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What happens when you jump?


SOC-14 1K
I think i remember from somewhere that there is a sort of grey flowingness outside the window, that tends to make people a bit queasy.

I think the T4 adventures a longway home and its sequel had a description of what you could see.

The jump bubble extends about 1m from the hull, so you could crawl arround in a vacc suit if you wanted, but stick something through that barrier, and physics does not apply. You will also experience jump sickness / madness more if you are outside the hull. Not recommended.

OK, just got the T20 PHB the other day, and I'm looking at running a campaign. (This is after having TNE and, years ago, CT). One thing the books have been quiet on and which I'm sure must exist in canon or fiction somewhere - what happens when the pilot/astrogator pushes the big red button and the starship enters j-space? What do you see out of a viewport? What do the sensors show? What would happen if you put on a vacc-suit and went EVA while in jump? Any replies appreciated.

The dreams are haunting me to this day. Images of long dead starships, demons spurring fire, happiness and then depression. A stomach renching experience as you are between here and there. And, the voices, at first a low babble than a thousand voices crying out...then silence.

A sampling of what is possible, when Jump Sickness strikes. There is no agreement of what Jump Space is, save that is null space. There are indications that it is linked to psionics but not firm. Sensors would possibly just go dead, as everything they are designed to detect applies to normal space. Everything, that protrudes from the Jump Field is utterly destroyed...or is it.

Therefore, Jump Space is like when you are a passenger in airplane at night, you might notice anything with your flight but that doesn't mean that the trained professionals are not actively monitoring, avoiding and seeing things that you might not even dream about from your passenger seat.

You might want to look at Fading Suns for the Sathra Effect, for the effects of Jump Space on Humans. But, by the 57th century, when Traveller is set. There would be safeguards against going too far, into Jump Space.
There are some helpful comments in the leaving jump space topic.

There's also a friend's long forgotten and incomplete site, Jumpspace , check The Jumpspace Institute link. Don't bother e-mailing him, I'm sure that addy is long extinct and he has mostly put away his rpg'ing toys :rolleyes:
one of the very MINOR things that happen to ME when i "jump" a ship is the Iget either gas or the trots!!!!...wonder if its just "nerves"????
Originally posted by Anton:
- what happens when the pilot/astrogator pushes the big red button and the starship enters j-space? What do you see out of a viewport? What do the sensors show? What would happen if you put on a vacc-suit and went EVA while in jump? Any replies appreciated.Anton
The lurch from R-space/time to N-space & time, is one of the physical side effects almost all of us use, and has been decribed countless times OTU..
Agreed(with above posters)-the grey flowing stuff makes one a) queasy, b) uneasy, c) dizzy.
Sensors can detect see things 1m off the hull, nothing beyond it.
Madness and insanity from hearing voices/ seeing things has long been legendary amongst the Jump travellers lore. IMTU, I have those who can see the jump exit/ entry points. They are a fey lot, most have a neon glowing tattoo of a crescent moon, and three stars on their neck/ left cheek. To kill one of these is akin to the slaying of an albatross in wet Navy lore.
Well, I go up in the air about a couple inches, then come back down a half a second later with a resounding thud.

Oh, you meant Hyperspace Jump. Nevermind :D
Originally posted by plop101:
Well, I go up in the air about a couple inches, then come back down a half a second later with a resounding thud.

Oh, you meant Hyperspace Jump. Nevermind :D
<drum> Ba Dum Bum...

(thought about going there myself I did, but with all the other out of work comedians here...

(besides, I didn't want to scare Anton off on his first posting here, a belated welcome aboard Anton btw)

(hey what took so long anyway, it was a perfect set-up

We now return you to your previously selected thread already in progress...
It like goes grey dude and then I breath in the sleeping gas...................................................................................................................................
Besides the queasyness of the transition from realspace to jumpspace. I despise that shifting blue/black lightning that dances all over the ship and hides all else from view. For all I suppose we might be travlleing through some kids backyard on our way from Kinorb to Glisten. But then again, they just pay me to fly the news and bank records back and forth, back and forth...

I try not to think about it too much...
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

Madness and insanity from hearing voices/ seeing things has long been legendary amongst the Jump travellers lore. IMTU, I have those who can see the jump exit/ entry points. They are a fey lot, most have a neon glowing tattoo of a crescent moon, and three stars on their neck/ left cheek. To kill one of these is akin to the slaying of an albatross in wet Navy lore.
I really like this idea.Do you do this people as psi specials or something else?Also do the have bonus' for their astrogation rolls?
Originally posted by WarriorKnight:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Madness and insanity from hearing voices/ seeing things has long been legendary amongst the Jump travellers lore. IMTU, I have those who can see the jump exit/ entry points. They are a fey lot, most have a neon glowing tattoo of a crescent moon, and three stars on their neck/ left cheek. To kill one of these is akin to the slaying of an albatross in wet Navy lore.
I really like this idea.Do you do this people as psi specials or something else?Also do the have bonus' for their astrogation rolls? </font>[/QUOTE]++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

