N.I.C.E. Labs
To keep in line with some of cool ship names and characters people have been coming up with, what's your best/favorite names for a particular starport or city your players might find themselves in?
For me, one of my favorites is a colony settlement. The colonists are there trying to make a life...their colony is one they want to endure. They're not going to give up, so they name it "Tena City" (put the words together and it spells 'Tenacity")
Another is an interpretation of an existing planet name in the Marches. There is a world near Darrian called Stellatio. I may be perverse, but that name sounds a bit too close to a certain risque 'latin' term not to be used. So, on that planet we have the domed pleasure cities of Stellatio 7...the ultimate hedonistic resort in all the marches
For me, one of my favorites is a colony settlement. The colonists are there trying to make a life...their colony is one they want to endure. They're not going to give up, so they name it "Tena City" (put the words together and it spells 'Tenacity")
Another is an interpretation of an existing planet name in the Marches. There is a world near Darrian called Stellatio. I may be perverse, but that name sounds a bit too close to a certain risque 'latin' term not to be used. So, on that planet we have the domed pleasure cities of Stellatio 7...the ultimate hedonistic resort in all the marches