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X-boat routes

On the sector maps availbale for download as PDF i noticed an item in the key maked as "X-Boat Route". I was just wondering what that is. The large majority of the planets seem to be 'lm' but the is also 'Xx' and 'IU'. Thanks!
Hi there. The maps up were the early versions. I have recently finished versions with borders, X-boat routes and error-correction done. Hopefully they should be up soon (though I'm not a company guy, so I can't speak as to when). The X-boats, BTW, are the Imperial news couriers that keep the Imperium updated on what is going on.

The Xx code is for independant worlds,a nd the IU is for Imperial Ursa cultural worlds.

Hi archer,

X-Boats are a (relatively) fast communications network running across the Imperium. Think Pony Express and you'll have the right idea. The basic network consists of (I think) small Jump-4 craft with 1 crew and no maneuver drive(!). The idea being that they jump into a system, squirt their information to the next waiting X-boat in the chain which jumps out to the next system. The incoming X-boat is then picked up by a tender, and refuelled ready for the next jump. Must be manned by fairly rugged (or slightly loopy) individuals who spend a week at a time in a small ship with no-one to talk to. Don't know why it's not automated...

Given that messages at this rate travel roughly 4 parsecs/week i.e. about 13 ly/week, it can still take a long time for news to cross the Imperium.

I would also suspect that the Navy and probably some megacorporations maintain a Jump-6 capable equivalent to keep ahead of the news...

hope that's useful,

Mark B
Lo Mark,

Imperial law requires that a starship must have at least 1 sophont crew member on board. Unfortunately, I cannot find the source document to cite the page number and such. The really bad thing is that I read the particular entry about a week ago. Of course non-Imperial affiliated governments are not restricted from using automated vessels, AI, and other adviced stuff.

Originally posted by Mark B.:
Hi archer,

X-Boats are a (relatively) fast communications network running across the Imperium. Think Pony Express and you'll have the right idea. The basic network consists of (I think) small Jump-4 craft with 1 crew and no maneuver drive(!). The idea being that they jump into a system, squirt their information to the next waiting X-boat in the chain which jumps out to the next system. The incoming X-boat is then picked up by a tender, and refuelled ready for the next jump. Must be manned by fairly rugged (or slightly loopy) individuals who spend a week at a time in a small ship with no-one to talk to. Don't know why it's not automated...

Given that messages at this rate travel roughly 4 parsecs/week i.e. about 13 ly/week, it can still take a long time for news to cross the Imperium.

I would also suspect that the Navy and probably some megacorporations maintain a Jump-6 capable equivalent to keep ahead of the news...

hope that's useful,

Mark B
Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Lo Mark,

Imperial law requires that a starship must have at least 1 sophont crew member on board. Unfortunately, I cannot find the source document to cite the page number and such. The really bad thing is that I read the particular entry about a week ago
Right, I guess that does make sense. I don't suppose you remember if the same applies to non-starships? I guess that it might. Just trying to create a scenario involving some robotic fuel scoopers and tankers...

Originally posted by Mark B.:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Lo Mark,

Imperial law requires that a starship must have at least 1 sophont crew member on board. Unfortunately, I cannot find the source document to cite the page number and such. The really bad thing is that I read the particular entry about a week ago
Right, I guess that does make sense. I don't suppose you remember if the same applies to non-starships? I guess that it might. Just trying to create a scenario involving some robotic fuel scoopers and tankers...

</font>[/QUOTE]Whoever is running the scoopers may be doing it with robots without Imperial authority.

Morning Mark B.,

Slight difference here. A starship can move between star systems. In system craft fall in a slightly different category. The robotic craft is being monitored from a safe and distant location by a sophont that can take over remotely if there are problems. However, within the Imperium anyway, there are restrictions on robots and robotic brains.

Originally posted by Mark B.:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Lo Mark,

Imperial law requires that a starship must have at least 1 sophont crew member on board. Unfortunately, I cannot find the source document to cite the page number and such. The really bad thing is that I read the particular entry about a week ago
Right, I guess that does make sense. I don't suppose you remember if the same applies to non-starships? I guess that it might. Just trying to create a scenario involving some robotic fuel scoopers and tankers...

Hello Hunter,

Before replying to the point you made I am going to go a little bit off topic.

First, thank-you for the assistance in several areas you and your associates have provided me since I've become a member here at CotI.

Next, despite what others have written about the Computer Design Sequence (CDS) is not broken. Though like most of the comments I've seen posted here and on the errata board there a fixes needed. I've spent sometimeworking through the system and have verified most of the data on computers in Chapter 13 Standard Designs, pp. 281-283 as being very close to the numbers in the CDS. Could you please check out this post:

Tom's back with Computer Design Sequence Questions?

Okay, with that done, back to the original thread.

As I stated in the my reply to Mark B. there is a difference between starships and in system craft in regard to using robotics or automated systems. In system a sophont is remotely monitoring the robotic brain controlling vehicle from a safe location and can take control if a glitch occurs. However, there are restrictions on the the abbilities a robot/robotic brain is able, at least within the Imperium borders, do.

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mark B.:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Lo Mark,

Imperial law requires that a starship must have at least 1 sophont crew member on board. Unfortunately, I cannot find the source document to cite the page number and such. The really bad thing is that I read the particular entry about a week ago
Right, I guess that does make sense. I don't suppose you remember if the same applies to non-starships? I guess that it might. Just trying to create a scenario involving some robotic fuel scoopers and tankers...

</font>[/QUOTE]Whoever is running the scoopers may be doing it with robots without Imperial authority.

Originally posted by Thomas Rux:
Morning Mark B.,

Slight difference here. A starship can move between star systems. In system craft fall in a slightly different category. The robotic craft is being monitored from a safe and distant location by a sophont that can take over remotely if there are problems. However, within the Imperium anyway, there are restrictions on robots and robotic brains.
Ha again,

Ok, then I'll go ahead with what I was thinking - basically I wanted an interlude for the PCs involving some problem solving without combat - so I'm working on the basis of a company with a frachise to supply refined fuel to the mainworld orbital stations. They have a refinery in orbit round the GG, and 3 tankers. The tankers cycle around from mainworld to GG automatically, taking 6 days out, 4 days to fill, 6 days in, 2 days to unload. Difficulties start when the PCs notice a tanker venting hydrogen as they pass nearby, which can involve them in trying to patch it, and/or getting access to the onboard systems to pump fuel out of the affected tanker section. The company station have a launch, but would be several days away at 1G, whereas the PCs are on the spot. Of course they are having to do things with a message lag of several minutes...

It's a chance for them to make some friends and pick up some information that might be useful to them later on. Once I get the details worked out I may post the whole thing as something that could be dropped in to an ongoing campaign.


Hi all, I'm new, but I thought I'd through in my 2 Cr.

Aside from Imperial law (which I know nothing about) automating the Xboats would leave the problem of piracy (an unmanned ship is easy to 'appropriate' and at least in modern maritime law is open to be claimed as salvage). Also, in case of a misjump, an automated ship would be left totally helpless, whereas with the single crewperson, they may be able to contact someone for help.