touch on "mind wipes" something I'm not familiar with in the TU.

1. Do these work similar to the RNA process ? (or are they strictly psionic, etc)

2. If so, what TTL do these appear at ? (same, I'm guessing though).

I think mind wipes are not really possible until tech 14 (they might be unstable before) - I've checked my know cannon stuff and cant see any explanation of it, although it could easily be manipulation of RNA perhaps.
well according to GURPS First In p116, "memories can be implanted, erased or changed" at GTL-11, which I think translates to your TTL-14.

however I'm not that concerned with following canon to the letter. Same book mentions neural implants and such occuring at GTL-10, which fits the article's TTL-12. I can see loosening the strings on the bag a bit, if it's done correctly.

I like those MIB "Flashy things" that GURPS Ultra-Tech has ;)

I'm just wondering if the Mind Wipe process works the same or not. Then next is "recording".

I'm tempted to use it as a method for couriers (not just in Traveller) and I want to know if someone can surreptitiously steal or copy such info.

Hopefully the author has the time to fill in few things for us.
Thank you very much!

GTL-11 is seen as Traveller TL12, which corresponds directly to the T20 RNA implant procedure.

Perhaps semantics here, but inserting new memories over older ones ("layering"), and replacing & refilling said memories with others is a form of 'mindwipe'.

Psionics? No--Science. Psionics are rumored to be able to do so without the medical machinery to do so. Machines which transcribe or can video-image up such memories information are TL-14+, making them rare.

canon examples are
1) the TL-14 Solomani robot used in court proceedings to adjudicate whether a person is telling the truth,

2) the Ilelish device that was used to "brain tap" a dead scientist in order to discover why he'd been killed--this unfortunate necromancy however can only recall the last 10-15 minutes of a preserved brain's short-term memory recall.

3)The portion of the brain controlling long term memory is known and can be manipulated/ altered by TL-12 medically, wherein we found the basis for the article. Still, it is an injection, and I postulated it is done with an injection of nanites (mini-robots) that carry the RNA data to that location solely and deposit it before dissassembling themselves (1-shot nanites in other words).

There is a risk of failure, and chances for insanity to develop even at higher tech--which prevents this from munchkinism. Only 1 per Character year can be attempted safely without risk of a disastrous anomaly within the human brain & pyschotic results.

In the order of some worlds using the 'mindwipe' technique as capital punishment--e.g., The removal of memories in this defined procedure, the limits of which the GM defines might be complete removal all the way back to childhood & an entirely new life's memories installed to the simple removal of several years removed covering the criminal act, and events leading up to it.

In the order of use for the RNA for couriers carrying data, the same procedure as say the RNA college degree are used--with the check-up 30 days later to see if it took hold.

In a 3rd Imperium with rival Megacorporations and industrial espionage on a level undreamed of in our present day sense, committing data to hard copy and datacrystal storage is still subject to theft.

Using this wet-wire method is (when successfully downloaded mind you--ala Johnny Mnemonic/ Total Recall) more secure--to get the data to you have to steal the entire person, and you could grab the wrong guy/ gal! Downloading the courier's data requires again a Trained/ liscensed TL-12 doctor or a TL-12+ equipped facility.

Naturally criminal skills by less than scrupulous folk, and memory theft 'brain-jackers' can lead to some interesting villainous adventure hooks...

The T20 chapter in the Handbook briefly described these uses, and I attempted to put some flesh to the bones we have.

helpfully yours,
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Thank you very much!
you're quite welcome.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

Perhaps semantics here, but inserting new memories over older ones ("layering"), and replacing & refilling said memories with others is a form of 'mindwipe'.
ah, thanks for the insight, so memories can be "targeted" and something that isn't deemed necessary, can be overwritten. got it. I assumed so from your article but it didn't say specifically.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

canon examples are
1) the TL-14 Solomani robot used in court proceedings to adjudicate whether a person is telling the truth,

2) the Ilelish device that was used to "brain tap" a dead scientist in order to discover why he'd been killed--this unfortunate necromancy however can only recall the last 10-15 minutes of a preserved brain's short-term memory recall.

are those T20 canon ? (I don't have T20).

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

In the order of use for the RNA for couriers carrying data, the same procedure as say the RNA college degree are used--with the check-up 30 days later to see if it took hold.

yeah, I understand the once per year figures into the mix too.

so I may hand wave it and get it up to 1 per quarter and add some sort of medication to accompany the therapy, and assume the whole process is working at TTL-15. since it's not Traveller, I think I can get away with it.

I think I'll need some sort of "time delay" to erase the memories once they're delivered. perhaps some nano that can wait for an "expiration date" or a "reminder memory" (something impossible to shake) to take the overwrite memory. sticky stuff.

