I actually did some in Jump roleplaying and rolls in my recent Five Sisters Conspiracy storyline. This mostly dealt with the Immortal Hiroshi.
During one trip Hiroshi got involve with the training of the Imperial Marines and S3 details. This included a nice bout with the ImpMar Gunnie. After the bout the Gunnie helped Hiroshi in polishing is freefall tactics and EVA ops in heavy vacc suits.
One bit of color the one of the S3 squad was betting on Hiroshi, because they trained with him at the Navy/Scout base. The base training resulted in couple of sprained wrists for the S3s, and they got chewed out because they on alert for possible deployment.
During one trip the crew celebrated New Years. This involved a formal dinner with toasts to the Emperor, memorials, and countdown to midnight. Hiroshi, being a fashion plate and ego, dressed up to out do the captain and the Darrian VIPs. Penrose, my PC/NPC, actually got a kilt of his family tartan. This was consider a minor social oops with the Imperial Marines dress uniform kilt option.
After the successful raid of the compromised scout base, the task force was heading back with captures Ancient (Yes, them!) agents. These agents were biotech mod to sense the presense of fellow agents and the opposition. Hiroshi's Immortal Buzz (detect other Immortals) was detecting them and vise-versa. Unfortunately they discover during the trip back that long term contact between Hiroshi and the agents was irritating to other. This was causing outbursts and hair-trigger tempers. This lead to an altercation with Hiroshi and the forementioned ImpMar Gunnery Sarge. The only solution was
to have Hiroshi as far away from the brig as possible, which meant he had to stay in the hangered scout or the foreward most turret or supply closet.