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Why Ley Sector?


Not that I'm against it. Actually adventuring somewhere besides the Spinward Marches sounds great.

I'm just curious as to why Ley was selected. Any interesting astrographic features? I don't even rightly recall where it is. Is it near Core?

I'm looking forward to the sector guide!
Originally posted by Christopher Griffen:
Not that I'm against it. Actually adventuring somewhere besides the Spinward Marches sounds great.

I'm just curious as to why Ley was selected. Any interesting astrographic features? I don't even rightly recall where it is. Is it near Core?

I'm looking forward to the sector guide!
Because its there?

Actually my guess (and it is just a guess) is that because its a frontier, is close to the Vargr and has a nearby major power or two (the Julian Federation and the Two Thousand Worlds) with lots of pocket empires and individual worlds inbetween for intrigue and adventure.
I think Ley Sector is a great choice. It brings me back to the days when I was saving all my lawn mowing money to go buy the Judge's Guild Ley Sector supplement (I never did get it) back in like 1982.
In part because I bought the rights to all of the old JG Traveller and Science Fiction material, which means I literally own Ley sector (and three others) ;)

The other being as AMV mentioned above, the fact that it is about the only other real 'frontier' on the Imperial borders. It has the additional advantage of anything we do being all new material. The last thing I wanted to do was simply rehash all of the old Traveller material.

Don't forget though, we are also working on a supplement for TNE that will once again start moving the official Traveller timeline forward.

Originally posted by hunter:
which means I literally own Ley sector (and three others) ;)
You know,

...it's incredibly geeky, but someone I like the sound of someone saying they own 'three sectors' of space, even if it's imaginary ones. :cool:

It's just fun to think about, know what I mean?

Kinda like having a 'geek' moment on that one US Subs website and what you would like to do if you have the money - buy a luxary submarine and then game in it, with some friends, while holding at 100 meters below the surface of the Pacific. :D

To paraphrase - if you're a geek and you know it, clap your hands. ;)
Originally posted by Robert N. Emerson:

Kinda like having a 'geek' moment on that one US Subs website and what you would like to do if you have the money - buy a luxary submarine and then game in it, with some friends, while holding at 100 meters below the surface of the Pacific. :D
Ya know, I thought like you did till I was stationed on one. Luxury and Submarine are two words that cancel themeselves out. Relaxation and submarine are two others. Sleep and submarine are two...

Originally posted by hunter:
In part because I bought the rights to all of the old JG Traveller and Science Fiction material, which means I literally own Ley sector (and three others) ;)

Gee, Hunter, does that make you an Archduke???
Originally posted by Rodina:
What did Judge's Guild do, again? Ley, Reaver's Deep and Dark Nebula? Did they do an Old Expanses?
Judges Guild originally produced Ley, Maranantha-Alkahest (now Gateway), Glimmerdrift Reaches, and Crucis Margin Sectors. All of them were declared non-canon later.

Originally posted by Commonman:
I don't know, I was planning on using the reprinted CT stuff and play T20 in CT.
Certainly no reason you can't do that. Lord knows there is already a ton of material to work with!

Originally posted by hunter:
Certainly no reason you can't do that. Lord knows there is already a ton of material to work with!

Hell Yeah! Remember that since all the versions (except GT, wich has conversion details) use the same UWP codes, the background can be dropped form any era into your rules of choice.

If you want to, you could even play in the Virus era, fighting that threat to humanity VIRUS! :D I love vir.....[SolSec has incaserated the author of this post for being too silly to be allowed to contine]
I bought a few adventures set in the Reaver's Deep section (I remember one was called Action Aboard), and they were done by FASA.
Originally posted by RabidVargr:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Robert N. Emerson:

Kinda like having a 'geek' moment on that one US Subs website and what you would like to do if you have the money - buy a luxary submarine and then game in it, with some friends, while holding at 100 meters below the surface of the Pacific. :D
Ya know, I thought like you did till I was stationed on one. Luxury and Submarine are two words that cancel themeselves out. Relaxation and submarine are two others. Sleep and submarine are two...

</font>[/QUOTE]Try this submarine... :D

Phoenix 1000 Luxury Submersible

Simon Jester
Originally posted by Rodina:
Okay, then who did the Reaver's Deep stuff? Far Traveller?
Reaver's Deep was granted to the prolific brothers Keith (William H. and J. Andrew) and most of their stuff was set there. This included: Far Traveller magazine (published by FASA, but the Keiths provided all of the content), "Night of Conquest" (part 2 of GDW's Double Adventure 6), all of the Gamelords, Ltd. Traveller adventures (The Drenslaar Quest, Ascent to Anekthor, Duneraiders, Pilot's Guide to Drexilthar Subsector), at least 2 of the Marischal Adventures folios ("Trading Team" and "Escape"), and portions of the Cargonaut Press "Keith Brothers' Lost Supplements" collection (the adventure portions of Scam and Letter of Marque, and, of course, the Reaver's Deep Sector guidebook). "A Pilot's Guide to Caledon Subsector" (by J. Andrew Keith) also appeared in an early issue of The Traveller Chronicle.
The Drenslarr Quest -- that was a cool adventure. Our characters got diving skills, and some bad-ass armor and weapons -- all in one fell swoop.
I can't wait for another sector.

Currently I am running a campaign in the Spinward Marches, with the possibility of doing a grand tour of the Imperium with the final destination Terra. The Ley Sector could give me a nice side trip (As if a year + detour is a side trip ;) ).

One question I have is what is the ETA on release for Ley?