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Government types

My old CT rules book lists government styles up to type D. However, I'm sure I've seen at least one reference to higher letter codes for government types, and I'm guessing these are from MT or a supplement that I don't have.

Could anyone please enlighten me to what the extra government codes are please?

There are various Alien race codes - Aslan, K'Kree and Hiver. The codes are explained in the CT Alien RAces supplements.
Originally posted by Valarian:
There are various Alien race codes - Aslan, K'Kree and Hiver. The codes are explained in the CT Alien RAces supplements.
Ah yes, so there are. I hadn't looked at those sections in a long time. They're obviously intended to be specific to those races (although a few of the Hiver ones could be utilised for non-Hivers).

But what about E & F? The Aslan ones start at G...
TNE and TNE:1248 have V for a Viral Hell, M for a junta/military dictatorship, T for a Technologically elevated Dictator (TED), Q for an interim government and S for a slave world.
Most of the other letters are taken, but after F they're all alien ones:

  • E Religious Autocracy
    Government by a single religious leader having absolute power over the citizenry.</font>
  • F Totalitarian Oligarchy
    Government by an all-powerful minority which maintains absolute control through widespread coercion and oppression.</font>
  • G Small Station or Facility
    Operated by an offworld clan or controlled by a company.</font>
  • H Split Control
    Different parts of the world controlled by different clans. Analagous to Balkanised worlds.</font>
  • J Single On-world Clan Control
    Other small clans may be present, but are dominated by the major clan.</font>
  • K Single Multi-world Clan Control
    The world is controlled by a single clan whose span extends over several worlds, not necessarily nearby.</font>
  • L Major Clan Control
    The world is controlled by one of the 29.</font>
  • M Vassal Clan Control
    The world is controlled (but not owned) by a vassal clan in fief to a larger clan.</font>
  • N Major Vassal Clan Control
    The world is controlled (but not owned) by a vassal clan in fief to one of the 29.</font>
  • P Small Station or Facility
    Small station or facility maintained for the good of a family.</font>
  • Q Off-planet Steppelord
    Ruled by a krurruna or a group of krurrunak answerable to an off-world steppelord.</font>
  • R On-planet Steppelord
    Ruled by a steppelord on-planet.</font>
  • S Sept
    Governing committee of seven nest leaders.</font>
  • T Unsupervised Anarchy
    Individual agreements between all citizens.</font>
  • U Supervised Anarchy
    Individual agreements between all nests.</font>
  • W Committee
    Governing committee of nest leaders.</font>
  • X Droyne Hierarchy
    Established communities are ruled by hereditary and long-established governments.</font>
