I was playing a little Savage Worlds over the weekend, and it struck me funny that we were doing Wound Levels back in the late 80s with WEG Star Wars d6. Then I started thinking - It would be really nice to have a simple wound level mechanic for Classic Traveller when you wanted to keep it as a miniature game.
Has anyone port a dice roll mechanic like the Toughness role over mechanic from Savage Worlds or WEG Star Wars d6? I tried to come up with something based on the Traveller END value; however, I am not sure what is a good starting point for the 'thresholds' over END.
for example from WEG Star Wars D6 1st edition
Since I have no clue how to do this, would I just base my roles off (7), the average of 2d6? I did not want to start adding dice to the damage mechanic, so I was thinking a combat table based upon 2d6 roles.
This would provide less book keeping for miniatures, and could use color tokens (green or blue, yellow, red, black) on a hex map next to the miniatures.
Has anyone port a dice roll mechanic like the Toughness role over mechanic from Savage Worlds or WEG Star Wars d6? I tried to come up with something based on the Traveller END value; however, I am not sure what is a good starting point for the 'thresholds' over END.
for example from WEG Star Wars D6 1st edition
DR < SR | stun
DR >= SR | wound
DR > 2xSR | incapacitate
DR > 3xSR | mortal Wound
Since I have no clue how to do this, would I just base my roles off (7), the average of 2d6? I did not want to start adding dice to the damage mechanic, so I was thinking a combat table based upon 2d6 roles.
This would provide less book keeping for miniatures, and could use color tokens (green or blue, yellow, red, black) on a hex map next to the miniatures.