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The Old Gods Sector


I am working on a background for a new game for a new group. Creating a sector rimward of the Sol Sector.
Here is the background.
The original denizens were uplifts by one of Grandfather's sons based of homosapiens, but on a larger scale with higher Psi abilities to construct his cities. These homosuperior were sent to different places around Grandfathers domain. During Grandfather’s war, most of their colonies were destroyed completely. They settled in an area a few sectors rimward of Sol Sector, near a Blue Giant star that would go nova as it became a black hole called the Eye of Loss. The nova destroyed their tech, cities, and more than a few of their home planets. They were able to rebuild and reclaim some tech until they regained jump travel. They travelled to the ancestral home, known as Terra Alpha. There, they found a bunch of TL0 homosapiens living a hunter gatherer life.
These travellers started using animal husbandry to ranch the people, to improve the species uplifting them until they were usable intelligent slaves. These people became their ruling gods. These benevolent gods were 50% larger, 10 times stronger and smarter than their large flocks. It was easy to control them by telepathy and their higher technology. Those that displeased them to didn’t measure up were culled as human sacrifices to their gods. They were taught a variety of skills to be able to work for them better.
These superior beings lived very long lives with access to high tech autodocs and healing skills. For fun they used their flocks of humans for war games. When they discovered a superior human, they graced that human by breeding with them usually using their telepathy to modify their experience.
They grouped into different territories such as the Nile valley, the peninsula of Greece, The area of Rome, the islands of Britain, Scandinavia, China, South and Central America, Central Africa, and India. They split off as couples to small families to live better than their neighbors. Everything was going wonderfully for them until one was killed by another causing his wife to angrily create a virus targeting her fellow gods. Those who saw it coming loaded back on their ships with some select followers and went to their old home worlds.
The travellers who were the decedents of the original travellers returned to the home worlds hoping for a welcome home, but instead received scorn, hatred, and violence. The people of the old worlds had stagnated, not advancing as they had no need to. The ones returning with their chosen servants had exercised their skills and abilities, becoming better at everything than those they found existing on the old worlds near the Eye of Loss. The travellers found the old ones almost as easy to subjugate as the humans. They had reason to work on advancing their society and guard their peace. This peace lasted for a few generations, but the game of war called to their need to be stronger than their neighbor. The weak joined together to attack the strong. The strong attacked who they thought of as weak. Humans began to realize that their gods did not care for their welfare, but saw them as sheep to be slaughtered. The humans found that they could eliminate their gods easily instead of going to their deaths. The Homosuperior are now loading up to leave before their own followers kill them. They hope to find security beyond the Eye of Loss as they head out to colonize new worlds.
The players will find this sector near a hungry black hole where vulnerable gods are a recent memory and the slaves of the gods are reaching out on their own as they find new ways to self-govern. It is nowhere near a perfect world with perfect people and the masters of old may return to gather new servants at any time.
People and Governments

Some of the intelligent creatures found here will be:
Centaurs and K’Kree
Odd sea creatures
Vargr and Anubis hyena hybrids
Modified Aslan
Humans with random Psi skills
Deformed and oversized humans
Animal hybrids
Droyne and Chirpers
And a few slightly confused Hivers.

Governments of different worlds will be sending out diplomats to gain allies and scout as many worlds as they can. Some small empires will exist, and some rulers will be lusting after the resources and people of nearby worlds. There is no over arcing imperium government to keep a lid on things out here beyond the frontier. Any world using too much violence during an attack on another world will draw the ire of many neighboring worlds who will join forces to eliminate the overzealous government.

There is room for Scouts, Merchants, Mercenaries, Rouges and brave diplomats from any world.

Always remember, the ever hungry Eye of Loss is always watching.
So which old gods live in the old gods sector, can you name some of them?

Based on the mythological creatures listed by vegascat, I'd think compatible mythoi would be Egyptian, Greek, maybe Norse.

Behavior points to the Greek deities--spoiled-brat-type overpowered and high charisma humans. Second choice would be the Norse, more war-oriented.

Names? Zeus, Poseidon, Dis/Pluto, Hera, Apollo, Hermes, Ares, Artemis, Hecate . . .
Basically somewhat similar to the Apollo episode in the original Star Trek series. I am looking to do something similar in my Piper-Norton Out Rim Sector, but with more of the Finnish, Celtic/Irish, some Egyptian, and Hyperborean Gods. For background, look at A. Bertram Chandler's The Rim Gods about Kinsolving's Planet. That sounds like it would be close to what you are looking for.
Seems like you could use T20 and crack open Deities & Demigods 3.5.

