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Advanced Starship Operations Computer System Mk. XV


SOC-14 1K
Advanced Starship Operations Computer System Mk. XV (LBB 8 legal)
By Naasirka, your home for quality.
Model: TLF-42C9(N)
URP 420L0-00-QQ321-42C9(N) Cr4,566,475
Configuration: Cylinder, Mass: 233 kg, Volume: 80 liters
Duration: 3.4 hr battery backup TL-15 16/40 (combat armor)
10/35/30 Central Processor Unit, 75 total/50 free (Linear/ Parallel/Synaptic )
60/33 Storage System with 93 units of storage (Standard/Synaptic)
Apparent intelligence: 12, Apparent Education 9
Expected operation lifespan: 85 Years
Maximum Power Usage: 41

Integral Sensor Suite
1 visual sensor ( +tele +LI +PIR +AIR ), 1 audio sensor ( +sen )
1 voder
1 magnetic sensor, 1 radiation sensor, 1 mass sensor, 1 neutrino sensor 1 power interface

Complete Wireless Networking Package (Meets Imperial Standards)
1 master unit, 1 program Interface, 1 brain interface
1 radio (5000km)

1 holo recorder (3D), 1 holo display (3D)

4.2 liters free for upgrades

High Data/Full Command OS
Military Specification Armored Casing for durability
Advanced electronic circuit protection (TL-15)
Emotion Simulation

Designed for the Imperial Interstellar Scout service this computer system combines traditional Vilani reliability with the highest technology available. Fifteen years in design and testing plus rigorous IISS field work has produced this powerful yet compact system that makes the perfect compliment to any starship main computer.

Software packages are available, see sales representative for details.
[edited for a few details]
For Corejob,
Basic Operations Computer
Designed by Kurega Gikur, produced by Flybi Night Industries.
Ecnojob TLC-1012 22000-00-LL002-1012 Cr57,600 (Heavily Discounted)
15 liters, 11 kg
15/5/0 CPU
20/0 storage
Low Data
Limited Basic
Apparent Intelligence-1, Apparent Education-2
4/10 (mesh)case
1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface
1 flat video display

Here is the deal, I’ll sell it to you but don’t trust your life to it.
By the way the case is kind of flimsy so don’t rough it up.
from over 4 million to less than 60 thousand! Wow! Given that you have to pay Cr6000 for a pilot, a robotic pilot is actually cost effective fairly quickly. I seem that something a a bit more expensice and reliable could be quite popular, particularly for cargo ships.

Robotic freighters anyone?
You want a freighter that is mostly robotic/automated?
Hmmmm. One Mk XV + a Mod. 4 + a few robots= fun

The advantage of the Mk XV over the Ecnojob is that it never sleeps, will not draw retirement benefits, won’t go on strike, don’t get so drunk that it forgets to close the airlock and is tied into the ship’s systems. Oh did I mention that it can be the pilot, navigator, turret gunner and run the autodoc if are injured. Also . . . if you are dirtside on some godforsaken planet and scream “Signal GK” into your radio it can try to save you. With a 40% synaptic CPU it has the capability to recognize hijackers and threats before you do.

Now if you believe in Virus then installing this thing on your ship is a nightmare. It will be smarter and faster than you with control over all the ship’s vital systems, a jump drive and a couple of triple turrets. But that would never happen. :eek:
However . . .
Computers like this can make mistakes, they have no real sense of humor and could misinterpret critical orders leading to a real mess. The Mk XV is smart but it is not creative. Unique situations will baffle it. Any event outside its instructions will cause it to perform the next more logical function.

It can become very skilled at what it does but can’t grow beyond that and has no sense of loyalty. Crack its formidable security and forget it.
Automatic Freighter Computer
Designed by Kurega Gikur, produced by Naasirka.
TLC-3174 310A0-00-MM117-3174 Cr360,700
45 liters, 45kg
TL=12 Batteries .75hour
High Data/Basic Command O.S.
5/30 CPU with 17 free Processing units
38/0 Storage stack (maxed out)
10/25 (mesh)
Apparent Intelligence: 7
Apparent Education: 4

1 voder
1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface
1 master unit
1 radio (5000km)
1 holo display (3D)

Software Package.
Pilot-2, Navigaor-2
Ship's Boat-2, Electronic-1, Mechanical-1, Engineering-2, Communications-1
Designed for Tureka Lines this system is designed to run a large freighter with a minimum crew.

(Designed to operate with four Repair-Maintenance Drones by the Sidur Haski Design Consortium.)

[edit] (Pending Approval)
Repair Maintenance Drone 2
Produced by Sidur Haski Design Consortium
Mk. 2 55452-A4-MM116-LD33
Cr 114,900 275 kg
Fuel=8 TL=12

90kw Fuel cell

20/50 (cloth)
High Data/Basic
Int: 3 Edu: 3
End: 20 hours
CPU: 12 open slots
Storage: 10 slots

4 light arms
1 visual sensor ( +tele +LI +AIR ), 1 audio sensor
1 voder
1 magnetic sensor, 1 radiation sensor, 1 mass sensor, 1 neutrino sensor
1 spotlight, 1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface
1 slave unit
1 radio (50km)
1 flat video display
1 holo recorder (3D), 1 lt. laser welder
1 mechanical package, 1 electronic package

Software Package
Electronic-2, Mechanical-2, Engineering-2, Gravitics-2, Communications-1, Cargo Handling-1

Heavy and traditionally constructed the RMD-2 is widely used on civilian ships and in dangerous environments.
Originally posted by Kurega Gikur:
However . . .
Computers like this can make mistakes
Good thing that never happens with humans.
Why a voder? I'm thinking about a totally soph free freighter. Dispense with all the space needed by a crew, have a provision for remote piloting once in system, or a latch on for a tug. Who cares about a crew in J-space?
The idea is that these are multi-purpose robots. Also they are for the characters to talk to when they board the freighter. I had thought that there would be one human aboard as a system admin. but I guess why not have totally robot crew.