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Adventures in a small space.


Hi gang. I have a small universe and a small alternate history.

9 Aligned planets, like a small Imperium, 3 independent planets, and 3 axis planets (religious fanatic types)

My space game story line so far(4 runs)

Mostly veteran characters. Characters on a far trader( I think)-“The Iris”, with 3 banks of double laser cannons. Jump2, acceleration-1.

Characters mostly 10th level, 1 brigadeer general, one retired marine general, 1 doctor, 1 scout/surveyor, one professional/techie, one alienist.

Characters accept a diplomatic milk run to pick up a diplomatic pouch on an outer planet of this system(Liege world System) and deliver it to the home world of a system (New Foundland System) 3 sectors away.

They go to the outer system. Almost there, they get a powerful signal on their Scanner. Something caused their scanners to ‘pinned the needle’. It seemed like some sort of gravity spike. They did some investigation, and continued on their way. At the outer planet about 2 hours away from the registered spike they picked up the pouch, and inquired as to the oddness they found in their scanners. They found out 2 things are going on here. One: there is an odd shaped gravity well around this planets moon. This was on the star charts. The other thing that kicked off their scanners, the people on this planet detected it also. No one understands what that big register was on the scanners. The planetary reps tell the players that they will keep researching it and get back to them.

the players go towards the jump point. At 1g acceleration the jump point is about 4 hours away. They sail towards the jump point. A large allied systems cruiser hails them and notifies them that their ships transponder is sending out an ID which is identical to a ship which has been doing pirating in the area. They players check out their local logs and sure enough, they see in the news bulletins that their transponder is associated with pirating. Of course this is NOT possible, at the times of the pirating they were not even in the system. And they could prove these facts. They land their ship on the alliance cruiser deck and await clearance of the confusion.

Some time during the waiting period the cruiser is attacked by a decloaking ship. The players manage to narrowly escape the attack when the "abandon ship all hands" signal comes thru on the loud speaker.

The Cruiser launches its fighters and the players ship "the Iris" makes another getaway. the cruiser is being attacked by a ship about 4 times the size of a scout, shaped like a diamond. At some point the large alien ship breaks up into 4 scouts and begins chasing the players ship.

the players fire back at the chasing marauders, they disable 3 of the scout ships and blow up the fourth. About 1 minute to jump, the engineer informs the crew that a creature was in the bottom of the diplomatic pouch (size of a steamer trunk) and has made its way into the engine area.

Around this time, the navigator has problems with locking down the jump coordinates. IT seems that there is a program running in the navigator computer that is over riding his computer.

They give up, they accept the jump point. In the engine room the engineer grabs on to the creature which has attached its self to the top of the jump drive shell. The engineer is covered in a mysterious green glow, as the creature defends itself. The marine comes climbs up above the creature on the jump drive shell and blasts it to smithereens.

the engineer slumps down unconscious. Lucky he wasn’t hit.

1 minute to jump, the players strap themselves in for the jump.

Uncertain that they will survive the jump they pray that they are not jumping into the sun. how bad could it be... the farthest they can go is only 2 systems away...

This is were I stopped the first run.

Let me know if you want to hear the rest.

First wave:
• Found water on mars, and lower life forms
• Discovered wave motion technology accidentally. Project ceased, bad accident
• Discovered fusion
• NCO Bi-Cycle engine, Project Daedalus used to colonize solar system.
• Mars colonized.
• Venus/mercury explored
• Saturn/Jupiter explored
• Discovered Jump technology
• Neptune explored
• Saturn moon base abandoned
• 4 stations built thru out solar system
• Belt breached inter stellar traveler attempted, closest 4 systems explored.

Currently Tech 9 is used mostly. Tech 11 has been reached. Very expensive.

Aligned worlds are aggressively pursuing expansion. No other sentient life forms found yet. The aligned worlds a.k.a. the Alliance, share a common navy. Each world puts in a percentage.

Independent worlds and Aligned worlds cooperate fully with regard to legal matters in most cases.

Axis worlds do not generally trade with outsiders. They are will assist injured or stranded citizens of other states. They will also allow at times extradition of petty criminals, but only to unaligned worlds. Violent or dangers criminals are usually executed. Nobility is imprisoned or ransomed back. Slave labor is used at their mining outposts
The whole game takes place in one subsector. May add other subsectors as exploration starts. There is an alien race, but none that I can talk about. Its under wraps right now.

Owner:systems or moons.
Americas:New Foundland & Shining Crest
UK:Blake World, Liege System
China:Sinochia, Manchu Empire
Europublic: M/Mont Blanc, M/Ebon Towers
All:Earth (about 14 jumps away)
PortoSpania:New Portigua
Independent:Xosha Declarative
Nice set up, small but plenty of room for adventure

Please keep posting their escapades, its always fun to read how the exploits of others turn out.
Besides, I want to find out about the Aliens now ;)
It looks like a Dagnarius Ship, but it ain't

During their week in jump, the astrogator plotted out their course and trajectory and estimated their misjump to be about 9 hexes into the dead of space. According to The allied systems database the destination system was a lifeless area with 3 mudballs floating around a dimming sun. The captain in complete disbelief asked the astrogator to recheck his calculations, and run what ever simulations. It came up the same. This was not the only bad news. The rest of the bad news was that they were about 4 jumps away from the nearest atom of hydrogen. There was required amount of bitching, moaning and complaining(BMC), but the truth is that even with an excess of BMC nothing but a good hydrogen bath will get you back home. The ships tanks had enough gas to take them one more jump. Such is the way of the Far Trader/J-2.

