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Electricity / Sonic Weapons

Are there stats out there for weapons that do electricity damage? How about sonic damage? I am trying to come up with weapons that would discourage wildlife without hurting them, and figured that at low levels electricity and/or sonic would do the trick.
Try double adventure 6 / night of conquest / divine intervention, there is an experimental TL15 stun carbine (sonic) imperial navy issue.

Think I saw book 1 stats for tasers in a very old white dwarf.

Give me a shout if you want me to post the stats.

I am a relative newbie to the Traveller scene, and don't have access to all the goodies that you mentioned. I would love it if you could post the stats. Thanks.

here are the stats for that experimental imperial naval stun carbine:

L: 700mm, weight=3500grams, power pack weight=3000grams, cost 3000cr, 1000cr for the power pack. TL=15. Max range = 50m, 50 shots per power pack, 8 hours to recharge power pack.

Dexterity and range modifiers as per a normal carbine. Applicable weapons skill is "Stun Carbine"

Experimental energy weapon fires an ultrasonic beam doing 1D-1 damage. targets in vacc suits, combat armour and battledress are immune, all other armour has no effect. If the target is hit, they attempt to roll less than their current endurance to avoid being stunned. If they fail the END roll, they are stunned for 10 minutes per point they missed the END roll.

Power pack is identical to a laser carbine power pack and is connected to the weapon by a power cable.

Hope that helps
Somewhere... in my White Dwarf collection, there are stats for a stunner and also I believe Challenge in the Personal Weapons issue profiled a Stunner.
Originally posted by Charles Godfrey:
Are there stats out there for weapons that do electricity damage? How about sonic damage? I am trying to come up with weapons that would discourage wildlife without hurting them, and figured that at low levels electricity and/or sonic would do the trick.
You mean you :confused: dont :confused: want to kill things?
Yep! I have visions of previous civilizations that wanted to discourage wandering wildlife without killing it by using electricity and/or sonics. Settings may be increased to be more effective.
Because you mention that you're a relative newbie (and forgive me if this is stupidly obvious to you) the stats above are not T20 stats.

Applicable T20 feat would probably be laser weapons; damage would be higher in T20, and the roll - I don't know if it would be fortitude or reflex, but the original version of it would suggest a fortitude roll.
Hmm. Sonic/electrical weapons. Ooooo, zap guns! Seriously, don't we already have electrical stun guns?
You might pick up the Travellers Aide #1 "Personal of Charted Space". It's only $5 and you get it in PDF format.

It has a few Non-lethal weapons in it.

Examples are Sprayers, Squealers, Tranq, and Stun.
Yea. my guys are enjoying the shock batons.

I'll never talk.
ZZZZaaaaapp!!!! :D
Hey you're supost to be the good guys. :(
ZZZZaaaaapp!!!! :D
You still won't get a word out of m....
ZZZZaaaaapp!!!! :D
All right already, I'll talk I'll....
ZZZZaaaaapp!!!! :D
I said I'll ta...
ZZZZaaaaapp!!!! :D

Oops! :rolleyes: