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What is typical UWP of pirate havens?


SOC-14 1K
I'm trying to place a couple of pirate worlds in my campaign (for my players to stumble into later). But I cannot seem to find any reference or guideleines (at least in the CT Basic Books I have) as to what an "ideal" pirate haven should be.

Basically, I envision a planet where the space pirates are harbored by the locals.

So far, the only thing I can think of is having LOW Law Level, and a fairly liberal form of government (not too authoritarian). Maybe having a reasonanle Starport helps (type A B C) to refuel and repair injured corsairs.

Anything else I should consider?
I would look at placing them just outside of Imperial borders too.

There have been a couple of articles abot this over the years, I'll try and dig out some references if that's of any help.

Or post a précis.
Ideally, the actual pirate base would be somewhere dark and unknown. A small moon orbiting a GG around a BD, maybe. Somewhere close by to several systems that are "target-rich".

The "local" hangouts would be in that low LL system, somewhere. But, there would have to be enough of a merchant presence to move their ill-gotten gains, an ability to chop ships, plenty of places to sing "Yo-ho-ho", etc.
Let´s see... low law level is a no-brainer.
Government digit of 0-7 or so.
TL 9-12 - less than 9, and they can´t support pirate starships, more than 12, and they´d probably have too much firepower of their own for the pirates to be comfortable with.
Mid-level population (UWP digit 4-6, I´d say), enough to provide R&R,labor, recruits and/or a market for some of plunder, but not too much for the pirates to control if things go sour.
Decent starport, but not so good as to draw attention - I guess type C would be ideal.
Located 2-3 jumps from the next main or important trade route - near enough to conveniently reach it, but far enough that they don´t have Navy patrols around every other week.
I agree with Chaos' assessment. Good job!

And ditto Sigg's sentiment about borders attracting rogue elements.
You could have a higher population if it were a balkanized world that routinely uses privateers as supplements to the local forces. Telling pirate from privateer becomes quite difficult under those conditions. Thrown in a few corrupt or ineffectual local authorities and you got yourself a recipe for a pirate heaven.

System: Nevis
Bases: none
Gas Giant: Yes
Starport: C
Size: 8
Atmosphere: 6
Hydrographics: 6
Population: 8
Law Level: 3-4
Government: 7
Tech Level 9-B
After a protracted civil war during the 900s this planet’s political landscape has permanently fractured into six separate governments on the mainworld with a further three independent colonies scattered throughout the system.
The last pirate haven I used was a partially restored battleship that had been abandoned in the feild. The front half was partially intact, the rear half (drives and engineering) had been destroyed.

The hangar launch decks had been converted into an inpromptu service/repair/docking area for corsairs. The weapon systems had been partially re-enabled as well.

The star system only had asteroid belts and GG's, no rocky planets big enough to land on. It was however quite close to several shiping lines.

(Edit) The UWP of the system indicated no inhabitants, at least no one of record.
What (pick one):
  • Asteroid</font>
  • GG moon</font>
  • Planet (starport C, pop 4-6, govt 0-6, TL 9-12)</font>
  • Planet (starport C, pop 4-8+, govt 7, TL 9-12)</font>
  • Large space hulk</font>
Where (pick one):
  • Just over the Imperial border</font>
  • Within a few parsecs of good 'hunting grounds'</font>
  • Deep space</font>
I once used an old 10,000 dTon derelict tanker (J3) as a pirate base.
They had a dry dock in the nose (2,000 dTon) and carried enough fuel for 1 year of operations before they had to travel to some remote system with a gas giant where they would refuel.

They looked legitimate enough to travel into distant ports and do trades and pick up spare parts then head back into space to pick up more cargo.
Any old Oort cloud body could reasonably host a haven. Gently nudging several oort bodies together, coupled with using the hulls of prizes as modules for a base, could result in an eclectic assortment of areas, but well outside the normal patrol zone.

If one had a legitimate claim on said ball of ice, and occasionally sends in a shipment of refined Hydrogen, a dry mainworld might even ignore the number of other ships that are there.
A deep space cometary body. Difficult to find and a source of fuel all in one. Personnel will gradually drift there over a long time once it is established, since the denizens of the base would want to keep it secret. Any hostages from the pirated ships could be kept here as well for slave labor or until someone pays the ransom money for them. If it lasts for more than a generation, the kids will grow up to be pirates themselves.

