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What, no "T5 is Here"?


For the previous two years (at least), the tradition has been for someone to post "I've got my T5!", "T5 is here!" or the like on April 1st. I for one almost fell for the first one (I was young and naive then, now I'm old and experienced
). My question is: is the publishing of T5 now so far-fetched that no one even tries to make an April Fools joke out of it? (Of course, the likely answer to that is that it's an old joke by now, but hey, my question still stands.)

I posted on another sub-forum about the absence of MWM and new reprints (there's no mention of new reprints at all on Far Future's site) and the situation now seems quite bleak. I'm not that much calling out for the publication of T5(*), but for the continuation of the reprints series - at least some info on the future of the reprints would be appreciated.

(*) While T5 interests me, I'm not exactly holding my breath for it. If it gets done, great. I'll most probably buy it. But in the meantime, c'mon, let's get on with the reprints, please!
Your post echoes most sentiments here.

T5 is cooking on the slow burner: I know for a fact that material is in development. It's not dead. But it is an old joke. And public uproar over its development has settled down in peoples' minds, especially since the playtest material at traveller5.com is quite old.

The reprints status: I don't know. I see the website has been updated again; perhaps that heralds something (?). The first set of reprints seem to have been popular enough; anyone have numbers available?
All I know is that the reprints used to sell out quite frequently. I personally bought an unstocked and unopened Volume 1 of JTAS reprints. Ditto with the second volume.

There're three, possibly four, gamestores in the local area, and only one still has a full stock of the reprints. How significant that is I don't know.

I do know that volume three of the JTAS is stated as being in the works. So hopefully things are just really busy at the business end of things. That and the servers seemed to be on the fritz, so I'm sure that's got the Traveller Gods tied up right now