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Civilian Contract Companies and their goodies


Has anyone ever played around with where the Imp-Navy gets its ships? IMTU, the navy has some of its own designs, but it has also contracted several private companies to make some of the smaller craft. Here are a few examples:
The ArcLight Areospace Engineering Company is a tech-15 Small Craft factory and design plant, producing many of the fighters and small craft used by the Imperium as well as the Sword Worlds. They are very competitive, having to compete with High G-force Superfighters for Government contracts.
The ArcLight Fighter Series is centered around the more standard type of fighter, with light weapons, heavy armor and quick fast manuvers. However, the ArcLight sports its Deep Fighter, the only jump-capable fighter in currently in service. Currently in development, the ArcLight company is working on an ArcLight Fighter MkII for heavier armnaments and faster ships, an ArcLight Ship-Buster for carrying the 1 ton ArcLight torpedo straight at an opposing warship, an ArcLight Chain Fighter, which links up to it's carriers computer, allowing for higher ECM; and a High Speed, low jump 50 ArcLight Special Forces craft.
ArcLight Fighter
Tech 15
15 ton Hull, Config 1
Manuver 7, Power Plant 13
Computer Module 2, Fuel: 1.95 tons
2 Small Craft Couch, 1 Small Craft Cabin
Cargo: .7 tons, Armor-15, Agility-6
May Mount 1 laser, all other weapons must be Sandcasters or Missle Racks
21 MCr (unarmed)
16.8 MCr in quantity

ArcLight Deep Fighter
25 ton hull, config-1
Jump-2 Manuver-6 Power-11
Fuel: 5 tons for jump, 2.75 for power, Computer-3
1 Small Craft stateroom, 1 Small Craft Couch
3 Missile Racks, Armor-9, Agility-6, room for 10 extra missiles.

37.05 MCr
29.64 MCr in quantity

High G-force Superfighter Corp. (HiG for short) deals only in small craft in the 10-50 tons range, at any tech between 12-15. HiG was started by an ex-Imp Navy fighter jock who felt the need for speed.... up to 12 Gs that is. The HiG corp is based on the idea that armor is good, but why even bother getting hit. The Superfighters produced have unparralled speed and agility, making them hard to hit. Also, because of this speed and manuveribility, they tend to carry close range Energy weapons on capacitors or missles, so they can do a lot of damage without damagining their trademark abilities. The HiG corp, like ArcLight is also based on the Imperial Core, but every major shipyard has either an ArcLight or HiG factory outlet. ArcLight is HiG's major competitor for military contracts, mostly due to the conflicting strategies Imp-Navy Admirals have towards the role of fighters. HiG is hoping to get a leg up on the competition with the release of its low tech-12 easy maitenance fighter, it's 50 Heavy Fighter, (hopefully sporting up to 15 G and agility 15), 25 ton Missile/Small craft interceptor and 10 ton Super Speed Air support fighter. Also, the Uplink model is currently being worked on by both ArcLight and HiG.

20 ton Hull
Tech 12
Configuration 1
Manuver drive-9,Power Plant-9, Computer Module-2 Fuel: 1.8, 1 Small Craft Couch,
1 Small Craft Cabin, Armor-6, .3 Tons of Cargo
Total: 31.075 MCr
In Quantity: 24.86
EP: 1.8 Agility: 9

Config 1, 20 ton hull
Manuver Drive-12, Power Plant-17,
Computer Module-3, Fuel-3.4, Armor-8
2 Small Craft Couch, 3 missile racks, Cargo: 1 ton (for 20 missiles usually)
Total: 36.7 MCr
In Quantity: 29.36 MCr
EP:3.4 Agility: 12

TL 15
20 tons hull, Config 4
Manuver Drive-12, Power Plant-12
Computer Module 3, Fuel 2.4 tons
Armor-7, Plasma Gun, 2 Small Craft Couch, 1 ton of capicitors, Cargo: .1 tons
Total: 31.21 MCr
In Quantity: 24.968 MCr
EP:2.4 + 36 capicitor points Agility: 7

If someone can convert these honeys, i'd be much obliged. Also, feel free to make your own corporations and put them on here!
Part 1:
The idea that the IN acquires its vessels from various companies is there IMTU, but I haven't yet done any work on it beyond vague thoughts.

MTU's IN does some of its own manufacture in Depot starsystems.

But due to political issues, a great many ships, especially large capital ships, get farmed out. Because of the economies of scale, most of this has, over the 1100 years of the Imperium, wound up "gravitating" together in a few key star systems in most sectors, where the great "true" Shipyards, are located. Where even the largest ships are built on slipways (assembly line production for giant vessels; not the traditional water shipyard slipway).

Because the military builds a lot of its vessels this way due to the discounts available for assembly line production, a great many civilian ships are built in such Shipyard worlds.

The facilities in most A Starports wind up being where most custom vessels get built.

The Megacorps own most of the facilities at these Shipyard worlds, even if it's through subsidiaries or other, independent-appearing, coporations.

Part 2:
The problem with all these fighters is, that, at least under HG2 rules, they can't hit each other. :(

And they certainly can't do anything to capital ships with the HG2 rules as given.

Is there anything about the HG1 rules that is different, or rather, would allow them to hit each other?
There is no agility in HG1, and the combat charts are very different.
Fighter vs. fighter is possible using those rules.

I'll sit down later and write down all the other differences in combat I can find - unless someone else does it first ;)
Your right about the can't hit each other thing. The problem with the Classic ship combat systems is that fighters cannot fufil the same roles as they do in real life. Why? because without agility and higher G speeds, they are easy to hit, and can be chased down by a big star-cruiser. This makes them worthless, and that always bothored me. If anyone can post a suggestion so as to make fighters more like there modern counterparts; please, do share
Originally posted by endersig:
Your right about the can't hit each other thing. The problem with the Classic ship combat systems is that fighters cannot fufil the same roles as they do in real life. Why? because without agility and higher G speeds, they are easy to hit, and can be chased down by a big star-cruiser. This makes them worthless, and that always bothored me. If anyone can post a suggestion so as to make fighters more like there modern counterparts; please, do share
Don't think of them as fighters. They aren't. They have the same technology, and more importantly travel in the same medium, as other spacecraft.

Instead, think of them as gunboats, which is a much better analogy.