I agree, on the surface, for a first read through, they seem OK. It's only after you drive it off the lot that you find the problems.
Try to answer these questions:
In what circumstance would you use SnapFire rather than AutoFire?
How would you resolve a fist fight in a bar between three PCs and three NPCs?
You've got three PCs with six shot revolvers that do 1D damage. They're in a good defensive position. But, 22 native NPCs, without weapons, will rush them. Can you tell me how the NPCs will win this fight without taking a single hit to any one of them?
If a weapon is capable of burst fire, then why would a PC ever use the single fire option?
Can a PC using a standard pump action shotgun fire and move in the same combat round? Can a PC with an M-16 move and fire in the same round?
What's more deadly? A gunshot wound from a revolver or a single stab from a dagger?
What does the damage type PEN mean?
If an NPC wears standard Cloth armor, what type of weapon will it take to have a chance of inflicting even 1 point of damage?
Start answering those questions, and you will get a better idea of what T5 combat has under the hood.
