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New Weapons

Here are some new toys for you violent types.

T. L. Rice

Cost TL Weight RoF Range DMG(Crit) Size Type Recoil Rnd Wt Cost

2mm Gauss Pistol Cr1000 14 300g 1 40m 1d8 (x3) S P No 20 150g Cr80
Gyrojet Pistol Cr250 8 650g 1 24m 1d12 (x2) S P No 6 180g Cr20

Gyrojet Carbine Cr800 8 2kg 1 50m 1d12 (x2) L P No 20 500g Cr40

Gauss LMG Cr4000 12 6kg 10/20 150m 2d12 (x2) L P No 200 2500g Cr150

Pocket Laser Pistol Cr1500 15 500g 1 36m 1d10 (x2) S Laser No 10 100g Cr150
Advanced Laser Pistol Cr2000 15 900g 1 36m 2d10 (x2) S Laser No 25 200g Cr200
Advanced Laser Carbine Cr5000 15 4kg 1 36m 3d8 (x2) M Laser No 50 1kg Cr400
Advanced Laser Rifle Cr7000 15 4500g 1 36m 3d10 (x2) M Laser No 100 1.5kg Cr600

Heavy Gauss Rifle Cr5000 12 6500g 1 150m 4d12 (x2) L P Yes 10 600g Cr50
Adv. Infantry Gauss Weapon Cr4500 12 5kg -- -- -- L -- -- -- -- --
Gauss Rifle 1/4/10 96m 2d12 (x2) P No 40 400g Cr30
Gauss Grenade 1 100m By Grenade Varies No 5 1kg Varies

Plasma Pistol Cr3000 15 2kg 1 18m 3d12 (18) S Energy Yes 10 500g Cr1000


Gyrojet Weapons: These weapons fire 12mm spin stabilized rockets at a velocity of approximately 450 mps. The first
practical gyrojet weapons appear at this Tech Level. Earlier models were unreliable, and used slower burning rockets that did not reach
maximum velocity before 60 meters. Improved, more reliable, rapid burning propellants now allow the rockets to reach maximum
velocity within 1 meter of the muzzle.


Advanced Infantry Gauss Weapon: This is a Gauss Rifle coupled with a 25mm Gauss Grenade Launcher. The Gauss
Grenades although smaller, are the functional equivalent of their lower tech counterparts (Use regular grenade damage). The AIGW is
designed as a single integral system, and the components are not separable into different weapons.
Gauss LMG: A gauss equivalent of the Light Machine Gun.
Heavy Gauss Rifle: A heavy, hypervelocity 10mm gauss weapon designed to replace the lower tech Light Assault Gun. While
the recoil is less than that of the LAG, the heavier weight still requires the firer to either use the integral bipod or have STR 14+ (Unless
in Battle Dress.) to avoid a –2 attack penalty.


2mm Gauss Pistol: A light civilian Gauss Pistol.


Advanced Laser Weapons: At this Tech Level, advances in material and battery technologies allow more compact laser
weapons with removable magazine-like power packs.
Plasma Pistol: A massive and intimidating weapon, the Plasma Pistol is designed as a sidearm for Battle Dress equipped
troops. Due to it's weight and recoil, a firer needs to have STR 14+ to fire the pistol (Unless in Battle Dress.) without suffering a –2
attack penalty. The compact removable power pack contains hydrogen fuel and a powerful battery.

These are available as word or PDF documents. Email me if you would like a copy.


I tried to keep the Column headings straight, but it just doesn't work too well here.

I assure you, they look nice and pretty as PDF and Word documents.

Originally posted by LordRhys:
Plasma Pistol: A massive and intimidating weapon, the Plasma Pistol is designed as a sidearm for Battle Dress equipped
troops. Due to it's weight and recoil, a firer needs to have STR 14+ to fire the pistol (Unless in Battle Dress.) without suffering a –2
attack penalty. The compact removable power pack contains hydrogen fuel and a powerful battery.
Battle Dress sidearm (drool drool) kewl :D

If you look closely at the stats, you'll realize it's not really any more effective than a Gauss Pistol, but it's a huge pistol and would be terrifying to be on the wrong end of.

This is some great stuff!

I've been wanting to convert some Weapons over to T20, but this seems to fit the ideas I hav had recently.

I was debating wether to make high tech laser weapons chemical cartridges, or give them an extra die of damage, like starship weapons get +1USP @ TL13.

TA1 gives an idea of what various calibres do for standard rounds, I was wondering how to handle gauss rounds.

This post realy hit the spot.
I will definitely email for PDF.
Just like to add some new toys of my own.

For your enjoyment, I present the option of Rapid Fire energy weapons.

I've decided to keep it as simple as possible. For Rapid Fire Energy weapons the rule is just to increase cost and weight by RoF/2. This accounts for tougher optics, magnetic containment and cooling systems. For Lasers this is applied only to the weapon itself, the power pack remains the same. Mind that you do use up as many 'shots' from that pack per full burst. For High Energy Weapons apply the mods to BOTH the Weapon AND the Backpack. The Backpack contains most of the recoil and cooling systems needed.

Some Examples:
Laser SMG, TL12 (TL12 Laser Pistol with RoF4)
cost=1000 x 4/2=cr2000
weight=1.2 x 4/2 = 2.4kg
Range, Damage, etc... remain the same as original weapon
Can fire single shot or Burst of 4, +2hit or +2damage dice.

RPFGMP-14 (FGMP-14 with RoF3)
Weapon: Kcr150, 2kg Backpack: 40shots, Kcr97.5, 13.5kg
Dmg 7d20(18), Range 45m, RoF 1/3 (+1 hit or damage die w/ burst)
You better believe this requires B-Dress to operate!

Antioch Arms...
Better living through superiourly excessive firepower.
Thanks for the Updade LordRhys

This is great stuff. I see you've added rapid pulse lasers to the list. I also see that the mass of the weapon is increased by 50% for a RoF 1/4 weapon. Very similar to the system I was thinking of using in the previous post. Makes sense at TL15 the modifictions would be more lightweight that what I was thinking (x2 weight instead of x1.5).

What do you think about rapid pulse plasma or fusion weapons? Insane? perhaps...
I increased the weight only 50%, because I estimate that 1/2 the weapons weight is electronics, and 1/2 is structure such as grips and stocks etc.. So, basically I approximately doubled the weight of the electronics while leaving the rest essentially unchanged.

Rapid fire Hi-Energy weapons would probably have to be doubled for each increase in ROF (3, 4, 10, 20) in order to account for cooling etc..

Example: PGMP-12: ROF3 = 12kg, ROF4 = 24kg, ROF10 = 48kg, ROF20 = 96kg

Power Packs would be a straight linear progression for increased ammo supply.

To be honest, I was using GURPS as a base to figure how weight was increased in their design system for energy weapons, but I like this better!

I'm going to try to cobble together some new weapons of my own, some of which are G:T conversions.
As promised, here are some WoMD :eek:
produced by X-TEK/Antioch Arms for T20. Thanks to LordRhys for his help and the wonderful toy catalog. Unfortunately I do not have the ability(yet) to make PDF files. I hope the formating comes out ok from the text file.

Gauss Guns

XTA-S/99 '99 Special' Magnum Gauss Pistol
Uses special 8mm gauss ammuntion for heavier damage and penetration.
Cr3500 TL15 1.5kg RoF:1/4 Range 80m 2d10(x2) size:S Type:p Recoil:No
Rnds:20 AmmoWt:250g AmmoCr:250

XTA-M/1000 'Millenium' Heavy Gauss Pistol
Shoots the same 10mm ammo as Heavy Gauss Rifles, but in a pistol.
Cr5000 TL15 2Kg RoF:1 Range:80m 2d12(x2) Size:S Type:p Recoil:No
Rnds:20 AmmoWt:500g AmmoCr:500

XTA-N/1120 Nail Gun
Shoots 2mm Light Gauss ammo at rapid velocities, RoF20 per pull of trigger.
Can use standard 20 round magazines or extended 100 round mags.
Cr4000 TL15 800g RoF:20 Range:40m 1d8(X3) Size:S Type:p Recoil:No
Rnds:20 AmmoWt:150g AmmoCr:80 or
Rnds:100 AmmoWt:750g AmmoCr:400

Zip Gun
Shoots 2mm Light Gauss ammo at RoF100.
Highly Illegal on most worlds.
Cr6000 TL15 1kg RoF:100 Range:40m 1d8(x3) Size:S Type:p Recoil:No
Rnds:100 AmmoWt:750g AmmoCr:400

High Energy Weapons

RPFGMP-15, Rapid Pulse Fusion Gun TL15
This Rapid Pulse weapon is developed at TL15.
KCr200 TL15 4kg RoF:1/4 Range:45m 7d20(18) Size:L Type:Energy Recoil:Dang Skippy!(BD Required)
Rounds:80 AmmoWt:18kg AmmoKCr:130

VRPFG-15, Very Rapid Pulse Fusion Gun TL15
This support weapon fires up to 10 Fusion bolts and is usualy vehicle mounted. Comes with tripod.
Mcr1.2 TL15 8kg RoF:1/4/10 Range:45m 7d20(18) Size:L T:Energy Recoil: You need to be a gorilla to fire this baby from the hip!
Rounds:400 AmmoWt:90kg Ammo Kcr650. (Vehicle Power: 100EP for full autofire, 10EP per shot per round. Rough Estimate.)

