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PBEM in Massilia Sector


I am looking for 1/2 players to join a Play-By-Email game set in Massilia Sector, 1122. The basic idea is described below. To suit the current group, I am looking for players above 25 years, willing to post frequently and, *please*, with good english spelling.

The setting is the Keum/Aarze area in Massilia sector. A map of this area is here:



The Keumi worlds are populated by a minor alien race of nitrogen-breathers, native to Keum, which is also Massilia sector's capital.

The Rebin Empire is an old, matriarchal pocket empire (canon: TD 11/Knightfall).

There are several TL 16 worlds in the area.

Just coreward of the area are the Hubworlds, imward-spinward is the Duchy of Oasis, and rimward-trailing are the Geonee worlds.

Starting date is 1122, OTU: the rebellion has happened, but all major battles have already
been fought off. From there on, players will be allowed to change the official timeline. The idea is a diplomatic/trade/military campaign
where characters get involved in an effort from some local influential polities/personalities to stave off the worst effects of the coming hard times by forming an autonomous self-defense region, of course loyal to "the imperium."
Originally posted by Carlos:
I am looking for 1/2 players to join a Play-By-Email game set in Massilia Sector, 1122. The basic idea is described below. To suit the current group, I am looking for players above 25 years, willing to post frequently and, *please*, with good english spelling.

Ok, I will bite what kind of characters do you need? Medic, pilot, gunners, engineers etc...etc..

What rules are you using?

Do you dictate starting equipment and what kind?

Are there any alien races that you allow?
I will just play a human anyway but its always nice to know.
Originally posted by ACK:
Ok, I will bite what kind of characters do you need? Medic, pilot, gunners, engineers etc...etc..
Sorry, too late! I just needed two additional players and I already gave the slots away...