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SOC-14 1K
Okay folks, I'm putting the Starfall manuscript together at last.

Can everyone who submitted under a nickname please mail me with their real deatails.

And... can anyone I sent the full manuscript to (eg for editing), contact me direct to ensure I'm working from the latest draft.
Will do, Martin. Please let me know if you need me to resend the NPC Stat Blocks and Animal Stat Blocks to you. (I know I provided those, as well as the Dolphin Minor Race data, and perhaps a few other things, but am not certain if they were integrated or not.)

I will mail you the version I have tonight, but I doubt it is your most updated,
Starfall is a world in the Glimmerdrift Reaches sector. There is a small cluster named after it. The book Martin is referring to has TONS of adventure material for the area and lots of nice background info.

It's a campaign setting that IIRC is almost as large as the Gateway book itself.
Being the first "locale" sourcebook for the Gateway Domain, I imagine that it will set the tone and expectations for future releases of that ilk, such as the Duchy of Stoner Sourcebook that is also in the works.

The Starfall Cluster Sourcebook involved a significant amount of freelancer work, including contributors for something like seven well-detailed worlds, as well as statblocks for NPCs, animal/creature encounters, starships (I think, can't remember for sure) and a ton of patron encounters, as well as a full-length EPIC adventure and racial stats for the Dolphin minor race. (There may be others, but I don't remember seeing anything about it.)

Hope this helps,

Any idea on the status of the Starfall Cluster Sourcebook?

Eager buyers want to know,

Ages ago I had sent you an updated version of my Arnigi section with typos removed (or at least diminished). Are you using that section?

Also, I'm happy to read the manuscript again if you need more spell-checking done.
.....eager buyer awaiting...........................................................................................................................
Starfall will be making an appearance in the playtest area of the Moot next week sometime.

Originally posted by hunter:
Starfall will be making an appearance in the playtest area of the Moot next week sometime.
Did I miss a brief appearance of Starfall in the last two weeks? ;_; :(
