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Psychic's Handbook Users


For those that are using Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook in your TU, how are you implementing the PSR with the Handbook? Or are you?

I am going to use it with T20, with the PSR modifying the drain of the Psychic's Handbook's system.
I looked at it, and if I were not using the Player's Guide draft from QLI for my T20 game, I'd be using the Psychic's Handbook instead, dropping the dimensional travel stuff.

I think you'll like the flavor, though, especially with the drain option you are looking at.

Let us know how it goes,
I have found the Handbook to fit in well with my feel for Traveller psionics.

As for abilities/feats that are abit over the top,
, they are not allowed.

But some of the feats/skills fit in well with how the Zhodani "tune" the aberrant members of their society.

Have to give some thought on a Zhodani agent from a special branch/part of the Thought Police, that have been sent into Imperial or out of Zhodani space.
Meaning they think outside the box of Zhodani mainstream of thoughts/ideas.
Originally posted by Sinbad Sam:
For those that are using Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook in your TU, how are you implementing the PSR with the Handbook? Or are you?

I am going to use it with T20, with the PSR modifying the drain of the Psychic's Handbook's system.
I considered using T20 for my newly started traveller campaign, then i drifted over to some MT/TNE home-brew, then finally over to Fudge.

Had i used T20 i would certainly have used the Psychic handbook (One of my best buys ever i think).

PSR is PSI or? Anyway, I would have ditched the PSI pool system used by T20 and used GR's book only.