The only catch will be reselling the loot. It would probably be good to have a world from a neutral or hostile interstellar nation involved to provide a "clearing house" for the stolen goods.
Why would a deep space cometary body be at all useful for pirates? Not only is it a long burn away at several gees acceleration, but you're also heading away from strong EM output in the form of suns, planets, GGs and the like, and you're heading to a spot where there is nothing to hide or obscure your EM signature. Your starship will effectively be lit up like a christmas tree. Oh sure, to the naked eye you won't see anything, but sensors will show the only source of radiation coming from your engines.

The best spot for a pirate base is a spot that is close to the traders. An asteroid base in a belt of thousands, a GG moon, or some planetary base is the best bet. Taking over derelict space stations as well.

But out in deep space you're not 'hiding' from anything.
Originally posted by stofsk:
Why would a deep space cometary body be at all useful for pirates? Not only is it a long burn away at several gees acceleration, but you're also heading away from strong EM output in the form of suns, planets, GGs and the like, and you're heading to a spot where there is nothing to hide or obscure your EM signature. Your starship will effectively be lit up like a christmas tree. Oh sure, to the naked eye you won't see anything, but sensors will show the only source of radiation coming from your engines.

The best spot for a pirate base is a spot that is close to the traders. An asteroid base in a belt of thousands, a GG moon, or some planetary base is the best bet. Taking over derelict space stations as well.

But out in deep space you're not 'hiding' from anything.
A deep space body appeals to me because an empty hex is so vast that you can hide a 100 km diameter object in one with a pretty good chance of it not being detected until you are within about 5 million kilometers of it.

A ship near a source of EM noise will be illuminated by that noise as easily as it can be lost in it. In a deep space hex, that EM noise generated by a ship will be lost in the background due to distance. I'm also thinking that a ship would jump there instead of thrusting there.

Now, picking a spot that is close to traders also makes it close to patrols as well. A double-edged sword.

Actually, you've made me think about this and I'd probably not attack ships at all if I were a pirate, but attack small worlds and planets or moons with a population code of 1 or 2 instead. They seem like they would be easier targets.
Hmm, and now we know why Pixie (0303 Regina Subsector) has a class A starport and Navy base

It's to protect the dozen odd citizens from pierats, arr...


Arr, I ken feel global warming retreating alrady

Say mate, when is talk like a pierat day anyway? :confused:

Ah, September Nine and Teen, must mark that on me calandar...


...that aught ta do it
Originally posted by stofsk:
Why would a deep space cometary body be at all useful for pirates? Not only is it a long burn away at several gees acceleration, but you're also heading away from strong EM output in the form of suns, planets, GGs and the like, and you're heading to a spot where there is nothing to hide or obscure your EM signature.
You want to b somewhere where the authorities will not be expecting to find you.

Originally posted by stofsk:
Your starship will effectively be lit up like a christmas tree. Oh sure, to the naked eye you won't see anything, but sensors will show the only source of radiation coming from your engines.
When you are the only signature in a hex square anybody who comes into your square will be light up like a Christmas tree. You can see friend or foe from waaaaay out.

Originally posted by stofsk:
The best spot for a pirate base is a spot that is close to the traders. An asteroid base in a belt of thousands, a GG moon, or some planetary base is the best bet. Taking over derelict space stations as well.
The best spot for Pirates is right inbetween the trade routes (where you find cargos) and trade centers (where you get rid of cargos).

If you can find an astral body to build on out in an empty hex that is off a trade route and on the border with people not friendly with the Imperium, you have found a very happy home.

You have to be careful about where you practice your piracy and how often. You do not want to call too much attention to yourself or operate in one location too often. If the authorities start searching for the pirates or their base you could be in big trouble. Your base needs to be well defended.

Perhaps you could convince that government that is not Imperial friendly to allow you to have / build a base in their territory as long as you practice your trade across the border. In exchange for your not disturbing their trade they could offer you protection of some kind (weapons, SDB’s, diplomatic immunity for you and your senior staff, etc).
An old TMLer calculated that capturing one small craft from a ship (presuming small craft have a higher fence percentage and therefore high value for pirates) would pay all expenses for years (or, perhaps just one year, I don't recall), as well as potentially supplying spare parts.

So, a 30 ton ship's boat taken each year, from a rotated set of trade routes, can keep pirates extremely happy.
Small craft, air/rafts, ATVs - they all prime targets to become pirate booty.

I had a group of players once who would steal vehicles from the bad guys at every opportunity so that they could ship them offworld and then sell them.
I think of starships as automobiles or mobile homes -- they're hard to steal unless you have a chop shop handy. But small craft and vehicles to me are like our ATVs and motorbikes: much easier to fence.
Ummm... Wouldn't a "deep space cometary body" be in motion (relative to those trade routes/worlds)? Or, am I misunderstanding "cometary"?