Rhialto the Marvelous
What are the Zhos like in your TU? I ask because I'm preparing a campaign in which I want to differentiate them more than usual. I.e., there are good ones and bad ones--the Consulate is not a monolithic society. I want to make them more human, less cookie cutter.
It's not easy. IMHO the published material lets you down here...
For example, we are told the Zhos are "honest." Well, honest about what? What belief is it that they are expressing so honestly? A belief in honesty? So they are honest about being honest.
Or we're told they value "duty." Duty in the service of what? The Consulate. Why? Because it's great. What makes it great? It values duty. So the Zhos dutifully serve duty.
Apart from the contradictions, how do these abstract values translate into a real person? A guy who's differetn from other guys even though they're holding the same beliefs?
It's not easy. IMHO the published material lets you down here...
For example, we are told the Zhos are "honest." Well, honest about what? What belief is it that they are expressing so honestly? A belief in honesty? So they are honest about being honest.
Or we're told they value "duty." Duty in the service of what? The Consulate. Why? Because it's great. What makes it great? It values duty. So the Zhos dutifully serve duty.
Apart from the contradictions, how do these abstract values translate into a real person? A guy who's differetn from other guys even though they're holding the same beliefs?