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Passage costs for fast ships.


I've always though it a little strange that it cost the same to buy a ticket regardless of the ship jump number. It is, of course, much more cost effective to buy a ticket on the ship that requires the fewest jumps to your destination, so why isn't the price a little higher to take advantage of that.

Suppose I want to go to a planet two parsecs away along a main. I can pay 10K to get there in a week on a jump-2 ship, or 20K to get there in two or three weeks on a jump-1 ship.

I'm toying with the idea of increasing passage costs by 5K (for high) and 4K (for medium) for each parsec travelled past the first in a single jump. This way there is some incentive to design a liner with more than jump-1 or 2.

Any thoughts?
Hey - you got the makings of a great Merchant!!!...take Em for all they got!!!!....YES...raise your prices!!!.....AND charge DOUBLE for a cruddy LOW BIRTH!!!!....good luck....

P.S. Charge em for Meals!!!!..... :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
for that idea you get some stars.....
AA, as far as chargin what traffic will bear, thats the nutshell beauty of free enterprise.

TJ-as fer givin him two bloody stars for that brilliance..anyone ever call you CHEAP? :rolleyes: :eek:

AA, here's 5 more, it'll help. Keep the grey cells movin'!!! as Hunter sez-
"its YTU (T20)! Your the GM! The GM is always right."
You might also want to take a look at GURPS Traveller: Far Trader, which uses per-parsec (rather than per-jump) prices for both cargo and passengers.

On the plus side, this system makes a LOT more economic sense than the traditional one. On the minus, it (at least IMO) significantly changes the shape and feel of the TU as most ships will now be j-3 or j-4 and mains are no longer particularly important.

One of the authors of that book, Mr. Christopher Thrash, is spotted around these parts pretty regularly. Perhaps you can entice him to stop by and share some of his wisdom and insight on the matter...
Hey Aardvark, TJ is too cheap, I joined with Liam and threw ya some stars. Good thinking and I kinda agree. That too points out the beauty of a "High Passage" ticket. It works whatever the jump number of your next leg. SO look for lots of ex-service members to catch the next J5 fast boat outta here!
hey, hey,hey, cut me a little SLACK guys!!!! The man, after just 6 posts,comes up with a great idea, so I make him a MAJOR GENERAL (2 stars)....then you guys turn around and CALL ME CHEAP???!!!!....geeeezzzzzz....just cant win around here!!!!.....anyway he earned it!!!.... ;)
:cool: :D
Did this get changed for T20? I was under the impression that the passage costs used to be per jump, with a little bit of discount for anything over a Jump 1. For example, passage on a Jump 1 ship might cost Cr10,000 per jump. If you went two jumps, it would cost Cr20,000. For a Jump 2 ship, it would cost Cr18,000 to give passangers an incentive to book a Jump 2 rather than two Jump 1s.