Hmmm, you could also try getting the original version of Gods, Demi-Gods, and Heroes which includes R.E. Howard's Hyborean mythos, or Deities and Demigods for the first version of Advanced D&D, which includes the Nehwon mythos of Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. Ningauble of the Seven Eyes and Sheelba of the Eyeless Face would be fun to include. The cleaned up versions of Gods, Demi-Gods, and Heroes and Deities and Demigods can be found on DriveThru.

The first edition of Deities and Demigods included the Cthuhlu mythos, which would also fit in, but copies of that are more than a little rare and expensive. Those are what I will be working off of for my sector. There might be a "few" changes.
What I am looking to do is explain all the god myths worldwide. Beings gene engineered by a son of Grandfather that got out of control. I did think of three Star Trek episodes; The Squire of Gothos, Plato's Stepchildren and Who Mourns for Adonais? All were based on the Enterprise crew encountering god like beings who had left Earth.
These god-like beings have common failings.
Any not a pureblood of their race is not worthy of respect. those with dirty impure blood are thought of as farm animals, to be used as their desires dictate.
Victories are to be claimed, defeats and mistakes are not. Errors are to be blamed on others. If the situation is out of control, leave it behind. Destroy the evidence of mistakes when possible.
When their followers they engineered are in a position to threaten them, they run. They will take the best of their followers with them even though these are the ones most capable of destroying them.
Flashes of insight and logic allow them to make grand plans and challenges for their followers. If the situations change interfering with their grand designs, their ability to adjust to changes is impaired by their confidence that the plan is flawless.
Megalomania is their base mental attitude. They know they are better than everyone else and must be obeyed. Think of the worst qualities of a James Bond villain crossed with a Nazi general.
How individuals handle their challenges. These old gods have their weaknesses, some try to rise above those limits.
I didn’t consider using the Cthuhlu mythos. Those old ones would be NASTY!!! That would open up Ripley’s aliens from Geiger. Think of the fun of your players finding a derelict fat trader transporting a bunch of leathery eggs and a oversized sea-land container. The sealed container might contain an alien mother, or a snoozing old-one that wakes up hungry. Tentacles, acid blood, Teeth, claws. In space, no one can hear you scream!

Thanks for the suggestions.
What I am looking to do is explain all the god myths worldwide. Beings gene engineered by a son of Grandfather that got out of control. I did think of three Star Trek episodes; The Squire of Gothos, Plato's Stepchildren and Who Mourns for Adonais? All were based on the Enterprise crew encountering god like beings who had left Earth.
These god-like beings have common failings.
Any not a pureblood of their race is not worthy of respect. those with dirty impure blood are thought of as farm animals, to be used as their desires dictate.
Victories are to be claimed, defeats and mistakes are not. Errors are to be blamed on others. If the situation is out of control, leave it behind. Destroy the evidence of mistakes when possible.
When their followers they engineered are in a position to threaten them, they run. They will take the best of their followers with them even though these are the ones most capable of destroying them.
Flashes of insight and logic allow them to make grand plans and challenges for their followers. If the situations change interfering with their grand designs, their ability to adjust to changes is impaired by their confidence that the plan is flawless.
Megalomania is their base mental attitude. They know they are better than everyone else and must be obeyed. Think of the worst qualities of a James Bond villain crossed with a Nazi general.
How individuals handle their challenges. These old gods have their weaknesses, some try to rise above those limits.
I think a science fiction "god" would be more machine than biological. I would not make them all villains either. Just think of advanced AI programs that have gotten out of control, and they adopt aspects of Greek gods such that they were worshipped as those gods by ancient peoples. Most pantheon are a mixed bag, you have some good beings and some bad ones, and it is the conflicts between those that create stories for mere mortals to participate in.

I think Star Trek unfairly vilified the God Apollo, he is the God of music, the Sun, and prophesy, and he has a twin sister named Artemis, there are some evil gods as well such as Ares and Hades.

Why do you suppose that Star Trek episode used Apollo and not Ares, was there a reason for picking that particular god? There are 12 main gods in Greek mythology and I think they are:
They have different specializations and powers. Some of these deities are more dangerous to be around than others.
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They have different specializations and powers. Some of these deities are more dangerous to be around than others.

Given that the classic Greek and Roman deities' tales are full of petty bickering, accidental harm to innocent bystanders, and all the foibles of hyper-sexual humans, but with massive piles of power added...

... just being around them is putting yourself at grave risk - either by ticking them off by what you do, say, or in some cases, think, or by catching the eye of their spouse. That later is actually worse - if you give in, expect to be splattered by an angry spouse; but if you refuse the advances, the one whose eye you caught may get ticked and makelife miserable, AND their spouse might still be infuriated because you were able to refuse.

Ticking time-bombs, all.

Plato's Stepchildren exemplifies the type...

probably the worst situation would be catching Mars' eye - he's rampantly oversexual by the standards of the pantheon, his wife is murderously jealous, and neither will actually kill you - just make you regret ever having met either of them by eternal punishments...
Given that the classic Greek and Roman deities' tales are full of petty bickering, accidental harm to innocent bystanders, and all the foibles of hyper-sexual humans, but with massive piles of power added...

... just being around them is putting yourself at grave risk - either by ticking them off by what you do, say, or in some cases, think, or by catching the eye of their spouse. That later is actually worse - if you give in, expect to be splattered by an angry spouse; but if you refuse the advances, the one whose eye you caught may get ticked and makelife miserable, AND their spouse might still be infuriated because you were able to refuse.

Ticking time-bombs, all.

Plato's Stepchildren exemplifies the type...

probably the worst situation would be catching Mars' eye - he's rampantly oversexual by the standards of the pantheon, his wife is murderously jealous, and neither will actually kill you - just make you regret ever having met either of them by eternal punishments...
There are the legends and there is the "reality", basically the presumption is these beings one time visited the Earth and inspired these legends, but the legend tellers would have added their own stories to the mix which may not necessarily be true. So I imagine 12 beings proportioned as humans but standing twice as tall because the are gods, much of their powers are either related to psionics or technological, they as post-biological, they eat, breathe and so forth, but they are not an evolved species, they can alter their size and change their body shape as desired. Athena is probably a safe goddess to be around, she is chaste, has no jealous lovers, and is used to dealing with mortals, in a conflict involving the gods, she is likely to be on the PCs side. Hesphasteus likewise may prove helpful. Athena's specialty is knowledge, while Hesphasteus' is technology. Ares is a bit of a troublemaker, he's always looking to sow conflict. Aphrodite is a flirt, she usually ends up getting some other god jealous of whoever she flirts with.
There's a fan theory that the God Emperor of Mankind is an artifact of the Dark Age of Technology, rather than the result of the mass sacrifice of a bunch of prehistoric shamans.
Why do you suppose that Star Trek episode used Apollo and not Ares, was there a reason for picking that particular god? There are 12 main gods in Greek mythology and I think they are:
They have different specializations and powers. Some of these deities are more dangerous to be around than others.
Chronos is a Titan god, the second generation of Greek deities. He and the rest of The Titans generation were deposed by his and Rhea's children, third generation, the "Greek" gods. The Titans are imprisoned in Tarterus (the abyss for the wicked souls, as opposed to the Underworld where not-wicked souls go), and cannot effectively meddle in the world. The children were:
  • Hestia (firstborn, goddess of home, hearth and the state)
  • Hades (dead and the underworld)
  • Poseidon (sea, storms, horses)
  • Demeter (agriculture, sacred law (aka morals and ethics))
  • Hera (women, marriage, family)
  • Zeus (youngest, god of thunder, lightning and justice)
After things settle down, the 12 Olympian gods are Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter and some of Zeus' children. Zeus and Hera had:
  • Ares (war)
  • Hephaestus (fire and the forge)
Zeus and Leto had "The twins"
  • Apollo (knowledge, music and arts, healing)
  • Artemis (the hunt, wilderness, chastity)
with various other lovers had:
  • Athena (wisdom, battles and strategy, weaving (for shields))
  • Aphrodite (love and sex)
  • Hermes (road travellers messages)
  • Dionysus (wine, male fertility)
Hades doesn't count because he lives in the Underworld, not on Mount Olympus. Hestia and Dionysis get traded off depending on the story or storyteller. If it is knowledge you want to emphasize go with Apollo. If it is wisdom go with Athena.
Chronos is a Titan god, the second generation of Greek deities. He and the rest of The Titans generation were deposed by his and Rhea's children, third generation, the "Greek" gods. The Titans are imprisoned in Tarterus (the abyss for the wicked souls, as opposed to the Underworld where not-wicked souls go), and cannot effectively meddle in the world. The children were:
  • Hestia (firstborn, goddess of home, hearth and the state)
  • Hades (dead and the underworld)
  • Poseidon (sea, storms, horses)
  • Demeter (agriculture, sacred law (aka morals and ethics))
  • Hera (women, marriage, family)
  • Zeus (youngest, god of thunder, lightning and justice)
After things settle down, the 12 Olympian gods are Zeus, Hera, Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter and some of Zeus' children. Zeus and Hera had:
  • Ares (war)
  • Hephaestus (fire and the forge)
Zeus and Leto had "The twins"
  • Apollo (knowledge, music and arts, healing)
  • Artemis (the hunt, wilderness, chastity)
with various other lovers had:
  • Athena (wisdom, battles and strategy, weaving (for shields))
  • Aphrodite (love and sex)
  • Hermes (road travellers messages)
  • Dionysus (wine, male fertility)
Hades doesn't count because he lives in the Underworld, not on Mount Olympus. Hestia and Dionysis get traded off depending on the story or storyteller. If it is knowledge you want to emphasize go with Apollo. If it is wisdom go with Athena.
Athena is also a war goddess, she balances out Ares, the two are not known to be friends. Ares likes a good battle, he likes to set intelligent creatures against each other. Ares loves to instigate war and conflict, Athena usually arises during some of the conflicts Ares starts.

