• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

starship random events


SOC-14 5K
(11)firefighting system begins leaking in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(12)failing hull pressure boundary gasket at
(the main airlock)(the bridge window)(the cargo hatch)(the ship's umbilical connection)(an external electrical connection conduit)(fuel tank intake)
(13)failed engineering gasket leaking
(H2)(O2)(H2O)(control air)(oil)(hydraulic fluid)
(14)loss of air recirc in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge) (the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(15)over-pressurization in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(16)loss of power in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(21)(partial loss)(full loss)(partial reversal)(full reversal)(lateral misalignment)(longitudinal misalignment)
of gravitics in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(22)fire in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(23)sensor suite out of calibration resulting in
(ghost images)(objects not detected)(incorrect analysis)(contradictory information)(shortened range)(gunnery inaccuracy)
(24)bridge malfunction resulting in
(navigation errors)(misjump)(misdirected comms)(loss of all comms)(loss of remote engineering control)(loss of flight control)
(25)computer malfunction resulting in
(shutdown)(spontaneous initiation of ship functions)(incorrect alarms)(incorrect warnings)(lockdown)(incorrect jump coordinates)
(26)comms fail from
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(31)nanite infection in the
(jump drives)(maneuver drives)(power plant)(computer)(life support)(fuel purifier)
(32)imbalanced power plant loading resulting in
(aura visible about overloaded towers)(overheating of underloaded towers)(excessive radiation)(overpressurization of fuel tank)(backflow into fuel purifier)(damage to overloaded towers)
(33)imbalanced jump drives resulting in
(non-indicated misjump)(damaged jump rating)(rainbow visible about jump drives)(unconsciousness if jump drives approached)(damaged gravitic compensators)(computer malfunctions)
(34)imbalanced maneuver drives resulting in
(widespread space sickness)(hunting)(unreliable or reversed controls)(side effects in gravitic compensators)(excessive pitch, yaw, or rolling)(local misjump)
(35)medical emergency in
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(36)small creature loose in
(the cargo bay)(engineering)(life support)(the bridge)(the decks)(the overhead)
(41)down man found on deck in/outside of
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(42)bridge window shields fail shut/open
(43)panel becomes unbolted and falls to deck
(44)important tool goes missing
(45)weird smell coming from drives or power plant
(46)on being activated a seldom-used piece of equipment proves to be broken/uncalibrated
(51)a control switch/lever snaps off
(52)on entering/leaving jump, strange alien object found embedded in or lying on the deck in/at
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(53)meteor strike
(sand grain)(pencil point)(pencil eraser)(marble)(golfball)(baseball)-sized rock
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)(the fuel tanks)
(54)a sudden shortage of
(fuses)(batteries)(filters)(gaskets)(light bulbs)(duct tape)
(55)a visitor forgets and leaves behind a
(wallet)(gun)(hand computer)(watch)(notebook)(comm device)
(engineering)(the bridge)(the berthing spaces)(the lounge)(the cargo bay)(the boat deck)
(56)life support system contaminated by
(pathogen)(oil)(dirt)(rust)(stench)(unidentified goo)
(61) (add stuff)
(62) (add stuff)
(63) (add stuff)
(64) (add stuff)
(65) (add stuff)
(66) (add stuff)
61: Jump Drive malfunction causes dimensional rift in (engineering) (bridge) (computer room) (somewhere else) and either brings ship into alternate dimension or brings something into this.
More events:

62) A passenger locks naked self in 'fresher, and the [ cold water | hot water | air dryer ] won't shut off, or [ gravity fails | drain clogs | lights go out ], or a combination of the above.
63) An hysterical passenger claims that there is a Zhodani agent on board who is trying to get him to hijack the ship ("I keep hearing his voice inside my head, telling me to do these horrible things... kill people... blow up the bridge... please, make him stop!").
64) The chief steward discovers that the cases of 'ready-to-eat meals' he bought at WallyMar's KrustCo Discount Emporium are really vargr surplus military rations that are well past their expiry date ("Pryna Brand Vargr Chow - just add water, and it makes its own gravy!")
65) An 'unauthorized passenger' is discovered. [ a child found wandering the corridors, looking for his or her parents who are not on board | a 'John/Jane Doe' who can't or won't identify him/her/itself | a critter that only looks harmless | a critter that really is harmless | a person claiming to be an escaped slave | a person claiming to be wealthy, and he/she/it promises to pay ten times the standard fare when the ship arrives at the next destination ]
66) A computer glitch initiates a 'crash-thaw' process in all the low berths, which cannot be re-initialized without a major overhaul taking 2D days in a class A or B starport (with all the right tools and spares). Normal survival rolls apply. Now the former low-berth passengers must be fed, housed, entertained, et cetera...
In any case we need more Great Perils in space. Pirates are great, but we need more variety. At sea they have "Rock, tempest, fire" as well as "foe". There should be more dangers in space for traveller. Keep thinking!