Originally posted by PVernon:
I beleive that there are no deck plans for the T20 ships yet. By T20 ships I mean the ones used as Illustrations in the T20 book.
Only the Scout/Courier, the plans for which are floating around this site somewhere.
For other editions of Traveller, look at the already mentioned large-scale plans by Steve Jackson Games for Gurps Traveller. These are mostly derived from CT-era plans, as found (these days) in the Classic Reprints books from Far Future Enterprises (should be very orderable through your local store, though the ships are scattered throughout the old stuff. The highest concentration will be found in whichever of the reprints has "Traders and Gunboats".
Generally don't bother with the T4 book "Starships", as the plans are almost entirely unuseable.
The ships book for Alternity was called, appropriately enough, "Starships". May be tricky to get one these days.
The other very out-of-production book you may want to find is for the old West End Games version of Star Wars, called "Stock Ships".
There is a book with the same name for Space Master (from Iron Crown) which you can safely avoid, as all of its artwork is on the covers...
For a wild and wooly index of old Traveller ships in print, check my site (
http://member.aol.com/gypsycomet/index.html) under Shipyard, and look at the texty bits at the top of the page. Gotta link to a BIG table...