As an example of what Ares might do, he might arrange for Emperor Stephron to be assassinated, because he can see the fault lines of future wars and how to start them, Athena views warfare as wasteful, though she knows how to fight them, and often pits her military skill against Ares. Ares gives Athena plenty to do with all the wars he starts. Aphrodite is a match maker and a lover, she is good at assessing personalities and finding an ideal match for each one, and she is known to have a few flings with mortals herself.

Aphrodite doesn't care if someone is married or not, if she sees someone she likes, she will find a match for him or her, she is not very judgemental or moral, she likes villains and heroes alike and finds their matches, it is a hobby of hers, and if she really likes someone, she'll enter in a relationship herself with that person. She could look like many different women or even men, though she more often is a woman, her son Eros does much the same thing but from a male perspective.

Hermes is a bit of a rogue, he likes to borrow stuff from other people without their permission, he also likes to give away stuff that he stole, he is quite generous. If the PCs are in need of a starship, Hermes might arrange to acquire one for them, of course the original owners might want it back.

Gaia is the goddess of nature, if she finds a planet she likes, she'll terraform it, she is also the goddess of monsters, so many of the creatures on the worlds she terraforms are quite dangerous, she does this quite rapidly, a scout will know she has been there when the stats of a planet that has been previously surveyed have changed dramatically, previous lifeless worlds suddenly have a complete ecology, usually such worlds will be from size 3 to size 10, sometimes a scout will visit a planet while she is terraforming it, not too often, but it happens, sometimes people already live on a planet she terraforms, terraforming usually takes about 24 hours for each world, she is a very powerful goddess and can move planets around, put them in the life zone and alter their spin and axial tilt as needed.
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European mythology tends to be a combination of Indo European roots that separate, and branch out, and can recombine at some point later, as well adopted from local beliefs and appropriated from Asia Minor.

The Olympians themselves have aspects attributed to them, that emphasized specific portfolios, that local parishes felt would look after their parochial interests.

There's a lot of emphasis on the dangers of hubris, as well a subconscious message of generational conflict.
Gaia is the mother of the Titans, and the union of her children, Cronos and Rhea, produced the Greek Olympian Gods and Goddesses. She could be view as the ultimate earth goddesses, superior to all of the others, but is not a member of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, being their grandmother.
Gaia is the mother of the Titans, and the union of her children, Cronos and Rhea, produced the Greek Olympian Gods and Goddesses. She could be view as the ultimate earth goddesses, superior to all of the others, but is not a member of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, being their grandmother.

She won't look like a grandmother though, as gods don't age. There was an Earth mother long before there was an ancient Greece, she goes back into prehistory, the Greek version of her maybe not, but there are other versions of her, so I'm presuming they are all the same one, after all nature is nature. Usually the personification of nature is female. Gaia is probably the least interested in humans of all the gods and goddesses, she slumbers a lot, but when she awakens it is best to stay out of her way.
She won't look like a grandmother though, as gods don't age. There was an Earth mother long before there was an ancient Greece, she goes back into prehistory, the Greek version of her maybe not, but there are other versions of her, so I'm presuming they are all the same one, after all nature is nature. Usually the personification of nature is female. Gaia is probably the least interested in humans of all the gods and goddesses, she slumbers a lot, but when she awakens it is best to stay out of her way.

Nobody better mess with Mother Nature (if anyone recalls those 70's ads for margarine)