The questions started popping up. Was it really a misjump? If not, How the hell did they get here. What the hell was thing that electrocuted the engineer.

The fact that they were going to die in the middle of nowhere for no particular reason, only put a slight edge on things. They spent some time in space doing diagnostics: Weapons, life support, general engineering. The computer seem to have unlocked the astrogation console. The discovered a self propagating program in core. Of course they couldnt shut down the systems in mid jump, that would put them in an even worse position. The engineer discovered an unmarked standard ISA445 board in the computer. It didnt have the regular markings. It was of Allied Systems design. It fit all the hard ware requirements during boot time. It even had drivers associated with it. It seems that at boot time the drivers were starting a program that referenced data on the board. It would take some time to figure out.

When the appropriate time came, the jump bubble broke; The video games closed down, the exercise machines where turned off and they fell into normal space.

To their amazement, the initial scan registered a gas giant, and several planets, some with moons. The farthest planet had a cone shaped gravity well around one of the moons. This was consistant with many of the other moons of the farthest planets. After almost 500 years in this subsector, there was still no explanation for this gravitic phenomena.

First things first, they refueled. Then, more importantly they rejoiced. Things were still bad, the were still a jump 7 from civilized space. On the other hand according to Allied systems records, this system was complete with 3 mudballs and nothing else. Perhaps if this system was incorrectly charted then the others on the way home were as well. They would have to see. The sensors op continued his scanning during the refueling, and standard upkeep required between jumps. He discovered an abandon ship on the edge of the asteroid belt. They decided to try for it after up keep was done.

The engineer did a full shut down and removed the mysterious board. He went in and spliced drivers out of the core related to the board. They went thru boot up sequence a few times, did a test run and were all VERY happy about things.

They set out into the asteroid belt, and eyeballed the abandoned ship. It looked pretty shot up. It was a scout of dagnarius design. They mounted up a boarding part and shuttled over to it. The inside of the ship was pretty shot up cosmetically. Some retaining walls were loose. Lots of the furniture was cut up or spray painted.

The cockpit looked fairly toasted. The engineerin section and lifesupport were gone over also. Something still seemed a bit odd. The engineer did a run through on his engine, relays and couplers. Things seemed that they should go well. The indicators on the fuel takes registered as full. The pilot went to the cockpit and tried to crank it. The engineer did some minor repairs and VOILA!!! the ship powered up...

Houston we have a problem

Almost immediately their main ships scanners signaled an tremendous gravitational anomoly genereated by the moon of the furthest planet. The abandoned ships engines engaged, and started to slowly navigate toward the moon where the signal came from. At the same time, the faux covering of engineering section opened and revealed the actual the ACTUAL control center for the Dagnarius ship. The there was nothing written on the controls, except for triangles, squares, rectangles, halfmoons, dots and lines. They were also color coded. The pilot had a similar experience.

Engineer(ENG): "holy @#$% were moving."
Away Team Commander(ATC): "DO SOMETHING"
Pilot(PI): "captain we are clearing the belt"
ATC: <mutters>
ENG: "I think I can disconnect the power system... <DM can I just pull the plug??.. yes.. theres a main relay, it looks like a plug.>
ENG: I pull the plug!

The ship stops and powers down, slowly inching foward towards the moon.

ATC: "hello, iris... can you set up a tow line. I wanna pull us back to the belt"

IRIS/Pilot2: "Sure, give us a few"

Well, it went like that for a while. They couldnt figure out how to pilot it. They spent a week going over the technology. It was definitely different. But, it had some similarities to Allied Design. The astrogation computer was totally different but used Allied System parts. It was too hard to tell. The computer specialist proposed writing an interface to their astrogation system, but that would take close to a by himself. They decided to push on to take the a couple of the power couplers, a small computer, and main plug with them in hopes that would prevent it from being moved.

The made for the next system and hoped for the best. This was one for the record books.

The continued...

Falling out of their next jump they ran through standard procedures. As expected this system which was recorded as being 3 mudballs and a dimming sun, actually had an ice planet, and 2 other planets with active yet hostile atmospheres.

The thing was, they actualy had a transmittion from the ICE planet... Not only could they refuel, but they could actually pick up some supplies...

They headed to the ice planet... One step closer to getting home. Maybe.

### to be continued.
Thanks for the update, Jodasi!

FWIW, I'm in the Baltimore/DC area - I'll drop you a PM about getting together sometime.
