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A D20 skills question.


A question about multi-classing. Once you get a skill as a class skill, does it forever remain a class skill, or only when you're gaining a level in that class?
Originally posted by Cphonxs:
A question about multi-classing. Once you get a skill as a class skill, does it forever remain a class skill, or only when you're gaining a level in that class?
It is always a class skill.


I would have thought that the Class skills would only apply to your current class.

If you have a rogue character then one of your class skills is Move Silently. As a rogue this may be the sort of thing you do often so it shouldn't cost many skill points to increase.
However at a later time if you change class to Academic then Move Silently wouldn't be something you concentrate your efforts on so it seems logical that it would cost more to improve, therefore becoming a Cross Class skill again.

As an Academic you still have the ability to Move Silently but because your interests are elsewhere I think it should be harder to increase older skills.

Just a thought.....
Originally posted by Falcon:

I would have thought that the Class skills would only apply to your current class.
I think that's correct - in D&D, when you go up a level and increase a class, then the skills of the class you just raised are the class skills, and any others are cross-class. Now, with T20 giving Homeworld skills as class skill, these presumably count as class skill for ANY class, since they are really background skillsnot tied to any particular class.


Ive been pondering this topic myself, trying to decide what to do in my campaign. I know how it works in D&D (a skill is a class skill only for the levels and skill points its "actually" a class skill in your list) but in T20 with prior history its just soooo much easier to say "once a class skill, always a class skill". Depending on your campaign, the before mentioned approach could be a license for min/max people to make some obscene characters. Ive already seen a few.

Does it state in the T20 book anywhere how it works?

I kinda like all my PCs to be well rounded in the skill department. Since its so deadly, redundancy is a good thing. All in all I guess im saying its your world, so do what feels right.
Originally posted by Starwalker:
Does it state in the T20 book anywhere how it works?
I don't remember seeing it discussed anywhere in T20, so I was just going back to the default of the D&D PHB. But, as you say, YCMV.
Originally posted by Mark B.:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Starwalker:
Does it state in the T20 book anywhere how it works?
I don't remember seeing it discussed anywhere in T20, so I was just going back to the default of the D&D PHB. But, as you say, YCMV. </font>[/QUOTE]This is what you're supposed to do. If the T20 book doesn't specifically supercede a PHB rule, then the PHB rule applies.

This particular case has gotten a lot of board time over the last two+ years. For T20, the homeworld skills are always purchased at 1-to-1, regardless of class being taken, and always have a maximum rank of character level + 3.

If a skill has *ever* been a class skill, it's maximum rank is character level + 3. The only exception to this is exclusive skills, which have a maximum rank of applicable class level(s) +3.

Purchasing a skill rank during a level-up is 1-to-1 if the skill is a class or exclusive skill for the class you are leveling up in, 2-to-1 if it is cross class, and not doable if it is an exclusive skill that the class doesn't have access to.
Originally posted by Cphonxs:
A question about multi-classing. Once you get a skill as a class skill, does it forever remain a class skill, or only when you're gaining a level in that class?
According the to D20 Modern book (a core sourcebook), on page 41, under multitasking:

The character in question, a 4th level Smart Hero, on reaching 10,000XP, decides to spend his 5th level on 1st level Strong Hero. Here is the relevant quote:

"When purchasing skills for this new level, Brandon uses the Strong hero's class skills to determine whether a skill point buys 1 rank or 1/2 rank. If he want to add ranks to one of the Smart hero's class skills, that skill is considered a cross-class skill for him at this level."