Hello everyone,
yes, sorry for reviving this 9 year old thread.

o: Still: I am not a SPAM-Bot or SPAM-dude. But this is - actually - the kind of topic I hoped to find on this forum. Seriously, read on.
(If you'd rather have me create a new topic, I'll do so; because my question may be a little offtopic to what has been discussed here way back in the early 21st century.)
First of all: It is kind of awesome to have a generation ship being the fundamental idea for a campaign or something in your game. And it is interesting to see that the backstory of your generation ship, Alias, follows the "forgetfullness pattern" to some degree, which is not uncommon to the generation-ship-theme.
Now, what or why is it that I am interested in this topic?
First of all and in order to stay on-topic for a moment: What has happened to this campaign of yours? Are there any reports and experiences with this kind of story by other forum-members?
Also I would like to know how you designed this generation ship of yours, Alias? (Alias - are you still active on this board?) Or did anyone else here design generation-ships, and how did you do it, or what did you consider?
To ride the red line twoards off-topic ... at least for a bit:
Since I am only loosely connected with Traveller (I own some of the core-stuff of Classic Traveller; I used to own the Fire, Fusion & Steel supplement of TNE, but don't own it anymore), I have only little experience in the game. That is why I'd like to know, which Traveller/ 2300 products actually cover the "generation ship" or "generation star/spaceship" in detail, if there is/was any supplement or sourcebook available at all?
The reason why I am interested in such Traveller/2300-products, is, because the various rpg-stuff-things I own (Alternity, Stellar Wind, Classic Traveller, Riftroamers) don't provide a lot about generation ships; and with "don't provide a lot" I actually mean: don't provide nearly anything; sleeper-ships are slightly more common in those books, but I don't like the concept of sleeper-ships (although the movie of "Pandorum" was awesome!).
At the moment I read "The Generation Starship in Science Fiction: A Critical History, 1934-2001" by Simone Caroti (ISBN: 9780786460670); this book covers part of the generation starship literature history in SF between 1930ies and the early 21st century.
And on my list of "books to read" the title "Interstellar Travel & Multi-Generational Space Ships: Apogee Books Space Series 34" by Yoji Kondo (ISBN: 9781896522999) is the next one to read.
Also I have a long list of book-titles that cover this topic at least to some degree:
The reason behind all this is that I want to start writing short stories and maybe even a longer narration (novel? series of novels???) about a generation starship and the people on it; and I want to do it on a "likely" or "probable" ship-design that has only as few concessions regarding nature-sciences as possible, so only as much as are really, really required in order to make a gen ship work, since real sciences and economy wouldn't allow this kind of space-travel.
Back to topic this means: What does the generation ship by Alias (or others here, if they have developed and/ or deployed generation ships in their games or narrations) look like, and what concession did you make in order to make it "playable" and plausible ... ?
Thank you very much, all the best!