Wasn't there a module made for Twilight 2000 where one of the plot devices was an effort to recover an original copy of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or something?
Ah... not familiar with any GDW module dealing with that. I'm not as familar with the few independent modules pubished. If it was something from Challenge magazine, I do not have all the T2k issues, so can't help there either.
There was a module concerning the recovery of the US Consitution and Bill of Rights from the storage site the they were taken from before the destruction of Washington DC. I forget the details. Maybe New America had ambushed the military escort and you had to recover them. The title may have been Allegeny Uprising or Airlords of the Ozaks. The other module involved a plot where the players had go to Grenada using a movie company reproduction of the USS Consitution, the movie ship had modern gear aboard including a desiel engine. The crew mostly used the sails.
I do not remember the title, but it also covered the rest of the Carib area.
The Bill of Rights is part of the Consitution, they are the admendments that came after the intial Consitution was written. They are often spoken of as a seperate document but they are part of the Consitution. The Consitution and the Declaration of Independence were both on display in Consitution Hall. In case of a nuclear attack they was a special system that would drop them into an uderground safe.
Originally posted by Rodina: Wasn't there a module made for Twilight 2000 where one of the plot devices was an effort to recover an original copy of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution or something?