The two canon examples come from the prior MegaTraveller era of the game, during the rebellion period.
In both cases there was cultural awareness that these high tech machines closely duplicated Psionic processes, but when pressed, government officials could point out it was not the 3rd Imperial banned Psionics but a machine doing it--a lame way if one could avoid/ control the media from pressing harder on these things. Again, tech rarity put them out of reach of players.

As for the MIB flash doohickey? <grins> "Ancient's Artifact" is my handwavium answer--and so, not even in any player's shopping list or reach.

Now complete cloning & complete memory transfer by canon (MT, TNE, so on) Is held at TL-16. that would be the extreme replication of memories and an entire identical person. TL-16 laws on cloning in the Imperium are very strictly controlled, and in the diversity of 11,000 worlds, socially frowned on on the majority of them. Classic case of "haves & have nots" here due to expense, and he number of TL-G worlds vis-a-vis lower technology Imperial member worlds.

RNA technology however, with far more Imperial member worlds within the TL-12 to TL-15 range is thus more widespread and acceptable, especially it would seem in the more homogenous tech settled worlds of the rimwards former Solomani Autonomous region (former 2nd Imperial) of space.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

The two canon examples come from the prior MegaTraveller era of the game, during the rebellion period.
In both cases there was cultural awareness that these high tech machines closely duplicated Psionic processes, but when pressed, government officials could point out it was not the 3rd Imperial banned Psionics but a machine doing it--a lame way if one could avoid/ control the media from pressing harder on these things. Again, tech rarity put them out of reach of players.
ah, well, I do have the Mega Traveller Imperial Encyclopedia, so hopefully I'll find a reference to them.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

As for the MIB flash doohickey? <grins> "Ancient's Artifact" is my handwavium answer--and so, not even in any player's shopping list or reach.
GURPS Ultra-Tech has it at GTL12+ so it could fit into a Imperial Research Station type of item or for Special Imperial Ops. It's called a Hypnagogic Wiper and isn't quite the same as the movie but pretty close. Since it fit within the FIrst In Medical Paradigm, I'd probably use it with NPCs and also have some other limitations.

+the Solomani 'Truth 'Bot' appeared in the MT-era DGP Solomani & Aslan sourcebook, iirc.

+The "tomb tapping" memory brain device mentioned above I saw was first in TNE's Survival margin, but later learned it had first appeared in a Challenge magazine, from which all the TNS news blurbs had been colected over the MT-rebellion period as a way to explain how Dulinor's bunch of Intel guru's learned about Lucan's super weapon at Station Omicron in Core Sector.

+My opinion on the MIB Flash device and how it works, isn't so much as a 'mind wipe' as it "layers" over with the new suggested memory. But, hey, its your game and 'verse, have at it! :D
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

+The "tomb tapping" memory brain device mentioned above I saw was first in TNE's Survival margin, but later learned it had first appeared in a Challenge magazine, from which all the TNS news blurbs had been colected over the MT-rebellion period as a way to explain how Dulinor's bunch of Intel guru's learned about Lucan's super weapon at Station Omicron in Core Sector.
hmmm, Survival Margin p72 says it's a "psionic probing" and doesn't get much into details.

now I only skimmed it, are there other entries ?
There were some "Ask Bwana" queries in the preceeding issues of Challenge Magazine that inquired about the process by which they gained the intel. I'd have to re-read my SM, p72 again, I do not recall in Dave Nilsen's replies (in Challenge) that it was via psionics.
Okay, I've got the basics on a ultra-chic, high-society type of culinary school that takes worthy candidates, then RNA's them various types of recipes/cookery know-how, ultra-chic restaurants that have valuable recipes which they keep over decades or possibly centuries.

This way they keep their recipes secret and their Kulinars are prized for their knowledge. When/if they leave, another RNA is given to overwrite the knowledge.

I think it might be fun to have a gun-toting PC ingest some RNA by accident (I think GURPS Bio-Tech offers capsules), then after a week or two starts cooking like a 5-star chef, much to the surprise of his PC party and they slowly piece together how the "Cooking Academy" does business.

Just need to smooth-out some rough edges.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Sounds like a great example of "edible" knowledge, or "feed your head", gadrin!
"Food for Thought"
<I don't see a vomit-face luckily>

It might work if the players are the "play along" types and so on. I could see them crouched in the ruins of a merc action on Joyeuse (ala, The Message from Firefly) and suddenly there wafts an exquisite aroma -- as the strike team has returned after raiding a nearby hotel in enemy territory, for supplies and cooking gear ;)

Alternately I was thinking of a bounty hunter going to visit a known-associate of a criminal, and getting clearance to a high-security prison. Then finding the 5-star chef, the warden has is a crook who intercepted one of the RNA packages. ( And the warden has finagled/postponed the RNA overwrite until after his sentence is over) so not only does the BH get info on the other criminal, but a few lessons in culinary expertise, since the one that got away is also a chef, who's peddling the proprietary info, to culinary rivals.