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Stellar Reaches Issue #6 Update...


SOC-14 1K
Good Evening, All,

It's been a little bit since the last update, and I felt that I needed to keep you guys in the loop in regards to the next issue of Stellar Reaches. Now that National Novel Writing Month has passed, I'm back in the full swing of things, and am busily putting together the next issue. With any luck, I should be able to release the next issue over the holidays. I'll aim for releasing our next exciting issue in time for Christmas, but should I fail that, you'll still be able to read it on New Year's Day.

In the month of November, I successfully wrote my first full-length novel entitled "Gladiator of Samardan", a planetary adventure weighing in at 71,000 words, over the course of the National Novel Writing Month competition this year. (I lost much sleep and family time, but I got the entire novel written within the 30 days alloted to me. My family has been wonderfully supportive in allowing me to accomplish my dream.) Next month, I'll reread the rough draft and begin doing some major clean-up work on it, and I intend to make it available for sale in February or March of 2007. It's not a Traveller novel, but that's simply because I do not have permission to publish Traveller fiction for profit. If you grew up on tales of John Carter of Barsoom, Tarl Cabot of Gor, or Dray Prescot of Kregen, then "Gladiator of Samardan" should be a real treat. I enjoyed writing it, and I hope some of you find it an pleasurable read this Spring.

The Hinterworlds 1248 Sourcebook is my current major focus (although I do have a few minor projects I'm wrapping up on the side), and I hope to have it ready for playtesters by the end of March, just after the release of the Spring 2007 issue of Stellar Reaches. Barring complications, the Hinterworlds 1248 Sourcebook PDF will go on sale in April, 2007, and a Print-On-Demand version will follow a month or two later for those that like dead-tree format, if there's enough interest in the product. Currently, the PDF looks like it will cost around $8.99, and the softcover book would probably run around $16.99. (These prices may vary, depending on the size of the final product.)

Thank you, one and all, for your continued support of the Stellar Reaches fanzine. Please take a moment to thank the contributing artists and authors. Without their contributions, Stellar Reaches simply wouldn't exist.

Keep On Travellin',
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Originally posted by Flynn:
With any luck, I should be able to release the next issue over the holidays. I'll aim for releasing our next exciting issue in time for Christmas, but should I fail that, you'll still be able to read it on New Year's Day.
Looking forward to it! :D

In the month of November, I successfully wrote my first full-length novel entitled "Gladiator of Samardan" (...) and I intend to make it available for sale in February or March of 2007.
Where will it be on sale?
Very Cool!

Can't wait for all three...
Originally posted by the Bromgrev:
Where will it be on sale?
I'll definitely be selling it through my Samardan Press storefront on Lulu.com. If I want it available for purchase through other vendors, such as Amazon or the like, I have to pay $99 to have it published under Lulu's label, or $149 under my own. Chances are, I'll be lucky to sell 10 copies of the novel, so I'll just keep that to Lulu.

The Hinterworlds 1248 sourcebook should sell enough to at least pay for the fees above, though I'm not sure if I'll really make anything after that distribution fee eats up potential profit. (The profit margin on gaming books by small publishers is minimal at best, and my goal is to at least break even and have enough to give Marc his fair share so that maybe I can do another one later.

So, the long and short of it is: you'll be able to grab the novel only at my Lulu storefront. However, you should be able to pick up the print version of Hinterworlds 1248 from Amazon, etc., if I make enough off of PDF sales to warrant purchasing the distribution fee. Otherwise, I may just make it available from my Lulu storefront.

With Regards,
Hey Flynn,

Sorry I didn't get you my stuff. I'm hopeless without dealine reminders. I will finish it up over break though and send it along so you can have it for future issues if you still want it.

Superb news to hear about your paying projects! I know they'll sell well!

The next Stellar Reaches issue can come out when it comes out. Seeing as we get all that Traveller goodness for FREE, I can't see how anyone could have complaints about its release schedule.

There are people who, if you gave them a million bucks, would bitch about the taxes.

Tackle the next issue when you have the time.

I've been out of the loop a bit, and when I come back here I see this!

Great news! Glad to hear you finished a novel. Way to go.

Stellar Reaches aint bad either.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
There are people who, if you gave them a million bucks, would bitch about the taxes.
I know I would ...

But give me a free Traveller fanzine, and I'm happy as a Wildschwein im Dreck!*

*Censored for good taste.
Originally posted by Ranger:
Hey Flynn,

Sorry I didn't get you my stuff. I'm hopeless without dealine reminders. I will finish it up over break though and send it along so you can have it for future issues if you still want it.
Hey, Ranger,

Consider this a deadline reminder. You get it to me before I've finished layout, and I might be able to get it in this issue. Essentially, that means you need to get it to me by next Monday or Tuesday, at the latest. You think you can do it over the weekend?

Looking forward to it, either way,