No not a psi special. This is a Free Trader/ Belter lore thing...I stole the idea from Merchanter's Luck/CJ Cherryh. The ones so afflicted are a wee fey, mad if you will,(crazy, etc) to some degree. But they can plot the insertion/ re-insertion points by sight(eyes).
They say we only use effectively 10% of our brains we humans.. imagine someone using another 10%...visually!
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

No not a psi special. This is a Free Trader/ Belter lore thing...I stole the idea from Merchanter's Luck/CJ Cherryh. The ones so afflicted are a wee fey, mad if you will,(crazy, etc) to some degree. But they can plot the insertion/ re-insertion points by sight(eyes).
They say we only use effectively 10% of our brains we humans.. imagine someone using another 10%...visually!
Cool, I'm going to have to get the book.Thanks Liam.
Hello Liam.
I like the pilot in the Chanurs series i think the last book, who can see into jump space and detect ships in it and navigate the fast routes.
I dont know who got there first but the chanur sound a lot like Aslan.
Originally posted by Lionel Deffries:
Hello Liam.
I like the pilot in the Chanurs series i think the last book, who can see into jump space and detect ships in it and navigate the fast routes.
I dont know who got there first but the chanur sound a lot like Aslan.
Greetings Lionel from down under!
CJ 's Hani are arguably very close to Aslan, and were among books listed as "recommended reading" once upon a time in the LBB era of traveller. (pride of Cahnur series); the astrogator with the "sight"/ gift, was in Merchanter's luck, also by CJ Cherryh. Very good reading, excellent SF, she gets my 5 star rating on her takes on aliens as aliens-not folks in funny suits (Star Trek)!

Btw, welcome to CoTI! ;)
I am not familiar with the mechanics of jump drives outside the Maranan Cluster. Our jump drives work on a 'Vectored Singularity Translation' principle - derived from research into localized gravity control.

Basically, when the pilot presses the red button, a gravity field is built up around the ship to such an intensity that the ship (and it's contents) become a singularity. The singularity always takes about a week to 'decay', at which time the ship re-emerges into realspace.

The intense gravity shear requires that the ship form it's collapsar field 100 diameters or more from any planetary or stellar objects.

If the gravity field is radially symetric, then the most probable location for re-emergence from hyperspace is at the point of entery. There is, however, a slight possibility that the exit point will be in a random location, time, or timeline.

The ship's drive systems allows a slight asymmetry to be introduced into the gravity field. This asymmetry is what gives the jump drive it's distance/direction vector. Asymmetries greater than those which allow jump-6 travel are inherently unstable with know technology, and always result in a misjump or complete destruction of the ship and it's contents.

Transit time takes about a week, and maximum distance travelled in realspace is about parsecs.

How do jump drives in other regions operate? I've heard rumors of one that literally 'rips' a hole between R-space and J-space, transits the ship between them, and then re-seals the hole. Another seems to use a sort of 'phasing', wherein matter is converted to hypermatter (whatever that is), and the re-converted at the destination.

... but I've digressed...

Within the singularities generated by our jump drives, there is nothing to see out the portholes, nothing shows up on radar, our radio equipment only receives it's own internal static, and our psionically-endowed crewmembers detect nothing beyond the event horizon.

Two ships engaging jump drive at the same time near each other cannot detect each other in jumpspace, unless their ships and drives are physically linked before and while jump drive is engaged.

If someone dons a vacc suit for EVA during jump, then they will be unaffected provided that they remain in contact with the ship's hull, or within about 10 meters of it's surface. If the person is outside during transition between R and J space, then they may become permanently lost.

I hope this answers some of your questions. Feel free to ask any others.

- Cpt. Keklas Rekobah, IIN (Ret.) -
A couple of other things worth mentioning...

When the ship becomes a singularity, observers will note a "Red Flash" as the ship transitions into J-space, and a "Blue Flash" as the ship exits. This has something to do with electromagnetic radiation impinging on or just outside of the event horizon as it expands or contracts at relativistic velocities.


"Any well-detailed plan for battle rarely survives the first engagement; usually because the enemy has other plans that are equally detailed."
I can handle getting jump-sick, it's nothing a little Dramamine can't handle. Like my momma used to tell me, "Son, if looking outside the window scares the crap out of you, what are you doing looking out there in the first place?"

Besides, you can always hide in the head-- ain't no windows to look out of in there. If you still get sick, the porcellain goddess is in there to keep you company. :(
A while ago my mate gave the impression that the jump is like the HyperSpace in Star Wars. Long white line forming a tunnel.

Also another idea could be like the jump things in Cowboy Bebop. Its Anime on Cnx if you can catch it