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Possible error with Ace Pilot prestige class

I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but if I read the Ace Pilot prestige class correctly, ship tactics is one of the required feats to enter this class. This if fine if one is an ace starship pilot, and possibly an ace ship's boat pilot, but why would ship tactics be of any need or use for let's say an Army grav tank pilot? From what I understand, a grav tank pilot is one possible concept for an ace pilot.

(For that matter, why is tactics of any form needed? Would let's say a professional grav bike racer be an ace pilot? Or perhaps a noble with a yacht that's been "hopped up" with a 6g maneuver drive for racing?)

Anyway, I see this as a possible error, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Cleon...tactics is used by armor and race cars to...tactics is the art of manuevering to gain the advantage.. also usfull in figuring out what the opposition is doing. There for helping you to gain the initiative. and winning.

Originally posted by Cleon the Mad:
I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, but if I read the Ace Pilot prestige class correctly, ship tactics is one of the required feats to enter this class. This if fine if one is an ace starship pilot, and possibly an ace ship's boat pilot, but why would ship tactics be of any need or use for let's say an Army grav tank pilot? From what I understand, a grav tank pilot is one possible concept for an ace pilot.

(For that matter, why is tactics of any form needed? Would let's say a professional grav bike racer be an ace pilot? Or perhaps a noble with a yacht that's been "hopped up" with a 6g maneuver drive for racing?)

Anyway, I see this as a possible error, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Okay, I can buy tactics for maneuvering, but SHIP tactics for let's say an Ace Army Grav Tank pilot, or for a grav bike or speeder pilot? That still seems a bit odd. That was the point of the first part of my post, why ship tactics for a grav vehicle ace pilot?

Looking at the Feat description I'd allow that to apply to airbourne and tank warfare stuff too (depending upon what Vessel Feats you have) on the individual vehicle scale. Fleet tactics and the special class feats Tactics and Tactics 2 would cover anything larger-scale.
