Maspy sez..."Belters, baby! That's who. But I don't bring back info unless the price is right."
"And how much would be a "right price?" (the men in the Black trenchcoats (TL-14 leather-look-alike Ballistic weave turn to listen closer...)
"All the talents of a scout, none of the formalities. No chain of command, no bureaucracy to report to. "
And no back up when you discover that fencing your info has you wanted and running in six or more systems from (A) IMOJ; (B) INI, (C) IN, (D) the Megacoporations goons, (E) The sector Colonial Navies (F), The Vargr & Swordies...I could go on lad, but lets not...just yet shall we
"The only resources I can call upon are the swiftness of my ship, the power of my slug thrower and the wits I must keep honed.
I slip past Navy patrols into red zones. I live in Zero-G. Hostile environment? Pass the ammo and break out the bocci balls. "
"A Swift Belter's ship???" Spend the money on the stealth & sensor suite first. In the land of big angry fish (starships that is), Hiding is first priority!);
There is no luck in belting.
But it happens though, they tell me...
If you meet a retired Freelance Belter, you know he is a) good or b) dead and thank you for the flowers.
YOu forgot, (C) or gone mad from staring at the stars, half in a bottle half in the next world from talking to him/herself for months on end.
Me? My volleyball is good company, as are the Ship's cats (2 thank you, happily bonded to one another, and boss me around fer sure.)
Scouts Out Front!
("If'n ye cannae hang with the big dogs, Stay on th' porch"-Papa Micheal O'connor Rourke, Hefry/Regina/Spinward Marches, circa 1089, to hs youngun's.