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World Population (World Design)

Just want to know if I'm doing this right.

The pop digit is the number of zeros following a one, so a pop 3 world has 1000 inhabitants. I got that, no problem.

The kink comes into play when dealing with the population exponent, on page 377. It states that the pop exponent is used as a multiplier against the base pop digit (which I assume is 3 in the above example). This is determined by rolling 1d10-1, treat 0 as 1 (except for Pop 0).

My question is, how does this work. Is it the number rolled added like the zeros based on the base digit (rolled a 5, so 1555) or what?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Originally posted by Sapphire Magus:
My question is, how does this work. Is it the number rolled added like the zeros based on the base digit (rolled a 5, so 1555) or what?

Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Basically the number is multiplied, so the 1000 becomes 5000 (if a 5 is rolled). It is limited to 1-9 so that you don't end up with 1000 becoming 10000 - which would actually bump the base pop digit up one.
Ah, I see. So it's always in exponents of 10? I suppose if you really wanted to get picky you could roll 1d10-1 for each 0 in the number, although that's probably more detailed than most people care for, lol.

Thanks for the clarification!