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Computer Design System Missing A Program and Links to Sensors


SOC-14 1K
In the Computer Design Sequence of Chapter 12 p. 231 all three User Interface Programs require either or both Voice Recognition software and a voder. The Etiquette and Protocol program requires the Personality Interface program which requires both a voder and Voice Recognition software/program. The Language Module requires the appropriate voice recognition software and to provide verbal feedback a voder. I recommend adding the following:

Voice Recognition Cost 1,000 PP 2 be added to the User Interface Programs list on p. 231, from GURPS:Robots p. 63.

Recommend adding note in the Computer Accessory sub-section on p. 233 to refer to the Electronics options in the Vehicle Design Sequence on pp. 248 to 252.
I had always assumed that the appropriate voice recognition software described in the Language Module program was subsumed in the Limited, Basic and Full Comman program descriptions given the descriptions in those programs (p.227)

Morning myrmidon,

Thank-you for your response and another possiblity on how to read the rules. My post was sparked during my attempt to revise a Computer Design Sequence spreadsheet I built after purchasing my copy of the THB. Working on the programs section I discovered I had missed several requirements. One of the requirements is the relationships between all of the User Interface programs. Regardless of whether the voice recognition program is subsumed in the Verbal Command programs, a separate stand alone program, or both there needs to be clarification where the program is located so that a designer meets the requirements.

Again thank you for your response and providing an alternate way that the voice recognition program is available.

Originally posted by myrmidon:
I had always assumed that the appropriate voice recognition software described in the Language Module program was subsumed in the Limited, Basic and Full Comman program descriptions given the descriptions in those programs (p.227)