FPX-16 Fusion Pistol Experimental TL16
Based on Darrian pre-Maghiz technology and plasma containment fields.
The FPX-16 is an advancement on the Battle Dress Sidearm developed at TL15.
Prototypes are currently being field tested.
Cr6000 TL16 2kg RoF:1 Range:24m 3d20(18) Size:S Type:Energy Recoil:Absolutely! (Need STR14)
Rnds:10 AmmoWt:500g AmmoCr:2000

RPFGMP-16 Rapid Pulse Fusion Gun 16
Another TL16 development in high energy weaponry. This is the fully grav compensated version of the Rapid Pulse Fusion Rifle.
KCr:800 TL15 4kg/200g RoF:1/4 45m 9d20(18) Size:L Type:Energy Recoil:Yes(Compensated)
Rounds:80 AmmoWt:4kg/220kg AmmoKcr:600
Originally posted by cmdrx:
Just like to add some new toys of my own.

For your enjoyment, I present the option of Rapid Fire energy weapons.

I've decided to keep it as simple as possible. For Rapid Fire Energy weapons the rule is just to increase cost and weight by RoF/2. This accounts for tougher optics, magnetic containment and cooling systems. For Lasers this is applied only to the weapon itself, the power pack remains the same. Mind that you do use up as many 'shots' from that pack per full burst. For High Energy Weapons apply the mods to BOTH the Weapon AND the Backpack. The Backpack contains most of the recoil and cooling systems needed.

Some Examples:
Laser SMG, TL12 (TL12 Laser Pistol with RoF4)
cost=1000 x 4/2=cr2000
weight=1.2 x 4/2 = 2.4kg
Range, Damage, etc... remain the same as original weapon
Can fire single shot or Burst of 4, +2hit or +2damage dice.

RPFGMP-14 (FGMP-14 with RoF3)
Weapon: Kcr150, 2kg Backpack: 40shots, Kcr97.5, 13.5kg
Dmg 7d20(18), Range 45m, RoF 1/3 (+1 hit or damage die w/ burst)
You better believe this requires B-Dress to operate!

Antioch Arms...
Better living through superiourly excessive firepower.
How bout a just a plain six shooter Laser pistol?
for awhile I was stuck on the old west like setting mostly when the New Era came out, made things more dangerous knowing you only had 6 shots(instead of bullets each shell was intense energy charge, science geeks will work out details) anyway the group seem to enjoy it, made for more roleplaying, knowing you don't have massive firepower, you tend to want talk a little
Dude I would not want to be the first person to test RFFGMP and all the creds in the Universe couldn't get me be the first to use the Very Rapid version
Yes the high energy rapid fire weapons are insane, yet this is nothing compaired to the insanity created by a one Ms. Ditzhamer Spofulam aka 'Ditzie'. A well known entity on the Traveller Mailing List and chief rival to X-TEK. She is the ultimate munchkin. Elephant mounted particle cannons, high speed racing forklifts, sub-orbital fusion powered pogo sticks and Barbie's own fusion gun, battledress sold separately.

These nasty weapons are intended as special items that the players may encounter on the recieving end, if I am feeling particulary sadistic...

As for a laser 6 shooter, that should be easy enough to come up with. Use the TL15 advanced laser pistol from Lord Rhys, but give them 6 shots. Reduce the ammo weight accordingly. Each round is a chemical laser power clip in a revolver type cylinder.
I've been designing a series of bi-planes for use on a TL7 world, and need some bombs. The best guestimate I can make is with a heavy mortar, but does anyone have any better ideas?

By the way, I am talking about relative WW I technology, so the bomb will be dropped by a co-pilot in the craft. Accuracy is not going to be very good, but it should scare the hell out of the pedestrians!
WW1 aircraft bombs started out as hand held grenades, then progressed to modified mortar shells with contact fuzes. Later on they used purpose built bombs. Most of these were in the 25 Lb NEW (Net Explosive Weight). They were lucky to hit a city block while flying low and slow. These would be TL6 items. They would be comparable to 50 to 70 MM HE artillary shells. Malfuntions of improvised items and inaccuracy were the rule rather than the exception.

At TL 7, WWII tech, the bombs grew in size and accuracy. Aircraft bombs of the time were thin cased at up to 45% NEW. The bombs were 100 Lbs, 250 Lbs, 500 Lbs, up to 750 Lbs for normal aircraft bombs. Special bombs were up to 12,000 Lbs

Modern general purpose bombs are as follows;
The M117 is 750 Lbs, at 345 Lbs NEW.
The Mk82 is 500 Lbs, at 192 Lbs NEW.
The Mk83 is 1000 Lbs, at 445 Lbs NEW
The Mk84 is 2000 Lbs, with 945 Lbs NEW.
The BLU109 is 2000 Lbs, at 595 Lbs NEW
The BLU82/B is 15,000 Lbs, at 12,600 Lbs NEW

The case of the bombs has to be heavy for several reasons. The case fragments into high speed frag to cause severe damage to anything hit. It contains the detonation within the explosive filler until full combustion is achieved. If it is too light, the bomb will deform under manuvering, possible causing catastophic detonation. The BLU 109 is a penatrator, meant to go yards into the target before detonation. The BLU82/B is delivered by cargo aircraft, not normal combat aircraft, and is delivered with a drag parachute.

Does this answer your questions?