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Power Projection Escort


I've recently purchased a copy of Power Projection Escort. Read the rules and was impressed with what I've read.

I have two questions for you ,my fellow travellers:

Does anyone know when Power Projection Fleet will become available for purchase?

Second question Has anyone of you managed to play a game or two of it?( C'mon, any warstories yet?)
Originally posted by soloprobe:
Does anyone know when Power Projection Fleet will become available for purchase?
I think I remember seeing that this has been put back considerably owing to Real World commitments of the designer. I can't remember the revised date though, or find the reference.

Anyone got more definite news?
PP: Fleet is looking like the fall sometime. The author has a day job and a life so 'Fleet' gets worked on when time permits.

My gaming group has played 'A Good, Clean Fight' several times and the Imperial player generally gets his hindquarters handed to him. The fight generally lasts about 3-4 turns with the Zdiak light destroyer's ability to absorb damage usually carrying the day for the Joes.

I'm no grizzled veteran but there some things I've learned:
  • Laser pumped bombs are vicious at range, especially if detonated outside of the enemy's PD range. Use them for long range strikes out to range 40 or for same turn strikes out to range 20.</font>
  • Sand is your friend - use it early, use it often. Try and plan your sand dumps so that they will provide cover for several rounds. You will need *lots* of sand counters.</font>
  • Enemy ships with decent acceleration have a suprising capacity to be somewhere besides where you wanted them ;)</font>
  • Unless your target has nuclear dampers, nukes HURT, but don't waste them on ships with dampers if your nuke supply is limited.</font>
  • For the Escort class ships (i.e. two hull boxes): these things are EGGSHELLS: so if you have it - shoot it - chances are it's not going to be there next turn - but always save a little something for point defense if there is a missile threat.</font>
  • Keep your ships together and use the escorts to... escort. The ability of escort ships to provide PD and sand cover for the bigger ships is key if you want your destroyer to survive long enough to deal some serious damage.</font>
  • A threshold check at '4' (i.e. the last row before 'kill') has a really good chance of mission killing a ship. It may still be there afterwards but it's not going to be much of a threat.</font>
  • Closing within range 10-15 will finish the fight - one way or the other.</font>
  • If you're thinking about issuing a 'jump' order because your ship is damaged or you are losing the fight it is already too late. You'll need to think further ahead next time.</font>
  • The frozen watch always buys it (frozen watch has died on every single threshold check we've rolled).</font>
Yes - most of these seem pretty obvious - getting blown to bits will reinforce the lesson.

Some war stories:
  • First turn. Parties have closed to range 29 or so (just inside laser range) - sand has been deployed. Zho 'hail-mary' laser shot through the Imperial player's sand cloud hits a Chrysanthimum class destroyer escort and forces a threshold check. The bridge is destroyed and the Imperial player rolls a six for the duration - permanent. The 'mum is out of action - one shot extreme range with sand.</font>
  • End of the same game - like turn two or three. The Imperial player has been routed and is trying to jump out. His remaining ships are being picked off one by one. The last ship is a Fer-de-Lance class destroyer escort. The jump-1 order was issued this turn and if the Fer-de-Lance does not fire energy weapons she will jump at the begining of the next turn and survive. If she does fire energy weapons she will have to endure another round of Zho fire and will surely perish. Her captian opts to withold point defense on the two incoming missile salvos - reducing his chances of surviving each from 1/3 to 1/6. First salvo misses. Second hits but the threshold check does not destroy anything necessary for the jump. Ship and crew live to fight another day.</font>
For the curious, we are using ink jet printed counters on medium cardstock from the colour .pdf's on the Power Projection website. I've run one batch each of the ships on the thickest stock I could get through the printer and about four additional batches of sand on slightly thinner stock. We've also made some ten inch rulers out of folded oaktag (file folder material) and are using as tailor's tape measure for longer distances.

The Power Projection website also has some nice turnsheets someone ran off in excel.

PP:E is a great game - many thanks to the gents at BITS for putting together an excellent product. Very much looking forward to PP:Fleet.

That said, I will note that PP:E is meant to be used to simulate military engagements of ships in the 1000+ dton category. Out of the box it is *not* suitable for playing out rpg session engagements of PC type ships vs ships in the same class.
Originally posted by theSea:

That said, I will note that PP:E is meant to be used to simulate military engagements of ships in the 1000+ dton category. Out of the box it is *not* suitable for playing out rpg session engagements of PC type ships vs ships in the same class.
Do you have any suggestions about how to use it for RPG-style play?
Originally posted by ninthcouncil:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by soloprobe:
Does anyone know when Power Projection Fleet will become available for purchase?
I think I remember seeing that this has been put back considerably owing to Real World commitments of the designer. I can't remember the revised date though, or find the reference.

