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Missles for vehicles.

Originally posted by tjoneslo:
There isn't one.
Which is a crying shame, and something that deserves to be fixed somewhere along the way. SOunds likr a TA candiate, along with other vehicleular armament. (It's probably too much to try to add to the military personal weapons TA.)
During my playtest campaign, I felt the need for missiles too. So I used the Starship missile as a basis and scaled them down. Here's what I used:
Each TAC missile has a critical threat of 18 (x1). Anti-tank missiles are meant to engage slow-moving, heavily armored vehicles and have a large warhead. Anti-aircraft missiles are meant to engage fast-moving aerial targets and have a smaller warhead, a better guidance system (which allows a +1 to hit times the TL of the weapon) and longer range. The Space Defense Missile is a standard starship missile.

1) Man-portable missiles each come in a 1-shot disposable tube-launcher (already figured into price and weight).
2) Vehicle Mounted Missiles must be launched from a “Launch Rail” which masses 25kg, costs 125cr and holds 1 missile.
3) Space Defense Missiles are fired from a special launcher which costs 750,000cr, masses 1000kg and holds 3 missiles.

Anti-tank TAC Missile (man-portable)
Cost 1000cr
TL: 6-15
Range: 50m x TL
Weight 10 kg
DM to hit: +0
Damage: 5d20 (vehicle scale)

Anti-aircraft TAC Missile (man-portable)
Cost 1000cr
TL: 7-15
Range: 100m x TL
Weight 10 kg
DM to hit: +1 x TL
Damage: 2d20 (vehicle scale)

Anti-tank TAC Missile (vehicle mounted)
Cost 2000cr
TL: 6-15
Range: 200m x TL
Weight 25 kg
DM to hit: +0
Damage: 7d20 (vehicle scale)

Anti-aircraft TAC Missile (vehicle mounted)
Cost 1000cr
TL: 7-15
Range: 1000m x TL
Weight 25 kg
DM to hit: +1 x TL
Damage: 4d20 (vehicle scale)

Space Defense Missile
Cost 5000cr
TL: 7-15
Range: Extreme Space Range
Weight 50 kg
DM to hit: +0
Damage: 12d20 (vehicle scale)
My suggestion would be to take an existing one (Striker or GURPS Vehicles) and convert the results.

For Against Gravity, I came up with a conversion for Striker weapons to T20, to match the existing weapons the the THB, except for the Missiles. Otherwise I'd simply post the results.
Now that I look at my misiles again, I'm realizing that they were done with an old playtest version of the rules where missiles did 1d20 damage in space combat. I think that was later changed to 1d6 (hopefuly my book comes today).

In any case, whaever you decide to do with misiles, just figue out the weight, cost and damage of a starship missile and make those your upper limit and scale down from there.