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Why does FFE 05 not have "Tarsus?"

Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
I just realized that the Tarsus modual was not included in FFE 05, the games modual. Was there a reason for this?
Originally posted by Blue Ghost:
I just realized that the Tarsus modual was not included in FFE 05, the games modual. Was there a reason for this?
Tarsus wasn't a stand-alone game. It was a boxed Traveller adventure. If anywhere it should have been in the Adventures reprint. There was a fair bit of documentation to it and it was not the same format as the other adventures, so that is likely why it was not included.

Because, despite its box, Tarsus was an adventure module, not a board/miniatures/tabletop game like those included in FFE005. Thus, it's proper location is 'The Classic Modules' (alongside Beltstrike, Spinward Marches Campaign, et al -- all the 8.5x11 format CT product except for the Alien Modules and The Traveller Book & Adventure), which is scheduled as, IIRC, FFE009.
Ah. I see now. I was doing some "spring cleaning" and came across my old Tarsus Modual (mostly complete), and that thought of why I hadn't seen it in any of the reprints crossed my mind.

Thanks for the illumination
Originally posted by hunter:
Tarsus wasn't a stand-alone game. It was a boxed Traveller adventure. If anywhere it should have been in the Adventures reprint. There was a fair bit of documentation to it and it was not the same format as the other adventures, so that is likely why it was not included.
Well, it wasn't the same format as the other modules included in FFE 005, but it is in the same format as Beltstrike -- a boxed, in depth campaign setting with ready made adventures.

If you go by this page at FFE it looks like FFE 0009 is entitled The Modules.

"The Traveller Canon" section at the beginning of The Classic Adventures lists "The Modules", M1-M5 as being Tarsus, Beltstrike (both boxed), Spinward Marches Campaign, Atlas of the Imperium, and Alien Realms.

I'm guessing it'll turn up in that volume. When that volume will show up I have no idea, however :/ -- I've had no luck finding out how out of date that page is (fairly out of date, I'd guess, as the previous pages seem to indicate that the first two JTAS reprints would be out in Jan. and Feb. of 2002 and they're just showing up now...)

If I had to guess, I'd say we'll see FFE 0009 by the end of calendar 2002 if we're lucky :/