Hi gang. I have a small universe and a small alternate history.
9 Aligned planets, like a small Imperium, 3 independent planets, and 3 axis planets (religious fanatic types)
My space game story line so far(4 runs)
Mostly veteran characters. Characters on a far trader( I think)-“The Iris”, with 3 banks of double laser cannons. Jump2, acceleration-1.
Characters mostly 10th level, 1 brigadeer general, one retired marine general, 1 doctor, 1 scout/surveyor, one professional/techie, one alienist.
Characters accept a diplomatic milk run to pick up a diplomatic pouch on an outer planet of this system(Liege world System) and deliver it to the home world of a system (New Foundland System) 3 sectors away.
They go to the outer system. Almost there, they get a powerful signal on their Scanner. Something caused their scanners to ‘pinned the needle’. It seemed like some sort of gravity spike. They did some investigation, and continued on their way. At the outer planet about 2 hours away from the registered spike they picked up the pouch, and inquired as to the oddness they found in their scanners. They found out 2 things are going on here. One: there is an odd shaped gravity well around this planets moon. This was on the star charts. The other thing that kicked off their scanners, the people on this planet detected it also. No one understands what that big register was on the scanners. The planetary reps tell the players that they will keep researching it and get back to them.
the players go towards the jump point. At 1g acceleration the jump point is about 4 hours away. They sail towards the jump point. A large allied systems cruiser hails them and notifies them that their ships transponder is sending out an ID which is identical to a ship which has been doing pirating in the area. They players check out their local logs and sure enough, they see in the news bulletins that their transponder is associated with pirating. Of course this is NOT possible, at the times of the pirating they were not even in the system. And they could prove these facts. They land their ship on the alliance cruiser deck and await clearance of the confusion.
Some time during the waiting period the cruiser is attacked by a decloaking ship. The players manage to narrowly escape the attack when the "abandon ship all hands" signal comes thru on the loud speaker.
The Cruiser launches its fighters and the players ship "the Iris" makes another getaway. the cruiser is being attacked by a ship about 4 times the size of a scout, shaped like a diamond. At some point the large alien ship breaks up into 4 scouts and begins chasing the players ship.
the players fire back at the chasing marauders, they disable 3 of the scout ships and blow up the fourth. About 1 minute to jump, the engineer informs the crew that a creature was in the bottom of the diplomatic pouch (size of a steamer trunk) and has made its way into the engine area.
Around this time, the navigator has problems with locking down the jump coordinates. IT seems that there is a program running in the navigator computer that is over riding his computer.
They give up, they accept the jump point. In the engine room the engineer grabs on to the creature which has attached its self to the top of the jump drive shell. The engineer is covered in a mysterious green glow, as the creature defends itself. The marine comes climbs up above the creature on the jump drive shell and blasts it to smithereens.
the engineer slumps down unconscious. Lucky he wasn’t hit.
1 minute to jump, the players strap themselves in for the jump.
Uncertain that they will survive the jump they pray that they are not jumping into the sun. how bad could it be... the farthest they can go is only 2 systems away...
This is were I stopped the first run.
Let me know if you want to hear the rest.
9 Aligned planets, like a small Imperium, 3 independent planets, and 3 axis planets (religious fanatic types)
My space game story line so far(4 runs)
Mostly veteran characters. Characters on a far trader( I think)-“The Iris”, with 3 banks of double laser cannons. Jump2, acceleration-1.
Characters mostly 10th level, 1 brigadeer general, one retired marine general, 1 doctor, 1 scout/surveyor, one professional/techie, one alienist.
Characters accept a diplomatic milk run to pick up a diplomatic pouch on an outer planet of this system(Liege world System) and deliver it to the home world of a system (New Foundland System) 3 sectors away.
They go to the outer system. Almost there, they get a powerful signal on their Scanner. Something caused their scanners to ‘pinned the needle’. It seemed like some sort of gravity spike. They did some investigation, and continued on their way. At the outer planet about 2 hours away from the registered spike they picked up the pouch, and inquired as to the oddness they found in their scanners. They found out 2 things are going on here. One: there is an odd shaped gravity well around this planets moon. This was on the star charts. The other thing that kicked off their scanners, the people on this planet detected it also. No one understands what that big register was on the scanners. The planetary reps tell the players that they will keep researching it and get back to them.
the players go towards the jump point. At 1g acceleration the jump point is about 4 hours away. They sail towards the jump point. A large allied systems cruiser hails them and notifies them that their ships transponder is sending out an ID which is identical to a ship which has been doing pirating in the area. They players check out their local logs and sure enough, they see in the news bulletins that their transponder is associated with pirating. Of course this is NOT possible, at the times of the pirating they were not even in the system. And they could prove these facts. They land their ship on the alliance cruiser deck and await clearance of the confusion.
Some time during the waiting period the cruiser is attacked by a decloaking ship. The players manage to narrowly escape the attack when the "abandon ship all hands" signal comes thru on the loud speaker.
The Cruiser launches its fighters and the players ship "the Iris" makes another getaway. the cruiser is being attacked by a ship about 4 times the size of a scout, shaped like a diamond. At some point the large alien ship breaks up into 4 scouts and begins chasing the players ship.
the players fire back at the chasing marauders, they disable 3 of the scout ships and blow up the fourth. About 1 minute to jump, the engineer informs the crew that a creature was in the bottom of the diplomatic pouch (size of a steamer trunk) and has made its way into the engine area.
Around this time, the navigator has problems with locking down the jump coordinates. IT seems that there is a program running in the navigator computer that is over riding his computer.
They give up, they accept the jump point. In the engine room the engineer grabs on to the creature which has attached its self to the top of the jump drive shell. The engineer is covered in a mysterious green glow, as the creature defends itself. The marine comes climbs up above the creature on the jump drive shell and blasts it to smithereens.
the engineer slumps down unconscious. Lucky he wasn’t hit.
1 minute to jump, the players strap themselves in for the jump.
Uncertain that they will survive the jump they pray that they are not jumping into the sun. how bad could it be... the farthest they can go is only 2 systems away...
This is were I stopped the first run.
Let me know if you want to hear the rest.