Anyone got more definite news?
</font>[/QUOTE]Well, I got e-mail from Dominic Moody a couple of days ago who said that the things maybe moved up a bit since he didn't need to take some work-related course giving him a chance to take some vacation time to finish. He mentioned that the SSD's for the bigger ships are taking him an hour to complete and he'got at least 30 of those for the book. He didn't give a specific date.
Originally posted by roygbiv:
Do you have any suggestions about how to use it for RPG-style play?
The following is in no way well thought out - just riffing:

You certianly can use the system for RPG level play - the mechanics are great - but you're going to have to scale everything down.

Essentially one would have to develop one's own method of converting ships, weapons etc. from HG to PP:E... 200 dtons equates to so many structure points, 1 dton of computer equals so many computer boxes etc. etc. etc.

It really shouldn't bee all that hard and you could probably do most of the statistical tweaks without laying out counters etc... just fight many battles in HG and run the same numbers in PP - tweak til they give equivalent results and then on to some serious playtesting.

Scale might need to be smaller, turns shorter, but the mechanics of movement, firing and damage allocation should work just fine.

I'll have to add that to my list of "this might make a nice JTAS article" notions. All I need now is TIME.
I am trying to obtain a copy of Power Project : Escort (No longer in print) can anyone help? With thanks.

I have a copy I wish to get rid of... but I can't get to it for at least a week, probably 2-3 weeks.
I am trying to obtain a copy of Power Project : Escort (No longer in print) can anyone help? With thanks.

IIRC the US printing of PP:F (from Ad Astra Games under license from BITS) is a merge of the original PP:E and PP:F (from BITS directly) ... except for missing a couple of SSDs. (Confusingly both say BITS on the cover.) Not sure which version is on DriveThru.

(You may also encounter rare copies of PP:Lite which is actually PP:E. People associated 'Lite' with 'free' which prompted a name change. So PP:L = PP:E.)
years ago I did a conversion where 10dTon was 1 square, so a 50 dTon cutter was 5 squares (in three rows - 1,2,2) and a 100dTon scout had 10 squares (in three rows - 3,3,4) and so on (the biggest ship we had was 400 dTon patrol, or 40 squares)....was still very brutal with lot's of exploded ships (no one wanted to go into combat after the trial run we did)...but it was fun!
years ago I did a conversion where 10dTon was 1 square, so a 50 dTon cutter was 5 squares (in three rows - 1,2,2) and a 100dTon scout had 10 squares (in three rows - 3,3,4) and so on (the biggest ship we had was 400 dTon patrol, or 40 squares)....was still very brutal with lot's of exploded ships (no one wanted to go into combat after the trial run we did)...but it was fun!

I also did one - mine got to being on my website. I took it down after a request from someone involved with the PP project. (More correctly, I didn't put it back up after a move about the same time.)

I used 1 mass = 10 Td, and the fleetbook rules, with FT Fleet Book 1 construction adapted to include JDrive rather than converting HG ships over.

This was based upon the standard fighter being 10Td. It also meant the standard scout ships of FT were just a hair under minimum jump size.
More ships, more rules (terrain, fighters), conversion between HG/MT and PPF, other bits and pieces.
PPF also has the massed battery table. Instead of one die per battery you can have one die per ten batteries. It's necessary for dreadnaughts ... for example, a Plankwell has (IIRC) 80 batteries of missiles. 8 dice are easier to roll than 80 dice.
years ago I did a conversion where 10dTon was 1 square, so a 50 dTon cutter was 5 squares (in three rows - 1,2,2) and a 100dTon scout had 10 squares (in three rows - 3,3,4) and so on (the biggest ship we had was 400 dTon patrol, or 40 squares)....was still very brutal with lot's of exploded ships (no one wanted to go into combat after the trial run we did)...but it was fun!
I also did this conversion, and posted a thread about it on these very boards, which for the life of me I can't find now.
years ago I did a conversion where 10dTon was 1 square, so a 50 dTon cutter was 5 squares (in three rows - 1,2,2) and a 100dTon scout had 10 squares (in three rows - 3,3,4) and so on (the biggest ship we had was 400 dTon patrol, or 40 squares)....was still very brutal with lot's of exploded ships (no one wanted to go into combat after the trial run we did)...but it was fun!

I have been considering this mod as well.